compiled by Barry MacHale
Action Taken at December 8, 2020 Meeting
Shall the council:
249. Authorize the executive to sign a $50,668 contract (amendment #7) with Action Cleaning Services of Bremerton for custodial services? At the 3/22/2016 meeting, vote #50, council voted to provide custodial services for seven satellite buildings: Central Shop and portable; Northwest Annex; Civic Center building; Central Plaza; Health Department; Forest Street; and the State Street annex. At the 6/16/2020 meeting, vote #93, council voted to add services for the sheriff’s Laurel Street station and the Whatcom Unified Emergency Command Center, as well as adding Covid-19 sanitizing services. This amendment will extend services until 12/31/2020, when a new custodial service bid is expected. The total amended contract is $986,501. (AB2020-551) Approved 7-0
250. Authorize the executive to sign a $490,948 contract with Pioneer Human Services of Seattle? The contract will provide operations services for the City Gate Permanent Supportive Housing Program. The program provides housing and case management services for 10 veterans experiencing chronic homelessness, 26 individuals released from state prison or county jail into homelessness and up to six participants in the county mental health court program at one time. Behavioral health services are also offered to the Lighthouse Mission under the contract; it expires on 12/31/2021. (AB2020-554) Approved 7-0
251. Authorize the executive to sign a $41,000 contract (amendment #2) with Pacific Security? This vote will provide security services at Motel 6 (3701 Byron Avenue) for the Covid-19 temporary housing facility. The total amended contract amount is $156,000; it expires on 12/30/2020. (AB2020-557) Approved 4-3, Tyler Byrd, Ben Elenbaas, and Kathy Kershner opposed.
252. Authorize the executive to sign a $114,172 contract with Lydia Place of Bellingham? The contract will fund four motel rooms to be made available year-round as emergency housing for families who are unsheltered, as well as supportive services. The contract expires on 12/31/2021. (AB2020-558) Approved 7-0
253. Authorize the executive to sign a $122,020 contract with YWCA Bellingham? The contract will provide five shelter beds for women aged 55 or older. Shelter stays are approximately six months and participants receive support with basic needs. The contract expires on 12/31/2021. (AB2020-559) Approved 7-0
254. Authorize the executive to sign a $92,095 contract with the Whatcom Conservation District for the Lake Whatcom Homeowner Incentive Program? At the 7/9/2013 meeting, vote #111, the council voted to partner with the city of Bellingham to reduce stormwater runoff and associated phosphorous pollution flowing into Lake Whatcom. Homeowners within the sub-basin are eligible to apply for $1,000 to $6,000 reimbursement for the installation of landscape features on their property to improve water quality, including: impervious surface and lawn removal; infiltration trenches; native plantings; porous paving; and rain gardens. For 2021, the county and city are transitioning to separate, self-funded homeowner incentive programs that will operate in coordination. This contract will extend the program through 12/31/2021, allowing for the transition to separate programs. (AB2020-561) Approved 7-0
255. Authorize the county executive to sign a $103,700 contract with GSI Water Solutions of Portland, Oregon? (Council acting as the Whatcom Flood Control District Board of Supervisors.) The contract will provide a peer review of the Lynden-Everson-Nooksack-Sumas numerical groundwater model, as well as recommendations for improvements and additional work. The model will evaluate groundwater and surface water interactions and exchanges, for the purposes of regional watershed planning. The contract expires on 6/30/2021. (AB2020-564) Approved 7-0
256. Authorize the executive to sign four contracts — totaling $494,992 — for staffing and operations of the Bellingham, Ferndale, Lynden, and Blaine Senior Activity Centers? The contracts are in the amount of $123,748 each and expire on 12/31/2022. The Bellingham contract is with the Council on Aging; the Lynden contract is with the city of Lynden; the Ferndale contract is with the Jet Oldsters Association and the Blaine contract is with the city of Blaine. (AB2020-570/71/72/73) Approved 7-0
257. Authorize the executive to sign a $796,701 contract with Opportunity Council? The contract will provide operations services for the Whatcom Homeless Service Center. At the 10/9/2007 meeting, vote #205, the county received a $1,398,638 state grant to create and operate the Whatcom Homeless Service Center. It was created to serve as a central point of entry for eligible county residents to apply for the homelessness prevention and re-housing services that are identified in the county Plan to End Homelessness, including rental assistance and case management. The contract expires on 6/30/2021. (AB2020-576) Approved 7-0
258. Authorize the executive to sign a contract not to exceed $381,438 with Axon Enterprise of Scottsdale, Arizona? The contract will provide body cameras for sheriff’s office deputies performing public duties. The contract includes the camera equipment and accessories plus five-years of cloud storage and technical support. (AB2020-577) Approved 7-0
259. Approve the 2021 collective bargaining agreement with the Teamsters’ Local Union No. 231? The agreement includes 453 county employees, including: administrative services; elected offices; courts staff; health department clerical staff; parks and recreation; public defenders, public works, and clerical staff at the health department, sheriff’s office and WSU Extension office. The agreement includes: no cost-of-living adjustment; an increase in the monthly medical contribution from $1,271 to $1,291; a change of dental plans; and an agreement by the county to reduce future costs by prioritizing hiring freezes and spending reductions before furloughs and layoffs. The agreement runs from 1/1/2021 to 12/31/2021 (AB2020-578) Approved 7-0
260. Extend the 2019-2020 collective bargaining agreement with PROTEC17 for one year? The agreement runs from 1/1/2021 to 12/31/2021. The agreement includes 21 professional and technical employees in the health department. The agreement includes: no cost-of-living adjustment; transition from self-insured medical plan to Teamsters plan, a change of dental plans; and an agreement by the county to reduce future costs by prioritizing hiring freezes and spending reductions before furloughs and layoffs. (AB2020-582) Approved 7-0
261. Authorize the executive to sign a two-year contract not to exceed $796,260 with the Whatcom Humane Society? The contract will provide animal control and shelter services, including: housing, administrative regulations, enforcement, and penalties pursuant to applicable laws. The contract shall not to exceed $398,130 per year; it expires on 12/31/2022. (AB2020-583) Approved 7-0
262. Authorize the executive to sign a 10-year contract for $4,683,164 with Stryker, Inc of Kalamazoo, Michigan? The contract will fund package purchase of EMS capital equipment including; defibrillators, monitors, powerlift gurneys, powerlifts, monitors, as well as calibration, maintenance, and software upgrade services to support the equipment package. There will be 10 yearly payments of $468,316, the contract will expire on 12/31/2030. (AB2020-585) Approved 6-1, Tyler Byrd abstained.
263. Authorize the executive to sign a $40,000 contract (amendment #2) with Service Master Cleaning? This vote will provide cleaning services at Motel 6 (3701 Byron Avenue) for the Covid-19 temporary housing facility. The amendment will increase the rate per unit cleaned by $25 to reflect additional time necessary to clean floors. The total amended contract is $150,000; it expires on 12/30/2020. (AB2020-586) Approved 5-2, Tyler Byrd and Ben Elenbaas opposed.
264. Authorize the executive to sign a $383,494 contract (amendment #1) with the Bellingham Fire Department? A contract for $321,055 was initially approved at the 8/7/2019 meeting, vote #159, to expand the paramedic program. The amendment will increase reimbursement costs associated with the support of two paramedics participating in the community paramedic program. The program is designed to reduce overuse of emergency services by connecting individuals with health care, case management, and other basic needs supports. The total amended contract is $704,549; it expires on 1/1/2023. (AB2020-589) Approved 6-1, Tyler Byrd opposed.
265. Authorize the executive to award the low bid of $113,945 to CCI, Inc, of Sultan, WA for renovations at the Central Plaza Building? The project includes the supply and installation of carpet, and painting services. Four bids were received; the high bid was $205,443. (AB2020-594) Approved 7-0
266. Approve $646,500 for 2021 convention center fund allocations? There were six applications for annual lodging tax funding allocations received and all were approved. Approved applications: Bellingham Regional Chamber of Commerce ($25,000); Bellingham/Whatcom County Tourism ($290,000); Birch Bay Chamber of Commerce ($100,000); Ferndale Chamber of Commerce ($12,000); Mount Baker Foothills Chamber of Commerce/Visitor Center ($100,000); Whatcom County Glacier restrooms ($12,000). AB2020-584 (Resolution 2020-055) Approved 7-0
267. Amend the project-based budget for the E. Smith/Hannegan Road Intersection Improvements Fund (request #1) in the amount of $3,925,000? At the 11/7/2018 meeting, vote #175, council voted to establish the $860,000 project-based budget to address traffic delays due to the lack of a left-turn lane through the installation of a double-lane roundabout. The project is approximately 90 percent complete; the amendment will fund continuing construction and design services for a total amended budget of $4,785,000. AB2020-535 (Ordinance 2020-073) Adopted 7-0
268. Amend the project-based budget for the Marine Drive/Locust Ave. to Alderwood Ave. Reconstruction Fund (request #1) in the amount of $3,379,695? At the 11/20/2018 meeting, vote #202, council voted to establish the fund and a $797,500 project-based budget to reconstruct ½ mile of roadway for safety, drainage, and improvements for bicycle and pedestrian travel. The project is listed as item no. 3 on the six-year transportation improvement plan. This request brings the total amended project budget to $4,177,195. AB2020-536 (Ordinance 2020-074) Adopted 7-0
269. Amend the Silver Lake Park Improvement Fund (request #2) in the amount of $1,565,000? At the 11/25/2014 meeting, vote #228, council voted to establish the fund and $880,000 project-based budget. The project renovated the park’s day use areas, campsites, and road system, including leveling campsites, upgrading the electrical system, and repairing/resurfacing the roads. This amendment will add expenditure authority for the construction of a new shower/restroom building at the Red Mountain and Maple Creek campground. Request #2 brings the total amended project budget to $6,138,300. AB2020-542 (Ordinance 2020-075) Adopted 5-2, Tyler Byrd and Ben Elenbaas opposed.
270. Amend the 2021 budget (amendment #1) in the amount of $14,781,015? Appropriated: $13,216,015 to fund the county annual road construction program; $1,565,000 to fund the replacement of a shower/restroom building at Silver Lake County Park. AB2020-543 (Ordinance 2020-076) Adopted 6-1, Ben Elenbaas opposed.
271. Amend the 2020 budget (amendment #22) budget in the amount of $3,524,769? Appropriated: $3,524,769 to fund a major upgrade and 10-year support package for Capital Advance life support equipment used by emergency medical services. AB2020-556 (Ordinance 2020-077) Adopted 7-0
272. Amend Whatcom County code related to the membership of the Point Roberts Community Advisory Committee? The council has received communications from residents of Point Roberts expressing concern about the advisory committee. The amendments will revise membership and meeting procedures to broaden representation and improve transparency. AB2020-546 (Ordinance 2020-078) Substitute adopted 5-2, Tyler Byrd and Ben Elenbaas opposed.
273. Create a task force for the well-being of children and families residing in Whatcom County? In April 2019, the county health board adopted Resolution 2019-020, approved by the council at the 4/2/2019 meeting, vote #73, affirming a commitment by county government to support children and families; in February 2020, the health board adopted an action plan to create policies designed to support children and families. The action plan calls for the creation of a task force to coordinate with community partners to ensure implementation of the plan, including the development of: processes and procedures that address issues of equity; recommendations regarding infrastructure that promotes wellbeing; recommendations for policy and funding decisions and priorities; recommendations for government and community accountability measures; recommendations for review, coordination, and enhancement of existing county initiatives; and recommendations for the development of new funding sources to support child and family programming at the county level. The task force will have 15 designated agency members and 15 members appointed by the County Council. An initial phase I report is due on 6/1/2021, a second phase II report is due in March 2022 and a final phase III report is due on 10/1/2022. AB2020-524 (Ordinance 2020-079) Amended and adopted 6-1, Ben Elenbaas opposed.