Compiled by Barry MacHale
Action Taken at March 13, 2018 Meeting
Shall the council:
37. Confirm the executive’s appointment of Mark Personius as director of Planning & Development Services? Mr. Personius has been employed by Planning and Development Services since 2012 and assistant director since 2015. He holds a bachelor’s degree in geography from Humboldt State University and is a certified planner. The appointment was effective on 3/26/2018. (AB2018-093) Confirmed 6-0, Satpal Sidhu absent.
38. Authorize the executive to sign a $44,330 contract with Compass Health of Everett for a mental health professional at Northwest Youth Services? The professional will provide mental health treatment services for youth ages 13-24, promote wellness and help achieve safe and stable housing. The contract expires on 12/31/2018. (AB2018-094) Approved 6-0, Satpal Sidhu absent.
39. Authorize the executive to accept a $750,000 federal grant for the lower Nooksack River Comprehensive Flood Hazard Management Plan? (Council acting as the flood control district board of supervisors) It is administered by the Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife and will allow for federal National Estuary Program funds to support 36 miles of the lower Nooksack River for integrated planning, which addresses floodplain management, salmon and watershed recovery. The contract expires on 12/1/2018. (AB2018-095) Approved 6-0, Satpal Sidhu absent.
40. Amend the Public Peace, Morals, and Welfare section of the Whatcom County Code? A “breach of the peace” — essentially a noise violation — will be reduced from a misdemeanor to a class 2 civil infraction. AB2017-078 (Ordinance 2018-010) Adopted 6-0, Satpal Sidhu absent.
Action Taken at March 27, 2018 Meeting
Shall the council:
41. Authorize the executive to accept a $300,000 state grant (amendment #1) to support the Pollution Identification and Correction Program? (Council acting as the flood control district board of supervisors) The Pollution Identification and Correction Program addresses water quality. The council authorized original grant for $715,000 at the 5/30/2017 meeting, vote #100. The amendment will include support for a farm planner position at the Whatcom Conservation District; incentive programs; community outreach materials for routine septic system evaluations and maintenance and a pilot social marketing campaign. The total amended contract is $1,015,000 and it expires on 3/31/2020. (AB2018-107). Approved 6-0, Satpal Sidhu absent.
42. Replace the three-year agreement with the city of Bellingham and the Port of Bellingham to fund the WWU Small Business Development Center? (Public hearing held) The original agreement for $423,500 was approved at the 12/5/2016 meeting, vote #232. This amendment authorizes the executive to sign an $1,023,500 amended agreement with city of Bellingham and the Port of Bellingham The agreement will support both the Small Business Development Center and the “Choose Whatcom” website. This amendment is for $132,500 in 2017, $443,700 in 2018 and $447,300 in 2019 for a total of $1,023,500, a three enties total of $2,015,393, a state grant of $192,000 for a grant total of $2,207,395. (AB2018-109). Approved 5-0, Tyler Byrd abstained, Satpal Sidhu absent.
43. Authorize the executive to sign a $131,519 three-year contract with West Publishing? The contract will provide online access to legal research databases and print service subscriptions for the Whatcom County Law Library. The contract expires three years from execution. (AB2018-110). Approved 6-0, Satpal Sidhu absent.
44. Confirm the executive’s appointment of Gary Malick to the Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee? Mr. Malick resides in Council District 5 and is employed as a technology manager at Western Washington University and has lived in Whatcom County for 23 years. He served on the bicycle master plan committee for the city of Bellingham, a volunteer for Bike to Work and School Day and a bike commuter. (AB2018-112). Approved 6-0, Satpal Sidhu absent.
45. Support the Opportunity Council application for a state grant of $127,726 for low- to moderate-income residents? (Public hearing held) The Opportunity Council community development block grant application is required to be submitted through Whatcom County. It will be administered by the Opportunity Council for the residents of Island, Skagit, and Whatcom counties AB2018-103 (Resolution 2018-007). Approved 6-0, Satpal Sidhu absent.
46. Establish the Lake Whatcom Stormwater Utility Advisory Committee? At the 9/26/2017 meeting, vote #174, the council requested the executive to develop special funding district to fund water quality improvements in the unincorporated Lake Whatcom watershed. At the 12/5/2017 meeting, vote #255, the council created the Lake Whatcom Stormwater Utility to establish a funding mechanism for the Lake Whatcom Management Program. The committee will consist of five voting members appointed the Whatcom County Council. The committee will advise the Whatcom County Council as the council establishes rates and charges for the Lake Whatcom stormwater utility. AB2018-105 (Resolution 2018-008). Approved 6-0, Satpal Sidhu absent.
47. Amend the 2018 Flood Control Zone District and subzone budgets (amendment #1) in the amount of $50,000? (Council acting as the flood control district board of supervisors.) This amendment is for administrative support services for implementation of ESSB 6091 passed in response to the Washington Supreme Court ruling in the “Hirt Decision.” AB2018-096 (Resolution 2018-009). Approved 6-0, Satpal Sidhu absent.
48. Authorize the Whatcom County prosecutor to seek reimbursement of $10,477 from the state of Washington for ballot drop boxes? In 2017, the state legislature adopted SB5472 which mandated an increase in the number of drop boxes each county is required to maintain. Whatcom County installed three additional drop boxes in 2017, the installation and operating cost was $8,719 and estimated cost to operate them in 2018 is $1,758. AB2018-083 (Resolution 2018-010). Approved 6-0, Satpal Sidhu absent.
49. Authorize the executive to accept two state grants totaling $693,120 for the purchase of conservation easments? The agreement will allow the receipt of matching funds to support acquisition of Purchase of Development Rights conservation easements. The Purchase of Development Rights program is used to preserve farmland for farming, habitat conservation, and outdoor recreation purposes. The funds will support conservation easments on the Carbee (farmland 46.37 acres), Greenwood (farmland 94 acres), and Grubbs (farmland 19.7 acres) properties. Applications for participation in the program are reviewed and ranked as to their overall public benefit. AB2018-106 (Resolution 2018-011). Approved 6-0, Satpal Sidhu absent.
50. Temporarily install stop signs on Mosquito Lake Road until road repairs are completed? (Public hearing held) Weather-related erosion 2.4 miles east of SR 9 (Valley Hwy) require that Public Works install temporary traffic control signs. The stop signs will be removed upon the completion of the repairs. AB2018-100 (Ordinance 2018-011). Adopted 6-0, Satpal Sidhu absent.
51. Temporarily install stop signs at the Mosquito Lake Road/North Fork Nooksack River bridge #332 repair project? (Public hearing held) The bridge timber cap will be replaced with a steel beam requiring a single-line of traffic. Construction will last approximately four weeks. The stop signs will be removed upon the completion of the repairs. AB2018-101 (Ordinance 2018-012). Adopted 6-0, Satpal Sidhu absent.
52. Temporarily install stop signs on Noon Road at Ten Mile Road and Central Road? (Public hearing held). Bridge #236 at Ten Mile Creek will be replaced starting around 8/20/2018. Construction will require a detour around the project. Completion is anticipated in late 2018. The stop signs will be removed upon the completion of the project. AB2018-102 (Ordinance 2018-013). Adopted 6-0, Satpal Sidhu absent.
53. Amend the 2015 Lighthouse Marine Park improvement fund and project-based budget (amendment #1) in the amount of $24,500? At the 11/25/2014 meeting, vote #229, the council established the fund and $250,000 project-based budget. The structual deficiencies require that the park boardwalk undergo repairs. The amendment will add expenditure authority for a total amended budget of $274,500. AB2018-097 (Ordinance 2018-014). Adopted 6-0, Satpal Sidhu absent.
54. Amend the 2018 Whatcom County budget (request #5) in the amount of $557,818? Appropriated: $5,600 to fund traffic safety equipment; $460,911 to fund 2018 Deputy Sheriff Guild wage and benefit settlements; $77,420 to fund renewal of the medical examiner’s contract; $250,000 to fund building alterations at the Whatcom Unified Coordination Center; $24,173 to fund completion of the Maple Creek Bridge; and $24,500 to fund the Lighthouse Marine Park project. Reappropriated: $176,125 to fund the Operation Stonegarden border security program. AB2018-098 (Ordinance 2018-015). Adopted 6-0, Satpal Sidhu absent.
55. Revise the Economic Development Investment Board membership? The text of the orginal ordinance specfied one member from a advisory position that no longer exists, it will be changed to reflect an equivalent organization. AB2018-099 (Ordinance 2018-016). Adopted 6-0, Satpal Sidhu absent.