Port of Bellingham Commission

Compiled by Bill McCallum

Action Taken at August 9, 2022 Meeting

Shall the commission:
97. Authorize the executive director to accept a $2 million grant from Whatcom County for the rural broadband construction project? The Economic Development Investment Board and the Whatcom County Council approved the grant. The money is from a portion of the rural sales tax and can only be used for public facility projects. Project 1: $1 million of the grant will be used for approximately 47 miles of fiber to be installed north of the city of Lynden. The total project budget (design, permitting and construction) is $3 million. Project 2: The other $1 million will be used for the north Ferndale project to construct approximately 35 miles of fiber east of Lake Terrell and northwest of the city of Ferndale. The total project budget (design, permitting and construction) is $5 million. (11977/Consent Agenda D) Approved 3-0

98. Authorize the executive director to sign documents for a $96,000 loan with Structures Brewing? Since 2015, Structures Brewing has been located at 1420 State Street. Beer brewed at the State Street facility is distributed as far south as Portland, Oregon. The State Street capacity is 26 patrons — the company has purchased the former Chuckanut Brewing facility at 601 W. Holly that can accommodate up to 200 patrons. The total project costs is $2,115,493. The loan will be used for remodeling the new facility and acquiring inventory. (11978/Consent Agenda E) Approved 3-0

99. Authorize the executive director to sign an agreement with the Washington Public Ports Association and 10 Washington ports to assist in obtaining federal permits for capital and environmental remediation projects? At the 8/11/2020 meeting, vote #71, the commission authorized an agreement with the Washington Public Ports Association to fund a biologist to assist in obtaining federal permits for capital and environmental remediation projects. This new agreement will hire a second permitting liaison position, and will allow the Port of Bellingham projects to be prioritized for efficient review by the National Oceanic Atmospheric Associations (NOAA)/National Marine Fishers Services (NMFS). The total annual cost is $183,000, and the annual Port of Bellingham share will be approximately $13,000. This agreement replaces the 2020 agreement and it expires on 12/31/2027. (11979/Consent Agenda F) Approved 3-0

100. Authorize the executive director to accept a $2,915,000 state grant for the affordable housing project in the Waterfront District? At the 10/8/2019 meeting, vote #118, the commission authorized the executive director to accept a $200,000 state grant for an affordable housing project at the Lignin Parcel located at the corner of Cornwall and Laurel. The redevelopment is planned to include a mix of affordable housing, workforce housing, work-live spaces, a multistory mixed-use building with ground-floor commercial, a community kitchen, work force training, and public open space. At the 9/7/2021 meeting, vote #106, the commission authorized an option for Mercy Housing Northwest of Seattle and The Millworks of Bellingham to purchase approximately 3.3 acres of the the former Lignin warehouse parcel. The parcel is part of the G-P cleanup site, which requires remediation under the Model Toxics Control Act. Previous environmental investigations at the parcel indicate the presence of hazardous substances in soil and groundwater above state cleanup standards. The primary contaminants of concern are polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and metals. The agreement requires the land to be restricted to affordable housing for 30 years or funding be paid back to the state. The total cost of the project is $3,495,000. (11980/Consent Agenda G) Approved 3-0

101. Small works roster. Contracts under $300,000 fall within the executive director’s spending authority; they only require commission notification. The executive director awarded a $19,582 contract to Seattle Diving Services of Normandy Park for mooring repair in Fairhaven. The executive director awarded a $124,422 contract to Boss Construction of Bellingham for the replacement of 77 skylights at the 1000 F Street warehouse. The executive director awarded a $100,699 contract to Skyline Communications of Everett to upgrade the airport emergency responder radio system. (11981/Consent Agenda H) Nonvoting issue.

102. Renew and modify a lease with Green Truck General Partner? Green Truck serves truckers in Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Montana with loans for emission-compliant trucks. At the 10/3/2017 meeting, vote #131, the commission approved an initial five-year lease for 34,000 square feet of office and yard space at 921 Cornwall Avenue. The renewed two-year lease will reduce yard and building space to 25,370 square feet and the rent will be $140,601. (11983/Consent Agenda J) Approved 3-0

103. Renew a lease with Halibut Henry’s? The business is a food, beverage and gift shop in the terminal building at the Bellingham airport. Rent for office and storage space is $64,468 plus 6 percent on all gross receipts. The five-year lease will expire on 7/31/2028. (11984/Consent Agenda K) Approved 3-0

104. Authorize the executive director to sign a revised $750,000 grant (amendment #1) from Whatcom County for the rural broadband construction project? The Economic Development Investment Board and the Whatcom County Council approved the grant. At the 9/3/2019 meeting, vote #104, the commission authorized the acceptance of a $750,000 grant from the Economic Development Investment Board. The grant money was to be used for the first phase of the construction from Deming to Glacier. When Ziply purchased Frontier, the project was awarded to Rural Development Opportunity Funds. The service area was changed for 37.7 miles, ending at the Mosquito Lake/East Nookack service area. (11985/Consent Agenda L) Approved 3-0

105. Establish petty cash and change funds? Petty cash funds shall be established in the following amounts and custodians. Accounting office: $100, Sarah Eastwood. Squalicum office: $50, Aaron Bisson. Blaine office: $50, Andy Peterson. Change funds shall be established in the following amounts and custodians. Gate 12 change machine: $100, Aaron Bisson. Gate 3 gatehouse change machine: $400, Aaron Bisson. BTC locker change machine: $50, Dave Warter. Blaine boating center change change: $300, Andy Peterson. Three tills for Blaine employees: $600, Andy Peterson. Six tills for Squalicum employees: $1,200, Aaron Bisson. Total petty cash and change fund: $2,850. The change machine at the Harbor Center Building was stolen, and it will not be replaced. 11987/Consent Agenda B (Resolution 1362-C) Approved 3-0

106. Authorize the executive director to accept a $250,000 state grant for Corvus Energy? The port secured the grant to improve the space leased by Corvus Energy at 300 Harris Avenue. It is anticipated that the loan will create between 12 and 15 jobs by June 2023 and 40 jobs within a five-year period. (11988/Consent Agenda C) Approved 3-0

107. Authorize the executive director to sign a $250,000 pass-though agreement with Corvus Energy? The state grant will assist Corvus Energy in a $2,250,000 project to create 40 new full time jobs. If the company fails to comply with its obligations and promises, it is obligated to return the funds to the state of Washington. (11988/Consent Agenda C) Approved 3-0

108. Authorize the executive director to sign an environmental agreement with MHNW22 Millworks Family? At the 9/7/2021 meeting, vote #106, the commission authorized an option for Mercy Housing Northwest of Seattle and The Millworks of Bellingham to purchase approximately 3.3 acres of the the former Lignin warehouse parcel. The parcel is part of the G-P cleanup site, which requires remediation under the Model Toxics Control Act. Previous environmental investigations at the parcel indicate the presence of hazardous substances in soil and groundwater above state cleanup standards. The primary contaminants of concern are polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and metals. The cleanup action consists of removal of existing above-ground buildings and former tank foundations, excavation of contaminated soil with off-site disposal, surface restoration, and monitoring. (11989/Action Item 1) Approved 3-0

109. Authorize the executive director to sign a consent degree with the state of Washington for cleanup action at the Lignin operable unit? A the 8/4/2009 meeting, vote #130, the executive director signed an agreed order with the state of Washington requiring the port to perform a remedial investigation/feasibility study at the former Georgia-Pacific mill property under the Model Toxics Control Act. Description of selected cleanup action: Soil removal from the Bunker C subarea; RAU-wide capping — new hard caps will be composed of a minimum three inches of concrete, asphalt, paving blocks, or building foundations. New soil caps will be composed of a minimum 24 inches of uncontaminated soil cover with a geotextile separation layer to distinguish the capping material from the underlying soil. Monitored natural attenuation of groundwater. (11989/Action Item 1) Approved 3-0

110. Enter into an negotiating agreement with The BoardMill Group for a 3.43-acre parcel in the Waterfront District? This agreement should culminate with a contract for the future sale or lease of the Boardmill building. In January of this year, the port issued a request to develop a 3.42-acre parcel and preserve the historic nature of the building. The port received four proposals — the selection committee ranked The BoardMill Group the highest: it proposed a hotel, meeting space, residential units with commercial and retail spaces. Should the negotiation prove unsuccessful, the port will resume discussions with the other respondents. Negotiation will take place over three months and may be extended by mutual agreement of both parties. (11990/Action Item 2) Approved 3-0



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