Port of Bellingham Commission

Compiled by Bill McCallum

Action Taken at February 5, 2019 Meeting

Shall the commission:
15. Implement the Intergovernmental Framework (agreement #2) with the Lummi Nation? At the 8/4/2009 meeting, vote #124, the commission approved agreement #1. That agreement set up goals and objectives aimed at resolving past disagreements regarding Bellingham Bay and associated shorelines and to jointly pursue opportunities throughout Whatcom County. The framework agreement anticipated that standalone, legally binding implementation agreements would be negotiated on specific issues. The port and the Lummi Nation also approved in agreement #1 specific responsibilities and obligations of both the Port and the Lummi Nation. Agreement #2 addresses impacts to Lummi Treaty Rights from historical changes to tidal, subtitle and shorelines in Bellingham Bay and Drayton Harbor. There is a shared goal of a strong and sustainable Lummi Nation fishing fleet for commercial, ceremonial and subsistence harvesting. The port agrees to provide a credit of $120,000 for Lummi Nation fishers to use for Lummi fishing vessels in Squalicum and Blaine Harbor marinas each year in perpetuity, as long as the port owns and/or operates these marinas. The port will permanently forgive up to $220,000 of past due charges incurred by Lummi fishers. The port grants access and use of port boat launch facilities to Lummi Nation fishers with no launch fee. (8319/Action Item #1) Approved 3-0

16. Authorize the executive director to sign an agreed order (amendment #3) to perform remedial design at the I&J Waterway site? The port and Bornstein Seafoods have been labeled as potentially liable parties for contamination at the site and are responsible for the cleanup. At the 8/16/2005 meeting, vote #86, the executive director signed an agreed order to perform a remedial investigation/feasibility study at the I&J Waterway site. The state temporarily suspended the project pending clarification of the dredge management program in 2007 and re-started it in 2012. At the 4/3/2012 meeting, vote #63, the executive director signed amendment #2 to the agreed order. The port, in coordination with Bornstein Seafoods and the state, have developed a draft cleanup action plan for the site which describes how the preferred alternative will be implemented. (8320/Action Item 2) Approved 3-0

17. Authorize the executive director to sign the 2019 – 2022 collective bargaining agreement with the International Longshore and Warehouse Union, local 7- clerical? The agreement begins on 1/1/2019 and ends on 12/31/2022. (8322/Consent Agenda B) Approved 3-0

18. Renew and modify a lease with Teal Jones Lumber Services? At the 8/3/2004 meeting, vote #87, the commission approved a five-year lease with Teal Jones Lumber Services for five acres at the Sumas Industrial Park with the option to lease an adjoining five acres and purchase all 10 acres in the future. Lumber is shipped from British Columbia to Socco Forest Services in Sumas where it is dried, it is cut and planed and shipped to customers. Teal Joes is planning on installing kilns on its nine acre parcel. Rent for the five year renewal from 8/2019 through 7/2024 will be $1,313,390. (8323/Consent Agenda C) Approved 3-0

Action Taken at February 19, 2019 Meeting

Shall the commission:
19. Increase the base salary for the executive director by 3.0 percent? A 3.0 percent raise brings the base salary to $177,317. At the 1/16/2018 meeting, vote #15, the executive director’s base salary was raised by 3.0 percent to $172,152. (8335/Consent Agenda B) Approved 3-0

20. Declare specified equipment as surplus and sell it at public auction? The surplus property includes: 12 gas heaters, two shuttle buses, three snow plows, four pumpout carts, three self propelled mowers, four leaf blowers, 12 planting pots, one tractor, 1991 S-10 pickup, 1996 Ford F350, drill press, bench grinder, used gas and diesel tanks and more. 8336/Consent Agenda C) Approved 3-0

21. Authorize the executive director to donate $2,493,361 in airport improvement funds to the Pullman-Moscow regional airport? The port did not have approval from the federal government to spend the funds so the port is donating them to the Pullman-Moscow regional airport. (8337/Consent Agenda D) Approved 3-0

22. Authorize the executive director to sign the Allegiant Airlines marketing fund for the Bellingham to Anchorage air service? At the 6/19/2018 meeting, vote #92, the commission authorized the implementation of the Air Service Incentive Program. Airlines can be reimbursed up to $150,000 per route for marketing. In January 2019, Allegiant announced direct service to Anchorage from Bellingham and requested $75,000 to reimburse marketing expenses and landing fees. (8338/Consent Agenda E) Approved 3-0

23. Amend the Air Service Incentive Program to allow unmatched funding for marketing new routes up to $75,000? At the 6/19/2018 meeting, vote #92, the commission authorized the implementation of the Air Service Incentive Program. That vote allowed $150,000 in matching funds; this vote allows $75,000 in unmatched funds for marketing new routes. (8339/Consent Agenda F) Approved 3-0

24. Authorize the executive director to accept a $43,875 state grant for a rural broadband feasibility study? The grant requires the port to contribute $14,625 in matching funds. At the 1/8/2019 meeting, votes #7/8, the commission authorized the executive director to sign a $58,500 agreement with Ascent GIS Inc. to conduct a rural broadband feasibility sturdy and sign an agreement with the Port of Skagit for the purpose of working collaboratively to plan and implement a rural broadband network. (8340/Consent Agenda G) Approved 3-0

25. Authorize the executive director to sign an agreed order (amendment #3) with the state of Washington to perform cleanup at the Chlor-Alkali remedial action unit? The operation of Georgia-Pacific’s chlor-alkali plant, from 1965 through 1999, discharged 10 to 13 tons of mercury into Bellingham Bay. The original agreed order to perform a remedial investigation/feasibility study was approved at the 8/4/2009 meeting, vote #130 and the first amendment was approved at the 8/16/2011 meeting vote #117. Amendment #2 was approved at the 7/16/2013 meeting, vote #117. Mercury-contaminated soils and contaminated building material have been removed from the bunker C subarea. This amendment requires the port to develop a public-review cleanup action plan for public review and comment. (8341/Consent Agenda H) Approved 3-0

26. Increase rental rates at the Cruise Terminal meeting room — “Conference Room B” — and Squalicum Boathouse? The Squalicum Boathouse is located at Zuanich Point Park. Full day Saturday rental is $1,900 during the peak season and $400 for a half day Saturday during the off-season. The upper level at the Cruise Terminal is $2,400 on Saturday during the peak season and and $1,600 during the off-season. (8342/Consent Agenda I) Approved 3-0

27. Authorize the executive director to accept a $250,000 loan/grant from the Economic Development Investment Program for the Walsh Marine Building project in Blaine? The county administers the program and the money comes from portions of the rural sales tax which can only be used for public facility projects. The port is constructing a 2,240 square foot building to provide shop and office space for the boat yard. At the County Council meeting on 1/15/2019, vote #2, the council approved a $166,667 loan and $83,333 grant. (8343/Consent Agenda J) Approved 3-0

28. Authorize the executive director to sign a $64,110 contract with the Zervas Group Architects of Bellingham for the preliminary design of a rental car quick turnaround facility at the Bellingham airport? Four rental car companies currently operate at the Bellingham airport, generating more than $5 million in annual revenue. The existing vehicle washing and cleaning facility consists of a 750 square foot three-sided, metal building. The proposed facility will include a 49,000 square foot vehicle staging area and a 4,200 square foot building with four vehicle wash bays, a shared break room, one lavatory, and four storage rooms. A contingency fee of $6,411 brings the total contract to $70,521. (8345/Action Item 2) Approved 3-0

29. Approve 2019 moorage rates? At the 5/20/2014 meeting, vote # 72, the commission passed Resolution 1330, updating the marina model for moorage rates at Squalicum and Blaine harbors. The approved model set 4 percent annual increases for all recreational moorage, 2 percent increases for active commercial fishing in years 2015-2018; the resolution stated the model would be reviewed every four years. The 2019 increases apply only to the recreational moorage rates. (8346/Action Item 3) Approved 2-1, Bobby Briscoe opposed.

30. Ratify approximately $334,457 in contracts for cleanup, mitigation and restoration of water from two water line failures? The two water line failures occurred on February 5 and 6 at the Bellingham airport. Freezing temperatures that resulted in the freezing and breaking of a primary fire suppression system. Flooding occurred inside the terminal from the ticketing counters to the security screening area, and also in several offices as well as in the basement, including the port’s records archive room and tenant office spaces. Swan’s Clean Care and Restoration sent an invoice for $9,570 and Belfor Property Restoration sent an email estimating the cost of restoration services at $325,000. The port has a $50,000 insurance deductible. (8347/Action Item 1) Approved 3-0



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