Port of Bellingham Commission

Action Taken at July 10, 2018 Meeting

Shall the council:
97. Authorize the executive director to sign a $44,998 contract with DH Environmental of Seattle to manage the Environmental Compliance Assessment Program? The port began the program in 1992, when it started looking more closely at the impact of tenant operations on port properties. Approximately 125 port tenants are the subject of some form of environmental regulations. Through the environmental compliance assessment program, the port provides stormwater education to tenants as well as illicit dischage detection and stormwater catch basin labeling. The program addresses stormwater regulations related to National Pollution Discharge Elimination System phase II municipal stormwater permit. The contract expires on 12/31/2018. (9694/Action Item 2) Approved 3-0

98. Authorize the executive director to renew the port’s property and crime insurance coverage? The total insured value of the property is $515 million. Alliant Insurance Services of Newport Beach, California serves as port’s broker of record. Includes 50 million in earthquake and $50 million in flood insurance. The property premium is increasing from $663,871 to $748,485 or 12.7 percent, crime insurance is remaining at $1,477 for the period 7/1/2018 through 7/1/2019. (7695/Action Item 3) Approved 3-0

99. Authorize the executive director to sign an agreement with Cheri Ann Trammel for a private event to be held on September 1 at Zuanich Point Park? At the 5/15/2018 meeting, vote #79, the commission authorized Zuanich Point to be closed on August 17 for a music and arts gathering. Later this year the commission will discuss if port parks should be closed for private events, if so, how many times and how much should be charged? (7696/Action Item 4) Approved 2-0, Bobby Brisco opposed.

100. Authorize the executive director to award the low bid of $1,001,703 to IMCO Construction of Seattle for cleanup of the Blaine Marina, Inc., site? From the 1950s until 2015 the site was a fueling facility. It requires remediation under the Model Toxics Control Act. At the 3/6/2012 meeting, vote #43, the commisssion authorized the excutive director to sign an agreed order with the state of Washington to perform a remedial investigation/feasibility study and interim action (bulkhead repair) at Blaine Marina. The study has been completed and the cleanup action will be performed. It consists of removal of existing above ground storage tanks, building demolition, excavation of contaminated soil with off-site disposal, surface restoration, bioremediation and monitoring. Five bids were received, three of the bids were within 1 percent of each other with the high bid 1,075,576. A contingency fee of $150,256 brings the total contract to 1,151,959. (7698/Action Item 6) Approved 2-0, Ken Bell recused.

101. Authorize the executive director to award the low bid of $508,520 to Summit Construction of Bellingham for phase 2 of the C Street Terminal project? Phase 2 includes demolition of existing concrete slabs and minor site grading to isolate all stormwater on the C Street Terminal site to ensure compliance with stormwater regulations. Installation of a temporary stormwater pump station and force main to pump stormwater from the C Street Terminal site to the former GP treatment lagoon where it will be evaporated. Installation of new power and water services from C Street to three new power and water pedestals and one 2 inch hose bibb that will be installed adjacent to the existing bulkhead along the Whatcom Waterway. Placement and compaction of ballast rock over the entire terminal site. The primary purpose of this project is to improve services to vessels moored along the Whatcom Waterway. Three bids were received, the high bid was $758,424. A contingency fee of $50,852 brings the total contract to $559,372. (7699/Action Item 8) Approved 2-0, Ken Bell recused.

102. Increase the capital improvement program budget by $403,700 for construction of a new building at the Walsh Marine site? Since January 2011, Walsh Marine has operated a boatyard in the Blaine Marine Industrial Area. The proposed building size has been increased from a 1,250-square-foot prefabriated building to a 2,240-square-foot partically insulated building. The estimated cost has gone from $396,600 to $543,700 and will be amortized in rent increases over 40 years at an annual inteest rate of 4 percent. The lease has been extended through 7/31/2023 and seven consecutive five year renewal options for a total of 40 years. (7700/Action Item 9) Approved 3-0

103. Authorize the sale of two vessels for the nonpayment of moorage fees? The auction was held on July 31 for a 28-foot sailboat with unpaid moorage fees of $2,342 and a 30-foot sailboat with unpaid moorage fees of $2,727. (7705/ Consent Agenda C) Approved 3-0

104. Small Works Roster. Contracts under $300,000 fall within the executive director’s spending authority; they only require commission notification. Western Pacific Fence, $113,282. (7707/ Consent Agenda E)

105. Authorize the executive director to sign an agreement (amendment #4) with the Port of Tacoma for assistance in obtaining federal permits for new and existing projects? At the 2/21/2012 meeting, vote #25, the commission authorized the initial agreement with the Port of Tacoma. Amendment #3 allowed the port to participate in the Port of Tacoma’s agreement with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the National Marine Fisheries Service in which they provide staffing resources to assist with and facilitate the acquisition of federal permits and expired on 3/11/2018. The Port of Tacoma’s hourly billing rate has increased from $106.00 to $109.00. Total spent to date is approximately $49,000, leaving a commission-approved budget balance of $26,000. (7708/Consent Agenda F) Approved 3-0

106. Authorize the executive director to sign a contract — not to exceed $795,000 — to replace heating, ventilation and cooling equipment? The projects are the second floor of the Bayview Building (12 Bellwether Way) and the Fairhaven Station (transportation terminal for rail, bus and shuttle services at 401 Harris Street). The design services were delayed and the contract needs to awarded during the commissions six-week summer recess, the executive director is asking for permission to award the contract without commission approval. (7715/Consent Agenda M) Approved 2-0, Ken Bell recused.

107. Authorize the executive director to sign a $40,120 contract (amendment #1) with Greenbusch Group of Seattle to povide to provide assistance with construction administration for heating, ventilating and air conditioning projects? At the 3/20/2018 meeting, vote #38, the commission approved a contract with The Greenbusch Group of Seattle to provide design services. The design team will provide construction-phase support. This amendment brings the total contact to $164,152. (7716/Consent Agenda N) Approved 2-0, Ken Bell recused.

108. Authorize the executive director to award the low bid of $314,143 to All Services Property Maintenance of Bellingham for exterior sealing and masonry repair projects? Fixing cracked bricks, plaster and mortar joints, re-painting and caulking on the exterior surfaces of the Bellwether Building (11 Bellwether Way), the Bayview Center Building (12 Bellwether Way) and Fairhaven Station (transportation terminal for rail, bus and shuttle services at 401 Harris Avenue) will preserved and protect the buildings. Three bids were received, the high bid was $398,929. A contingency fee of $47,121 brings the total contract to $361,264. (7717/Consent Agenda O) Approved 2-0, Ken Bell recused.

109. Authorize the executive director to award the low bid of $33,058 to Wanco Inc. of Arvada, Colorado, for two runway markers? The light emitting diode markers will be located at both ends of the runway and are for runway closures. A federal grant will offset 90 percent of the cost. Three bids were received, the high bid was $54,400. (7718/Consent Agenda P) Approved 3-0

110. Authorize the executive director to sign a $387,400 contract (amendment #16) with Landau Associates of Edmonds to perform construction management and reporting at the Blaine Marina, Inc., site? Previous environmental investigations have identified gasoline- and diesel-range petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH; and associated compounds benzene, ethylbenzene, xylenes, and naphthalenes) that were found in soil, groundwater, and soil vapor at concentrations exceeding MTCA cleanup levels. The site falls under the Model Toxics Control Act. At the 10/4/2011 meeting, vote #148/150, the port contracted with Landau Associates to perform a remedial investigation/feasibility study (RI/FS), and environmental remediation. Bulkhead repairs and the RI/FS have been completed. This amendment includes operation and maintenance of the bioremediation program, monitoring and reporting. Amendment #16 brings the total authorized contract to $1,449,940. (7719/Action Item 7) Approved 2-0, Ken Bell recused.

111. Authorize the executive director to sign a $24,795 contract (amendment #10) with CH2M HILL of Englewood, Colo. for the Slater Road wetland mitigation monitoring project? The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers issued a fill permit (11/16/2010 meeting, vote #161) for the terminal building expansion project. Approximately 13.3 acres of wetlands were created on state owned Slater Road property adjacent to unnamed tributaries of Spring Creek. CH2M HILL has been monitoring the site for five years. Scope of work will be additional vegetation monitoring and a year six monitoring report. The contract expires on 12/31/2019. This amendment brings the total authorized contract to $582,507. (7721/Consent Agenda G) Approved 3-0


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