Whatcom Conservation District Election Cancelled

The Whatcom Conservation District is governed by a board of five supervisors, who are all local residents. Formed in 1946, the district serves all of Whatcom County and is committed to fostering a healthy, sustainable relationship between people and the environment.

All registered voters in Whatcom County are eligible to vote for three positions on the board; two are appointed by the state conservation commission, and terms are three years. An election to fill Heather Christianson’s seat on the district’s board of commissioners was scheduled to be held in March. No one filed in opposition to Ms. Christianson — according to commission rules she is automatically reelected for another three years.

Appointed Position Available
The Whatcom Conservation District is seeking candidates for a board position appointed by the Washington State Conservation Commission. All conservation district supervisors serve without compensation. Applicants for appointed position must be a Washington state registered voter, but do not have to live within the district to apply. Applicant may be required to own land or operate a farm.

For more information, or to obtain an application form, please contact Whatcom Conservation District at 360-526-2381 or visit the website at www.scc.wa.gov. Applications and supporting materials must be received no later than March 31, 2020.

Current Board Members

Heather Christianson — Chair (Elected in 2017 )
Suzzi Snydar — Vice Chair (Appointed)
Larry Davis — Secretary-Treasurer (Appointed)
Alan Chapman — Supervisor (Elected in 2018)
Valeri Wade — Supervisor (Elected in 2019)

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