Letters to the Editor (LTTE) must be received by the first of the month to be considered for publication in the following month’s edition. Letters should address a topic of interest to Whatcom Watch readers or relate to a previously published article in Whatcom Watch.
Letters should be no longer than 250-300 words. Include your full name, hometown and phone number so we can verify identification. We will publish name and hometown, not phone number or address. Whatcom Watch reserves the right to edit LTTE for length, factual content, typographical errors and stylistic or legal issues.
Send via email to editor @whatcomwatch.org. Write LTTE in the subject line.
Dear Whatcom Watch, and Stoney Bird,
My wife and I very much appreciate your generous sharing of perspective on American political history through Whatcom Watch and always look for additional installments. So thank you for that.
I commonly find myself sharing some of this with friends and encourage them to read your articles. For all the years we spend in schools, it is sad that we don’t all come away with greater understanding than we do and with greater reason to be engaged in the political process. So for someone like myself who leans intellectually but with no scholarly background, your articles are wonderfully stimulating and informative.
Good work!
Reid Smith
Dear Reid,
We are glad you find the articles and commentary in Whatcom Watch informative and stimulating. Stoney Bird, who has been writing monthly installments since 2014, plans to contribute more articles so stay tuned. See the note he shared with us on Jan. 18, 2016 (below). ~ Editor
SB: “I’m presently at the Unist’ot’en Camp in northern BC, a place where there is real snow that stays frozen and on the ground for months at a time. It’s really gorgeous. Along with wood-chipping, snow-shoveling, cooking, dish-washing and water-hauling, I’m doing research on what cities around the world are doing with their transit systems. It’s cool stuff and so far ahead of where we are in the U.S. I’m doing the research to support my work on WTA’s Strategic Planning Committee.
Dear Editor,
My name is Zachary Scott and this morning (Jan. 10) my partner and I were reading your paper at the James Street Avenue Bread location and noticed your solicitation for the missing pieces of your collection (see Whatcom Watch, Jan. 2016). Well, we have them!
We checked into our own National Geographic Magazines and found the January 1991 to June 1991 issues and we are willing to donate them to your collection.
Please feel free to contact me and set up a time to meet up if you are still seeking these magazines. Thank you and enjoy your Sunday.
Zachary Scott