Action Taken at May 2, 2016 Meeting
Shall the council:
65. Authorize the mayor to sign an agreement with the Lake Whatcom Water and Sewer District to finance the 2016 Aquatic Invasive Species Boat Inspection Program? At the 10/24/2011 meeting, vote #210, the City Council directed staff to develop an aquatic invasive species prevention program after Asian clams had been discovered in Lake Whatcom. The city of Bellingham will provide boat inspection and related services on behalf of the Lake Whatcom Management Program. Total costs in 2016 are expected to be approximately $382,000; net cost to the city of Bellingham will be approximately $95,000 and a maximum payment of $50,000 by the water and sewer district. The agreement runs from 4/15/2016 through 12/31/2016. (AB21224) Approved 6-1, Terry Bornemann opposed.
66. Send two letters (signed by the mayor and council president) to the state Department of Ecology regarding oil transport by rail and oil spill contingency plans? The letters ask for the disclosure of number of rail cars delivering crude oil and request easy and responsive access to information clearinghouses and/or databases of requestors, and for recognition of local governance in coordinating contingency efforts and further details of how contingency plans will be shared among stakeholders. (AB21232) Approved 7-0
67. Appropriate $3,165,320 for payroll checks issued from March 26 through April 8, 2016? (AB21234) Approved 7-0
68. Appropriate $3,205,044 for goods and services checks issued from April 9 through April 22, 2016? (AB21235/21236) Approved 7-0
69. Accept the donation of the South Bay stormwater facility to the city of Bellingham? The stormwater facility is located in Fairhaven at the McKenzie Avenue. juncture with Varsity Place. The donation will ensure the proper maintenance of the facility, and will be consistent with public ownership of stormwater facilities throughout the city. Closing costs are estimated not to exceed $4,000. Regular, ongoing maintenance costs are estimated between $3,000 to $4,000 annually. (AB21237) Approved 7-0
70. Authorize the mayor to accept a $30,000 federal grant for design and permitting of the Little Squalicum Creek Estuary Project? The grant funding comes from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency via the Puget Sound Partnership and Whatcom County. The 1.42-acre intertidal estuary and salt marsh is just east of the Nooksack River delta in Whatcom County. At the 8/10/2015 meeting, vote #155, the council accepted a $200,000 grant from the Rose Foundation of Oakland, CA for the restoration project, it required the city to secure $400,000 in matching funds. The city has secured a $210,000 state grant and $100,000 from the Port of Bellingham. The city will contribute the remainder. (AB21238) Approved 7-0
71. Amend the 2016 action plan of the 2013-2017 consolidated plan? The action plan designates city use of federal funds for low and moderate-income households. Total revenue that is being allocated in the 2016 action plan is $10,005,034. The action plan allocates federal Community Development Block Grant and HOME Investment Partnership Program funding ($2,449,529 or 25 percent), city housing levy funds ($7,069,745 or 70 percent) and city general funds ($485,760 or 5 percent ) to homebuyer, public facilities, housing preservation and production, rental assistance and services. The action plan would commit new funds that would bring the total of production and preservation to 555 units, as well as contribute to integrated housing and support services and homebuyer assistance. Funds include existing and new commitments or reservation of funds. AB21226 (Resolution 2016-12) Approved 7-0
72. Amend the housing levy administrative and financial plan? The rental assistance and supportive services will be increased by $1,400,000. At the 6/18/2012 meeting, vote #128, the council placed a property tax levy authorizing the spending of $21 million over seven years for low-income housing assistance on the 2012 general election ballot. The levy passed with 56.6 percent of the vote. The council approved the administrative and financial plan at the 11/19/2012 meeting, vote #226. This is the fifth amendment to the plan, it will increase funding for rental assistance and supportive services to fund services associated with 2016 action plan projects, which run through 2019. Supportive services, which help residents remain housed and connect with services for their related needs, are critical for resident success and for attracting project sponsors. Funds will be reallocated from production and preservation of homes program to rental assistance and supportive services program; there will not be an overall increase or decrease in 2012 housing levy revenues or expenditures. AB21227 (Resolution 2016-13) Approved 7-0
73. Draft a proposed Emergency Medical Services levy? The City Council is requesting the administration draft a resolution supporting the levy and the Whatcom County Council place it on the November 8, 2016 general election ballot. It will be a countywide property tax levy of not more than 29.5 cents per thousand dollars assessed valuation each year for a period of six consecutive years to provide stable and long-term funding for countywide Emergency Medical Services. AB21195 (Resolution 2016-14) Approved 7-0
74. Authorize the mayor to sign a contract with the Bellingham/Whatcom Fire Fighters Benevolent Foundation to administer funds donated to the city? The International Association of Fire Fighters Local 106 recently created the Bellingham/Whatcom Fire Fighters Benevolent Foundation, a 501(c)(3) whose purposes include providing assistance to the families of fire fighters who have lost their lives or been disabled, especially in the line of duty. AB21211 (Ordinance 2016-05-014) Approved 7-0
Action Taken at May 16, 2016 Meeting
Shall the council:
75. Spend $174,240 to purchase 7.68 acres in the Lake Whatcom Watershed? The property will be purchased from Mark and Joan Van Gasket as part of the Lake Whatcom Property Acquisition Program. Its location is off Northshore Road (no address) in the northeast portion of the watershed, parcel no. 380326 230405 0000. (Discussed in Executive Session) Approved 7-0
76. Authorize the mayor to sign an agreement with the Port of Bellingham for Granary Avenue preparatory work? At the 12/2/2013 meeting, vote #253, the council authorized the mayor to sign an agreement with the Port of Bellingham to implement the Waterfront District sub area plan. The sub area plan will take place in five phases, each with its own set of roads, parks, cleanup and shoreline restoration requirements. One cleanup portion of the plan will be completed during summer 2016 and is being administered by the Port of Bellingham (see 5/17/2016 meeting, vote #95). Granary Avenue will be an arterial street providing access to waterfront area and to the Whatcom Waterway Park. The preparatory work will be put out for bid by the port and will consist of capping contaminated soils with crushed material and asphalt, it will be paid for with an estimated $27,024 in city funds. (AB21240) Approved 7-0
77. Authorize the mayor to award the low bid of $483,193 to Colacurcio Brothers Construction of Blaine for the Bill MacDonald Parkway paving project? The engineer’s estimate was $486,986. Improvements include upgrading bus pullouts and repairing failed road sections. It may also include Billy Frank Jr. Street from E. Chesnut Street to E. Holly Street. Six bids were received, the high bid was $555,582. (AB21242) Approved 7-0
78. Appropriate $2,882,310 for payroll checks issued from April 9 through April 25, 2016? (AB21251) Approved 7-0
79. Appropriate $2,350,809 for goods and services checks issued from April 23 through May 6, 2016? (AB21252/21253) Approved 7-0
80. Accept the donation of the Trickle Creek stormwater facility to the city of Bellingham? The stormwater facility is located at the end of E. Sunset Dr., abutting Trickle Creek Blvd. between Redondo Way and Skylark Loop. The donation will ensure the proper maintenance of the facility, and will be consistent with public ownership of stormwater facilities throughout the city. Closing costs are estimated not to exceed $4,000. Regular, ongoing maintenance costs are estimated between $3,000 to $4,000 annually. (AB21254) Approved 7-0
81. Authorize the city to apply for a state grant to offset costs of a park in the Cordata neighborhood? At the 3/23/2015 meeting, vote #52, the City Council authorized the city to spend $3,620,000 of Greenway III levy funds to purchased 20.76 acres on the east side of Cordata Parkway between Stuart and Horton roads for a park. By completing a waiver of retroactivity at the time of purchase, the Parks Department reserved the opportunity to apply for a grant for partial reimbursement through a competitive grant to the State of Washington Recreation and Wildlife Program. If granted, the city could receive $829,445 in partial reimbursement for the park land purchase. AB21244 (Resolution 2016-15) Approved 7-0
82. Adjust the salary grade for two main cashier positions at the Arne Hanna Aquatics Center? A job audit of the main cashier classification resulted in a change of salary from Plan B Grade 1 to Plan B Grade 4. The department will absorb the estimated $2,755 additional cost for 2016 within the existing aquatics center budget. AB21225 (Ordinance 2016-05-015) Approved 7-0