Compiled by Barry MacHale
Action Taken at April 10, 2018 Meeting
Shall the council:
56. Authorize the executive to sign a $77,440 contract (amendment #1) with FCS Group of Redmond? At the 12/5/2017 meeting, vote #255, the council voted to establish a stormwater utililty district in the Lake Whatcom watershed for the purposes of funding water quality improvements. Phase 1 was approved on 2/8/2018 for $34,512 and established a funding mechanism.This amendment is for Phase 2, including: development of a funding plan, rate design, implementation assistance, public outreach and reporting. The amended contract amount is $111,952 and it expires on 3/31/2019. (AB2018-105A) Approved 6-1, Tyler Byrd opposed.
57. Authorize the executive to sign an attorney engagement and contingency fee agreement with Keller Rohrback L.L.P. of Seattle? The agreement will provide legal representation for potential actions against manufacturers and wholesalers of prescription opioid painkillers and other associated defendants. Legal fees are based upon the outcome of the litigation, and no fees will be paid if no monetary judgment is mandated by the court. (AB2018-116) Approved 7-0
58. Authorize the executive to award the the low bid of $1,302,998 to Lakeside Industries of Issaquah for 2018 hot-mix asphalt prelevel? The engineer’s estimate was $1,370,905. The prelevel is used at various locations for the maintenance and repair of county roads. The contract includes all labor, equipment, and materials required to install approximately 22,126 tons of asphalt prelevel in an amount not to exceed $1,302,998. Three bids were received; the high bid was $1,469,102. (AB2018-119) Approved 7-0
59. Authorize the executive to spend $292,471 to purchase a street sweeper from Owen Equipment of Portland, OR? The 2018 Eagle F Dual Sweeper replaces a 2005 unit with 85,518 miles. The Washington State bid procurentment list was used for the purchase. (AB2018-121) Approved 7-0
60. Set April 24 as the date for a public hearing regarding the sale of surplus property? The surplus property is comprised of 25 sheriff vehicles, 23 trucks and SUVs, two snowplows, two mowers, one tractor, and other miscellaneous vehicles and equipment that have either been replaced or have been deemed damaged or obsolete. AB2018-118 (Resolution 2018-012) Approved 7-0
61. Install a temporary stop sign on Roberts Road at Central Road? (Public hearing held.) Construction of the Roberts Road bridge at Anderson Creek requires stop signs for traffic control. Construction is anticipated to begin in May 2018, and finish late in the year, at which time the sign will be removed. AB2018-113 (Ordinance 2018-017) Adopted 7-0
Action Taken at April 24, 2018 Meeting
Shall the council:
62. Appoint Shannon Crossen to the Wildlife Advisory Committee? The committee was first created at the 7/7/2015 meeting, vote #131, with a termination date of 6/31/2016 that was extended to 7/31/2017. The committee was reactivated at the 11/21/2017 meeting, vote #232, without a termination date. The 11-member committee advises Planning and Development Services on the value of wildlife and habitat management issues as they relate the Comprehensive Plan. Ms. Crossen is currently a staff biologist with ICF and holds an M.S. in environmental science from Montana State University. Her term will end on 1/31/2022. (AB2018-115) Approved 6-0, Tyler Byrd absent.
63. Authorize the sale of surplus property? (Public hearing held.) The surplus property is comprised of 25 sheriff vehicles, 23 trucks and SUVs, two snowplows, two mowers, one tractor, and other miscellaneous vehicles and equipment that have either been replaced or have been deemed damaged or obsolete. AB2018-118A (Resolution 2018-013) Approved 6-0, Tyler Byrd absent.
64. Approve the expenditure of $750,000 (amendment #2) to the 2018 Whatcom County Flood Control Zone District and subzones budget? (Council acting as the flood control district board of supervisors.) The budget was adopted at the 12/5/2017 meeting, vote #250. This amendment Approved 6-0, Tyler Byrd absent. $250,000 to fund emergency flooding or erosion projects and $500,000 for Nooksack River floodplain planning. This brings the total amended project budget to $1,308,219. AB2018-128 (Resolution 2018-014) Approved 6-0, Tyler Byrd absent.
65. Request that the executive direct staff to draft proposed legislation relating to processing and approval of major project permits in the Cherry Point Urban Growth Area? The council is proposing the requirements for: conditional land- and shoreline-use permits, master site planning, review and revision of State Environmental Policy Act policy, review and revision changes in use of existing facilities. AB2018-076B (Resolution 2018-015) Substitute approved 5-1, Barbara Brenner1 opposed and Tyler Byrd absent.
66. Approve the expenditure of $528,219 (amendment #2) to the Agate Heights/Estate Bay Lane stormwater improvement fund and project-based budget? The council voted at the 11/25/2014 meeting, vote #232, to establish the improvement fund and project-based budget and approved amendment #1 at the 11/22/2016 meeting, vote #218. The project will treat runoff from approximately 90 acres through the installation of bio-infiltration swales and channel stabilization. This amendment will complete the design for phases 1 and 2 and the construction of phase 1 and brings the total amended project budget to $1,308,219. The project is listed as item no. 1 on the 2018-2023 six-year water resources program. AB2018-126 (Ordinance 2018-018) Adopted 6-0, Tyler Byrd absent.
67. Amend the 2018 budget (request #6) in the amount of $2,836,591? Appropriate: $40,000 to fund security patrols at the AS Facilities building; $44,011 to fund boating safety patrols on Lake Whatcom; $345,000 to fund the Operation Stonegarden border security program; $43,495 to fund the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children Task Force; $60,000 to fund the Unified Emergency Coordination Center; $1,242,327 to fund the purchase of conservation easements on the Cougar Creek, Broad Leaf Farm, Grubbs, and Matheson properties; $450,000 to fund the Facilities Management relocation from Lottie Street to Williamson Way; $528,219 for funds transfer to support an amendment to the Agate Heights Estate/Bay Lane stormwater project budget; $40,000 to fund regular building security patrols at all county properties. (Ordinance 2018-019) AB2018-127 Adopted 6-0, Tyler Byrd absent.