Whatcom County Council

Compiled by Barry MacHale

Action Taken at December 2, 2024 Special Meeting

Shall the council:

340. Certify Whatcom County’s 2025 property tax levies for taxing districts? The collection refers to the regular levy, excess levy, and refund levy. The taxing districts are: the cities of Bellingham, Blaine, Everson, Ferndale, Lynden, Nooksack, and Sumas; Cemetery Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11; Fire and EMS Districts 4, 11, and 16; Fire Districts 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 11, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21; Fire SWFA; Point Roberts Hospital, Point Roberts Parks and Recreation #1; Blaine-Birch Bay Parks and Recreation; Lynden Parks and Recreation; Port of Bellingham; Whatcom County Rural Library District; Affordable Housing Bellingham; Bellingham School District 501; Ferndale School District 502; Blaine School District 503; Lynden School District 504; Meridian School District 505; Nooksack School District 506; Mt. Baker School District 507; and Concrete School District 11 (Joint district with Skagit County). AB2024-875 (Resolution 2024-054) Approved 5-0, Barry Buchanan and Ben Elenbaas absent.


Action Taken at December 3, 2024 Meeting

Shall the council:

341. Fill two vacancies on the Climate Impact Advisory Committee? The committee provides review and recommendations to the council and executive on issues related to the preparation and adaptation for, and the prevention and mitigation of, impacts of climate change. There were four applicants: Marc Hoeschele, Ted Scott, Joshua Williams, Robert Drake. Appointed: Marc Hoeschele; a consulting engineer with an M.S. in atmospheric science (solar energy emphasis) from University of California at Davis (received 5 votes), and Ted Scott, who holds a Ph.D. in geophysics from University of Minnesota (received 4 votes). (AB2024-714)

342. Authorize the executive to sign a $1,003,932 contract with the Opportunity Council to provide homeless housing services? The Opportunity Council has provided coordinated entry system intakes, diversion, deposit assistance, emergency shelter, housing case management, and permanent supportive rapid rehousing, and veteran’s housing services under previous contracts since 2011. The new contract updates language in the scope of work, adds incident reporting and severe weather planning templates, and includes reimbursement for client transportation expenses. The contract expires on 6/30/2025. (AB2024-772) Authorized 5-2, Ben Elenbaas and Mark Stremler opposed.

343. Authorize the executive to accept a $166,856 state grant (amendment #21) to fund various public health services? The original contract was approved by the council at the 1/11/2022 meeting. The purpose of this amendment is to add to the statements of work and increase funding for workforce development, opioid prevention, overdose data collection, and vaccine programs. The total amended contract is $19,158,215; it expires on 12/31/2024. (AB2024-788) Authorized 6-1, Ben Elenbaas opposed.

344. Authorize the executive to sign a $2,648,084 three-year agreement with the Port of Bellingham and the City of Bellingham regarding a regional economic partnership? The county, city and port will all contribute a grand total of $6,283,015 to the Western Washington University Small Business Development Center to provide regional economic partnership development and coordination services. The county will contribute $856,735 in 2025, $882,438 in 2026 and $908,999 in 2027. (AB2024- 791) Authorized 7-0

345. Authorize the executive to sign a $119,569 contract to bind coverage with Midwest Employer Casualty for renewal of insurance protection for the self-insured workers compensation program? The coverage is $750,000 for non-law enforcement workers and $1,000,000 for law enforcement workers. The estimated premium for 2024 coverage is $110,991, plus a $8,578 broker fee; the final premium amount will be based on actual hours worked during 2024. The contract expires on 12/31/2025. (AB2024-797) Authorized 6-1, Ben Elenbaas opposed.

346. Authorize the executive to sign two contracts — totaling $912,000 — with the Birch Bay Chamber of Commerce and the Mount Baker Foothills Chamber of Commerce? The Birch Bay Chamber of Commerce contract is $230,000 each year for a total of $460,000 and Mount Baker Foothills Chamber of Commerce conract is $226,000 each year for a total of $452,000 for events and festivals, visitor center operations and tourism services. Both contracts expire on 12/31/2026. (AB2024-798/799) Authorized 6-1, Ben Elenbaas opposed.

347. Authorize the executive to sign a $108,863 contract with Associated Earth Sciences of Kirkland to conduct phase one investigations into the impacts of agricultural tile drains on stream flows? (Council acting as the flood control district board of supervisors.) The contract will allow tile drain management technique modeling results to be validated in two different watersheds, as part of a regional water management strategy. The contract expires on 6/30/2025. (AB2024-804) Authorized 5-2, Todd Donovan and Ben Elenbaas opposed.

348. Authorize the executive to sign a $138,921 six-months contract (amendment #3) with Ideal Option of Pasco and MXD of Bow for jail physician services? At the 1/25/2022 meeting, vote #19, the council approved the original $277,842 contract. This contract will reassign the contracted services from Ideal Options to MXD. Dr. Martin Dubek, who had been providing providing physician services under the Ideal Option contract, will continue under MXD with options to extend through 12/31/2026. The total amended contract is $972,447; it expires on 6/30/2025. (AB2024-812) Authorized 6-1, Ben Elenbaas opposed.

349. Authorize the executive to sign a $640,070 contract (amendment #3) with Sun Community Services of Bellingham to operate an emergency shelter? At the 12/6/2022 meeting, vote #309, the council approved the original $482,755 contract. The Sun House is a nine-bed emergency shelter for adults who are experiencing mental illness and are either actively homeless or have been discharged from prison or mental health facilities. The purpose of the amendment is to extend the contract by one year, add 1.5 case management positions, and update budget and invoicing requirements. The total amended contract is $1,631,861; it expires on 12/31/2025. (AB2024-815) Authorized 6-1, Ben Elenbaas opposed.

350. Authorize the executive to sign a $11,520 contract (amendment #1) with SpectraSite Communications of Woburn, Massachusetts, to add additional equipment to a radio tower? The council approved the original $189,560 contract at the 3/22/2022 meeting, vote #76. The purpose of the amendment is to add a UHF radio antenna and repeater in Blaine and the rent will increase by $225.88 per month. The total amended contract is $201,080; it expires on 3/1/2029. (AB2024-816) Authorized 6-1, Ben Elenbaas opposed.

351. Authorize the executive to accept a $2,900,000 state grant reimbursing the Conservation Futures Fund for the purchase of two properties? The grant will reimburse the county for acquiring the South Fork Nooksack River integrated floodplain re-connection project and Stewart Mountain property. The expenditure acquired 672 acres of floodplain, riparian forest, mountain slopes and four miles of shoreline. The total grant award is $3,565,402; it expires on 6/30/2026. (AB2024-817) Authorized 6-1, Ben Elenbaas opposed.

352. Authorize the executive to sign a $302,038 contract with Black and Veatch Corporation of Seattle to provide engineering and technical consulting services? (Council acting as the flood control district board of supervisors.) The services will support the implementation and administration of current federal elevation and acquisition grants for hazard mitigation in response to the flood events of 2021. The contract expires on 10/31/2026. (AB2024-820) Authorized 6-1, Ben Elenbaas opposed.

353. Authorize the executive to accept a $213,104 state grant to improve the quality of public defender services available in Whatcom County? The funding from the state office of public defense supports the salaries and benefits of two attorney positions in the county public defender office. The two attorneys will represent indigent clientele for adult felony, adult misdemeanor and juvenile offender cases. The grant expires on 12/31/2025. (AB2024-822) Authorized 6-1, Ben Elenbaas opposed.

354. Authorize the executive to sign a $500,000 two-year contract with Bellingham Whatcom County Tourism for regional tourism promotion? At the 11/19/2024 meeting, vote #324, the Bellingham Whatcom County Tourism was one of 18 applications the council approved for lodging tax funding. The contract expires on 12/31/2026. (AB2024-824) Authorized 6-1, Ben Elenbaas opposed.

355. Authorize the executive to sign a $932,318 two-year contract with the Whatcom Humane Society? The Whatcom Humane Society has been providing animal control since 2009. The contract will provide animal control and shelter facility operations, including: adoption, disposal, housing, investigation, enforcement, patrol, impoundment, animal licensing and education programs; the contract expires on 12/31/2026. (AB2024- 828) Authorized 6-1, Ben Elenbaas opposed.

356. Authorize the executive to award a $2 million grant to the Meridian School District to construct a child care facility? There are approximately 10,500 children under the age of five living in Whatcom County. Only 3,686 are enrolled in child care programs. The new facility will be constructed on school district property and will create 60 additional childcare slots: eight for infants, 12 for children aged 12-24 months, and 40 for children aged 2-6 years old. The grant funds must be spent by 12/31/2026. (AB2024-831) Authorized 6-1, Ben Elenbaas opposed.

357. Authorize the executive to sign a $200,000 contract with Chuckanut Health Foundation of Bellingham to provide administrative support and staff space for the Whatcom Racial Equity Commission? The council created the commission at the 10/11/2022 meeting, vote #251. The commission is composed of 31 voting members and six non-voting members who are elected officeholders in Whatcom County. The commission serves as an advisory board to local government agencies and other organizations in Whatcom County working to promote racial equity. The City of Bellingham will provide half the cost and will provide support, facilitation, resources, and equity advising services for the commission. The contract expires on 12/31/2025. (AB2024- 832) Authorized 4-3, Tyler Byrd, Ben Elenbaas, and Mark Stremler opposed.

358. Authorize the executive to sign an $86,783 contract (amendment #1) with Tetra Tech of Seattle to provide a drainage management plan for Point Roberts? At the 8/8/2023 meeting, vote #200, the council approved a $128,745 contract for phase 1 of a drainage study and design services. Phase 2 will develop a drainage management plan related to stormwater problems. The total amended contract is $215,528; it expires on 5/31/2025. (AB2024-835) Authorized 6-1, Ben Elenbaas opposed.

359. Authorize the executive to sign a $110,000 two-year contract with Emily Welch, M.D. to supervise physician services? At the November 2024 general election, Whatcom County voters approved an Emergency Medical Services levy, which includes a budget to appoint medical program administrators to support basic life support operations, training, continuous quality improvement, and other support activities. Dr. Welch will report to the county medical program director. The contract expires on 12/31/2026. (AB2024-836) Authorized 7-0

360. Authorize the executive to sign a $28,634, contract (amendment #3) with FSi Engineers of Seattle for professional design and engineering services for building improvements at the parks headquarters facility? At the 2/20/2024 meeting, vote #61, the council approved the initial amount. The total contract is $187,717; it expires on 11/30/2025 (AB2024-837) Authorized 6-1, Ben Elenbaas opposed.

361. Authorize the executive to a sign $265,000 contract with Ralph Weiche, M.D. for medical program director services? The medical program director supervises emergency medical services and the operations of EMTs, EMT II and paramedics. Dr. Marvin Wayne is program manager of the Emergency Medical Services; he is terminating his contract expiring on 12/31/2025 and is retiring effective 12/31/2024. Dr. Weiche has been supervising physician for the paramedic training program at the Bellingham Fire Department. Over the past six months, Dr. Wayne and the EMS manager have designed a succession plan to support Dr. Weiche in 2025. (AB2024-838) Authorized 6-1, Ben Elenbaas opposed.

362. Authorize the executive to sign a $210,708 three-year contract (amendment #1) with Helmsman Management Services of Portland, Oregon, to provide administration of the self-insured worker’s compensation program? The county has self-insured their workers’ compensation program since 1984, and Helmsman has served as the claim administrator since 2005. At the 8/10/2021 meeting, vote #186, the council approved the original three-year $173,090 contract. This amendment is for 2025 ($67,500), 2026 ($70,200), and 2027 ($73,008), and the total amended amount is $383,798; it expires on 12/31/2027. (AB2024-839) Authorized 6-1, Ben Elenbaas opposed.

363. Authorize the executive to sign a letter of understanding with the American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees – Council 2 (AFSCME), Local 114-PD to extend the collective bargaining agreement? Wages will increase by 3 percent in 2025 and a medical premium contribution for 2025 ($1,512) and 2026 (up to $1,588). The one-year agreement for approximately 22 employees will expire on 12/31/2025. (AB2024-841) Authorized 6-1, Ben Elenbaas opposed.

364. Authorize the executive to sign a $143,352 lease agreement with The Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) to lease 104B Unity Street in Bellingham? At the 3/19/2024 meeting, vote #81, the council authorized the expenditure of $5,250,000 for the purchase and remodel of buildings at 110 and 121 Unity Street. This new lease ends on 12/31/2027, with a three-year extension option. (AB2024-846) Authorized 6-1, Ben Elenbaas opposed.

365. Authorize the executive to sign a $2,355,352 contract with the Opportunity Council to operate the Whatcom Homeless Service Center? The center is the county’s intake system for homeless housing services and makes referrals to partner agencies for housing case management and rental assistance programs, cultivates and maintains relationships with local landlords and motel operators, and serves as a liaison for homeless housing activities to a network of service providers and community stakeholders. The Opportunity Council has provided these services under previous contracts since 2008. The new contract updates funding sources and program outcomes. The contract expires on 6/30/2025. (AB2024-847) Authorized 4-3, Tyler Byrd, Ben Elenbaas and Mark Stremler opposed.

366. Add the Whatcom County prosecutor as a voting member of the Justice Project Oversight and Planning Committee (JPOP)? At the 11/18/2024 regular meeting of the Incarceration Prevention and Reduction Task Force, a proposal was made to add the county prosecutor to the JPOP Committee. The task force voted unanimously to recommend the council they add Whatcom County Prosecutor Eric J. Richey to the committee. (AB2024-850) Approved 7-0

367. Authorize the executive to sign a $1,172,490 six-month contract (amendment #8) with the Northwest Regional Council of Bellingham for nursing services at the main jail, work center and juvenile detention? At the 12/3/2019 meeting, vote #286, the council approved the original contract for $1,456,501. The total amended contract is $9,655,026; it expires on 6/30/2025. (AB2024-851) Authorized 6-1, Ben Elenbaas opposed.

368. Authorize the executive to sign a $648,568 contract (amendment #8) with the Opportunity Council to provide on-site supportive services to residents of the permanent supportive housing facility known as 22 North? The original contract for $242,648 was approved at the 6/21/2022 meeting, vote #165. The purpose of the amendment is to update language in the scope of work and add incident reporting and severe weather planning templates. The total amended contract is $2,135,238; it expires on 12/31/2025. (AB2024-852) Authorized 4-3, Tyler Byrd, Ben Elenbaas and Mark Stremler opposed.

369. Authorize the executive to sign a $425,012 contract with YWCA Bellingham to provide housing case management services and shelter operational support? The YWCA currently provides 14 year-round shelter beds and 27 transitional housing units for women at the Larrabee residence and Garden Street properties. This contract will provide an additional 19 units of year-round shelter at the Lakeway shelter; it expires on 6/30/2025. (AB2024-855) Authorized 6-1, Ben Elenbaas opposed.

370. Authorize the executive to sign two six-month contracts — totaling $327,000 — with Northwest Youth Services to provide housing case management ($252,000) and outreach and engagement services ($75,000)? Northwest Youth Services provides supportive services to youth through age 24. This vote adds a requirement that the contractor must meet two times during the six-month period to update the council on the transition to new leadership and changes in agency work culture. The contracts expire on 6/30/2025. (AB2024-858/860) Authorized 6-1, Ben Elenbaas opposed.

371. Authorize the executive to sign an $819,056 contract with the City of Bellingham to provide funding for the Ground-Level Response and Coordinated Engagement (GRACE) program? The City funds 40 percent of the program, which provides mobile integrated health and other services in Whatcom County for the purpose of reducing overuse of emergency and law enforcement services. The contract expires on 12/31/2026. (AB2024-859) Authorized 6-1, Ben Elenbaas opposed.

372. Authorize the executive to sign a $670,010 contract with Pioneer Human Services of Seattle to operate a permanent supportive housing facility? The City Gate apartments are located in Bellingham and provide 37 units to individuals who are exiting incarceration and returning to Whatcom County under state department of corrections supervision and/or are participants in the county mental health court program. The contract expires on 12/31/2025. (AB2024-861) Authorized 6-1, Ben Elenbaas opposed.

373. Authorize the executive to sign a $500,643 contract with Ferndale Community Services to provide housing engagement and stability services? The contract will provide outreach, housing system navigation, and basic needs services for individuals facing homelessness and housing instability in north Whatcom County; it expires on 12/31/2025. (AB2024-862) Authorized 6-1, Ben Elenbaas opposed.

374. Authorize the executive to sign a $240,870 contract with Mercy Housing Northwest of Seattle to provide resident coordination services? The contract will provide supportive services for residents at three affordable housing buildings — the Trailview and Millworks Apartments and Sterling Meadows. These services address housing stability, health and wellness, community engagement, education, and financial well-being. The contract expires on 12/31/2025. (AB2024-863) Authorized 6-1, Ben Elenbaas opposed.

375. Authorize the executive to sign three contracts — totaling $736,993 — with Lydia Place of Bellingham to operate an emergency shelter ($358,426), rapid rehousing and housing stability services ($249,080), and permanent supportive housing and supportive services ($129,487) programs? The contracts expire on 6/30/2025. (AB2024-857/864/865) Authorized 6-1, Ben Elenbaas opposed.

376. Adopt the 2025-2026 budget for the Point Roberts Transportation Benefit District? (Public hearing held; Council acting as the governing body of the Point Roberts Transportation Benefit District.) The yearly budget is $20,000 and covers only maintenance operations. AB2024-802 (Resolution 2024-055) Approved 7-0

377. Amend the 2024 Flood Control Zone District and Subzones Budget (request #7) in the amount of $20,695? (Council acting as the flood control district board of supervisors.) Appropriated: $14,334 in river and flood control and $6,361 in natural resources funding to cover the district’s share of tank removal and remediation costs, and increased utility costs to the district. AB2024-770 (Resolution 2024-056) Approved 7-0

378. Support the development and implementation of a localized child care provider rate augmentation and family subsidy program? Since 2017, the council has prioritized services for children and families. Establishing a Children and Family action plan, a Children and Family Well-Being Task Force and placing the Healthy Children’s Fund on the general election ballot. AB2024-853 (Resolution 2024-057) Approved 7-0

379. Amend Whatcom County code related to zoning? (Public hearing held.) The amendments define industrial uses, conditions, and prohibitions for industrial uses in heavy impact industrial districts within a city’s designated Urban Growth Area. AB2024-796 (Ordinance 2024-071) Adopted 6-1, Mark Stremler opposed.

380. Establish a $462,000 project-based budget for courtroom audiovisual systems upgrade? The upgrades will replace technology not eligible for annual maintenance by the vendor for Superior Court, District Court and main jail courtroom. Courtrooms #1, #2 and #3 will have sound improvements; Courtrooms #1 and #2 will also have wifi connectivity upgrades; the new 3rd floor court- room will have JAVS and Wi-Fi connectivity upgrades; and the jail courtroom will have JAVS upgrades. AB2024-753 (Ordinance 2024-072) Adopted 7-0

381. Establish a $2,241,000 project-based budget for the central shop underground storage tank removal project? To be in compliance with state environmental law, the county is required to remove underground storage tanks, clean up and remediate contaminated soil at the facility located at 901 W. Smith Rd in Bellingham. AB2024-766 (Ordinance 2024-073) Adopted 7-0

382. Amend the project-based budget for the North Fork Road/Kenney Creek fish passage project fund (request #1) in the amount of $5,075,000? The council established the $425,000 fund at the 11/23/2021 meeting, vote #290. The existing 5-foot diameter corrugated steel culvert which carries Kenney Creek under the North Fork Road has been identified as a barrier to fish passage and its replacement is considered one of the highest priorities in the county road system. The total amended budget is $5,500,000. AB2024-768 (Ordinance 2024-074) Adopted 7-0

383. Amend the 2024 budget (request #15) in the amount of $12,651,067? Appropriated: $100,000 for Superior Court clerk; $7,500,000 for the sheriff’s department in American Rescue Plan Act revenue; $1,940,718 for central shop underground storage tank removal; $303,546 for increased utilities’ costs; $2,389,819 for N. Fork Road/Kenny Creek fish passage project and underground storage tank removal. There are 12 additional appropriations under $100,0000 that total $416,984. AB2024-775 (Ordinance 2024-075) Adopted 4-3, Tyler Byrd, Ben Elenbaas and Mark Stremler opposed.

384. Amend Ordinance 2013-022? The council adopted the ordinance at the 5/7/2013 meeting, vote #76 — it allowed the Whatcom County treasurer to make loans for up to $1 million to fund road projects if there was a delay in state and federal grant reimbursements. Inflation has increased almost 35 percent since 2013. This amendment will allow the Whatcom County treasurer to make inter-fund loans for capital project budgets up to $2 million for a term not to exceed two years. AB2024-776 (Ordinance 2024-076) Adopted 7-0

385. Amend the 2025 budget (request #1) in the amount of $16,292,701? This vote appropriates funding from the road fund for the 2025 Annual Road Construction Program. AB2024-780 (Ordinance 2024-077) Adopted 7-0

386. Amend Whatcom County code and establish a medical examiner department? Beginning in 1992, the office of county medical examiner became a contracted position. At the 5/21/2024 meeting, vote #141, the council voted to designate the medical examiner a county employee. A primary reason for the designation is more accountability to the county. This vote establishes, effective 1/1/2025, a medical examiner department. The medical examiner will be appointed by the executive and confirmed by the council. A seven-member advisory board will be appointed to review the medical examiner’s policies and procedures. AB2024- 747 (Ordinance 2024-078) Adopted 7-0

387. Create a Birch Bay Community Advisory Committee? The seven-member advisory committee will act to improve communication and collaboration among the Birch Bay community, the county executive and County Council. The committee will make recommendations related to the Birch Bay community and the Urban Growth Area. The committee shall consist of three members from civic organizations and four appointed by the executive and confirmed by the council. AB2024-794 (Ordinance 2024-079) Adopted 7-0

388. Amend Whatcom County code relating to advisory groups? The amendments will adjust term lengths for advisory group members to maintain a staggered appointment schedule and adjust quorum and member attendance requirements to be more flexible. AB2024-795 (Ordinance 2024-080) Adopted 6-1, Ben Elenbaas opposed.


Action Taken at December 19, 2024 Special Meeting

Shall the council:

389. Certify Whatcom County’s property tax levies for collection in 2025 to the county assessor? State law requires the County Council to certify to the assessor the amount of taxes to be levied upon property within the county. For 2025, the amounts to be levied by fund are: General Fund ($38,581,682.88), Road Fund ($25,184,305.47); Countywide EMS Fund ($13,681,686); Flood Control District ($6,571,438.74); and the Conservation Futures Fund ($61,487,229.45). AB2024-875 (Resolution 2024-058) Approved 4-0, Barry Buchanan, Tyler Byrd and Ben Elenbaas absent.

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