Whatcom County Council

Compiled by Barry MacHale

Action Taken at November 6, 2024 Meeting

Shall the council:

303. Authorize the executive to sign a $700,000 contract with the Ferndale School District for the purchase and installation of an Americans with Disabilities Act-compliant playground? The Ferndale School District has 151 children age 3-5 in the early childhood education and assistance program, half are students with special needs. The contract will provide students at the Mountain View Learning Center, including those with individualized education plans, with access to kindergarten readiness activities, including play-based learning curriculum. Funding for this contract is the American Rescue Plan; established under the plan is the enhancement of childcare and early learning services. The contract expires on 6/30/2026. (AB2024-654) Authorized 7-0

304. Fill a vacancy on the Child and Family Well-Being Task Force? Th e task force reviews Whatcom County government’s impact on children and families and makes recommendations for improvements for all departments. Appointed: Jessica Goette. Appointee Goette was formerly employed as a special education teacher and serves on the board of the Opportunity Council. (AB2024-680) Appointed 7-0

305. Authorize the executive to sign a $1,093,637 contract with the Bellingham/Whatcom County Housing Authorities to partially fund the development of a licensed child care facility in the Samish Commons (301 N. Samish Way) affordable housing complex? The facility will create 40 additional child care slots for children — one week to two and half years of age — with 20 percent reserved for individuals earning 80 percent or below of the area medium income. Construction is scheduled to begin in April 2025 and be completed by October 2025. The facility must be licensed by the Washington State Department of Children Youth and Families as a child care facility. The contract expires on 9/30/2036. (AB2024-682) Authorized 7-0

306. Fill a vacancy on the Justice Project Oversight and Planning Committee? The committee monitors the county governmental progress toward the implementation of the Justice Project Plan and ensures public engagement and communications. There were three applicants for the substance use disorder provider position, Suzanne Scala, Alexis Hahs and Amber Rucker. Appointed with 5 votes: Amber Rucker. Appointee Rucker is a substance use disorder professional at Catholic Community Services. (AB2024-712)

307. Authorize the executive to sign a $151,673 three-year contract with West Publishing for subscriptions to legal research databases? The legal research databases will be used in the Whatcom County law library. The annual increase over the previous contract is $2,889. The contract expires on 11/7/2027. (AB2024-720) Authorized 7-0

308. Confirm the executive’s appointment of Dr. Aldo Fusaro as medical examiner? The contract with Hunt Forensics was terminated after a report revealed that bodies in the care of the medical examiner’s office were improperly stored. At the 9/10/2024 meeting, vote #251, Dr. Fusaro was confirmed as temporary interim medical examiner. He was also serving as deputy medical examiner for the Montana state medical’s examiner’s office. His appointment is effective 12/9/2024. (AB2024-722) Confirmed 7-0

309. Authorize the executive to accept a $190,000 state grant to examine the potential for an office of healthy housing? The office would be an interjurisdictional coordinating body focused on improving the housing market for tenants, landlords, and those interested in becoming landlords — the grant would fund a study to determine how best to design and fund the office. Sustainable Connections would be the pass-through contractor selected to carry out the study under their Whatcom Housing Alliance banner. The grant expires on 6/30/2025. (AB2024-727) Authorized 7-0

310. Authorize the executive to sign a $66,625 contract with Lutheran Community Services Northwest of Tacoma to lease a facility for use as a 2024-2025 winter shelter? Whatcom County will lease the approximately 6,000 square foot facility located at 925 N. Forest Street in Bellingham to be used as an cold weather shelter. The facility will provide shelter for up to 70 guests, with additional capacity for severe weather events. The contract shall commence on 11/1/2024 and expire on 3/31/2025. (AB2024- 740) Authorized 7-0

311. Establish a new level of service action plan for the Lummi Island ferry system? At the 7/24/2018 meeting, vote #118, the council approved a level of service action plan proposed by the Lummi Island Ferry Advisory Committee. That plan suggested a 34-car vessel. Post-Covid pandemic ridership trends indicate that a 20-car vessel with a hybrid diesel-electric design would meet the current level of service. AB2024-725 (Resolution 2024-048) Approved 7-0

312. Amend Whatcom County code related to the Emergency Medical Services? The joint cooperative emergency medical services technical advisory board consists of 10 members. Position number seven is currently appointed jointly by the mayor of Bellingham and the county executive. This vote changes the position appointment to the fire chief of Fire Protection District 7. AB2024-691 (Ordinance 2024-056) Adopted 7-0


Action Taken at November 19, 2024 Meeting

Shall the council:

313. Adopt amendments to the Whatcom County Code regarding local permit review? (Public hearing held.) The state encourages local governments to combat the state’s housing crisis. The governor signed the state law amendments on 5/10/2023 — the amendments include new permit review timelines and annual reporting requirements, effective on 1/1/2025. (AB2024-695) Failed 0-7, Barry Buchanan, Tyler Byrd, Todd Donovan, Ben Elenbaas, Kaylee Galloway, John Scanlon, and Mark Stremler opposed.

314. Authorize the executive to sign a $98,158 contract with YWCA Bellingham to provide emergency shelter services? The contract will provide shelter stay management, basic needs’ supplies, and resource navigation services for up to 60 single women with children experiencing homelessness in Whatcom County with emergency motel stays during the winter season. The contract expires on 3/31/2025. (AB2024-771) Authorized 7-0

315. Authorize the executive to sign a $197,346 contract with AssetWorks Inc. of Berwyn, Pa., to provide professional services for the implementation of the new FleetFocus asset, inventory, and maintenance management system? Public Works will use the system to manage the county equipment and vehicle fleet with their associated assets and functions. The contract expires on 11/30/2026. (AB2024-773) Authorized 7-0

316. Authorize the 2025 levy of taxes for countywide emergency medical purposes? (Public hearing held.) This vote would increase the levy by $750,000 for a total budget of $14,144,873. (AB2024- 779) Failed 2-5, Tyler Byrd, Todd Donovan, Ben Elenbaas, John Scanlon, and Mark Stremler opposed.

317. Support the executive’s appointment of Patrick Bush to the Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee? The committee assists the county in the planning, funding, development, and implementation of facilities and programs that increase bicycle and pedestrian travel. Patrick Bush is a former professional cyclist and national sales manager. (AB2024-781) Confirmed 7-0

318. Support the executive’s appointment of Rosemarie Tom and Heidi Bode to the Bellingham-Whatcom County Commission on Sexual and Domestic Violence? The commission develops and implements a coordinated domestic violence prevention plan. Rosmarie Tom is currently employed as a legal advocate at Lummi Victims of Crime. Heidi Bode currently serves as the executive director of LAW Advocates. (AB2024-782) Confirmed 7-0

319. Support the executive’s appointment of Alexi Guddal to the Marine Resources Committee? The committee addresses local marine issues and recommends remedial action to local authorities. Alexi Guddal currently serves as an education and outreach specialist for the Whatcom Conservation District. (AB2024-783) Confirmed 7-0

320. Authorize the executive to accept a $404,219 state grant (amendment #2) to fund the Nurse Family Partnership Program? At the 9/26/2023 meeting, vote #255, the council authorized the executive to accept the initial grant of $378,496. The goals of program are: to ensure healthy birth weights; support children and youth in developing healthy relationships with parents/ caregivers; and to support the ability of parents/caregivers to meet the needs of their children/youth. The program provides home visits, education, and outreach for at-risk, first-time mothers. The purpose of the amendment is to add $404,218 in funding to extend the contract. The total amended contract is $818,837; it expires on 7/31/2025. (AB2024-786) Authorized 7-0

321. Authorize the 2025 levy of taxes for the Whatcom County Flood Control Zone District? (Public hearing held; Council acting as the flood control district board of supervisors.) The levy will not change over 2024 levels of 50 cents per $1,000 of assessed value, except for new construction, improvements to property, newly constructed wind turbines, solar, biomass, and geothermal facilities, as well as any increase in the value of state assessed property. AB2024-732 (Resolution 2024-049) Approved 7-0

322. Adopt the 2025 budget for the Whatcom County Flood Control Zone District and Subzones? (Public hearing held; Council acting as the flood control district board of supervisors.) The funds will be used for flood control and stormwater construction and improvements in the district and subzones, which include: Acme/ Van Zandt; Lynden Everson; Sumas/Nooksack/Everson; Samish Watershed; and the Birch Bay Watershed and Aquatic Resources Management District. The district budget for 2025 is $4,349,452 and the subzones’ budget is $1,483,184. AB2024-742 (Resolution 2024-050) Approved 4-3, Tyler Byrd, Ben Elenbaas, and Mark Stremler opposed.

323. Adopt a salary schedule and policies for unrepresented Whatcom County employees? The schedule and policies cover Whatcom County employees not represented by a union. It does not cover county elected officials and includes a 3 percent wage increase and clarification around promotion and reclassification steps. Th e schedule runs from 1/1/2025 to 12/31/2025. AB2024- 777 (Resolution 2024-051) Approved 7-0

324. Approve $1,045,700 for the 2025 tourism-related facilities and activities? There were 25 applications for annual lodging tax funding allocations and 18 were approved. Approved applications: Bellingham Regional Chamber of Commerce ($30,000); Bellingham/Whatcom County Tourism ($250,000); Birch Bay Chamber of Commerce ($230,000); Mt. Baker Foothills Chamber of Commerce/Visitor Center ($226,000); Point Roberts Chamber of Commerce ($26,000); Whatcom County Parks Glacier Restrooms ($34,500); Whatcom County Parks Guide ($6,500); Allied Arts ($8,200); Ribs & Roofs BBQ Competition ($10,000); Birch Bay Polar Bear Plunge 2026 ($25,000); Cascade Mtn. Ascents ($7,500); Jansen Art Center ($15,000); Parks Foundation North Cascades Bluegrass Festival ($30,000); Scottish Dance Society ($18,000); Strings & Things Point Roberts Int’l Music Festival ($30,000); Sustainable Connections ($45,000); Whatcom Events ($40,000); Wings Over Water NW Birding Festival ($10,000). AB2024-769 (Resolution 2024-052) Approved 7-0

325. Adopt equipment rental and revolving rental rates as required by the county Road Administration Board? The county Road Administration Board was created by the Legislature in 1965 to provide statutory oversight of Washington’s 39 county road departments. The policy includes guidelines for setting county road rental rates for vehicles and equipment. No later than April 1 of each year, the county is required to submit to the state the legislative authority adopting road rental rates, the rates, and the management policy. AB2024-765 (Resolution 2024-053) Approved 7-0

326. Adopt the 2025-2026 biennium budget for Whatcom County? (Public hearing held.) The 2025 general fund appropriation is $140,178,667 and other funds are $200,553,747; the 2026 general fund appropriation is $139,854,695 and other funds are $178,341,860. AB2024-745 (Ordinance 2024-057) Adopted 4-3, Tyler Byrd, Ben Elenbaas, and Mark Stremler opposed.

327. Adopt the 2025-2031 seven-year capital improvement program for Whatcom County facilities? (Public hearing held.) The program must be updated every two years; it was last updated at the 11/22/2022 meeting, vote #288. The program addresses county parks, trails, activity centers, maintenance and operations, general government buildings and sites, sheriff ’s office facilities, emergency management, adult corrections projects, juvenile detention facilities, transportation, and stormwater projects. The projects are estimated to cost $449,416,712 for the seven-year planning period. AB2024-697 (Ordinance 2024-058) Adopted 7-0

328. Authorize the 2025 levy of taxes for countywide emergency medical purposes? (Public hearing held.) The council has determined that it is necessary to increase levy taxes in the amount of $133,949. The taxes will increase one percent over the 2024 levy. AB2024-728 (Ordinance 2024-059) Adopted 4-3, Tyler Byrd, Ben Elenbaas, and Mark Stremler opposed.

329. Authorize the 2025 levy of taxes for the Conservation Futures Fund? (Public hearing held.) The council has determined it is necessary to increase the levy of taxes in the amount of $13,943. At the 11/21/2023 meeting, vote #330, the council increased the fund taxes for 2024 in the amount of $73,606. The funds can only be used to acquire land or development rights for conservation purposes, with a small percentage used for land maintenance AB2024-729 (Ordinance 2024-060) Adopted 4-3, Tyler Byrd, Ben Elenbaas, and Mark Stremler opposed.

330. Authorize the 2025 levy of taxes for county road purposes? (Public hearing held.) The council has determined it is necessary to levy taxes in the amount of $3,916,564, which is a percentage increase of 18.7 percent over the 2024 levy. This increase is exclusive of additional revenue resulting from new construction, improvements to property, newly constructed wind turbines, solar, biomass, and geothermal facilities, as well as any increase in the value of state assessed property. For the 2025 budget year, $1,156,530 will be diverted away from county road taxes and used for traffic enforcement in unincorporated areas of Whatcom County. AB2024-730 (Ordinance 2024-061) Adopted 4-3, Tyler Byrd, Ben Elenbaas, and Mark Stremler opposed.

331. Authorize the 2025 levy of taxes for county and state purposes? (Public hearing held.) The council has determined it is necessary to increase general levy taxes in the amount of $4,271,352, which is a percentage increase of 9.8 percent over the 2024. This increase is exclusive of additional revenue resulting from new construction, improvements to property, newly constructed wind turbines, solar, biomass, and geothermal facilities, as well as any increase in the value of state-assessed property. AB2024-731 (Ordinance 2024-062) Adopted 4-3, Tyler Byrd, Ben Elenbaas, and Mark Stremler opposed.

332. Adopt the 2025 Whatcom County unified fee schedule? (Public hearing held.) The schedule lists fees charged by the county to provide services such as building permits, parking, filing and licensing, animal control, and charges for park equipment and facilities. The fees shall not exceed reimbursement costs to the providing department and the executive may add or adjust fees with sufficient justification by executive order. AB2024-743 (Ordinance 2024-063) Adopted 6-1, Ben Elenbaas opposed.

333. Amend the project budget for the central shop National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) stormwater improvements project fund (request #1) in the amount of $2,614,000? At the 7/25/2023 meeting, vote #195, the council established the $255,500 fund and project-based budget to implement required water quality improvement measures. The purpose of the amendment is to add funding for construction costs. The total estimated project budget is $2,869,500. AB2024- 719 (Ordinance 2024-064) Adopted 7-0

334. Amend the project-based budget for the Goshen Road/ Anderson Creek bridge replacement fund (request #1) in the amount of $200,000? Council approved the original $500,000 budget at the 11/23/2021 meeting , vote #289. The amendment will add funding to complete the preliminary engineering phase. The total amended project-based budget is $700,000. AB2024- 723 (Ordinance 2024-065) Adopted 7-0

335. Amend the 2024 budget (request #14) in the amount of $4,564,923? Appropriated: $1 million for the 23-Hour Crisis Relief Center; $150,000 to fund Medicaid reentry project; $2,614,000 for central shop National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System project; $700,000 Habitat for Humanity land acquisition. There are six additional appropriations under $100,000 that total $100,923. AB2024-744 (Ordinance 2024- 066) Adopted 7-0

336. Amend the project-based budget for the 23-Hour Crisis Relief Center project fund (request #1) in the amount of $1 million? At the 2/20/2024 meeting, vote #60, the council established the $1 million fund to construct a facility to provide behavioral and mental health support for individuals in crisis. The purpose of this amendment is to add in funding for design and construction phases of the project. The total project-based budget is $2 million. AB2024-748 (Ordinance 2024-067) Adopted 7-0

337. Amend the project-based budget for the Hovander Park building improvement project (request #3) in the amount of $1,415,000? The council established the $275,000 project-based budget at the 11/22/2016 meeting, vote #215, and added $151,378 at the 10/22/2024 meeting, vote #301. The purpose of this amendment is to add funding for the construction of a maintenance shop at Hovander Park. The total amended project budget is $1,696,378. AB2024-749 (Ordinance 2024-068) Adopted 7-0

338. Amend the project-based budget for the Courthouse Building Envelope Fund (request #6) in the amount of $2,051,898? At the 11/25/2014 meeting, vote #224, the council established the the Courthouse Improvement Fund and a project-based budget for $250,000. The purpose of this amendment is to add design, roof replacement, and glazing activities. The total amended project-based budget is $17,044,807. AB2024-750 (Ordinance 2024-069) Adopted 7-0

339. Amend the project-based budget for the integrated land records and permit management system fund (request #3) in the amount of $250,000? At the 11/25/2014 meeting, vote #236, the council established the $1,168,334 project-based budget. The purpose of this amendment is to migrate the current permit system to the Tyler Technologies cloud and implement the environmental health module. The total amended project-based budget is $3,206.661. AB2024-752 (Ordinance 2024-070) Adopted 7-0



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