Action Taken at February 7, 2017 Meeting
Shall the commission:
16. Terminate a lease and approve a new one (amendment #8) with with the federal government? In May of 2002, the commission approved a lease with the U.S. Customs and Border Protection for 1,745 square feet in the international arrivals building at the Bellingham airport to conduct aircraft and maritime port-of-entry processing. The monthly rent of $4,227 and the lease was terminated on 2/28/2017. The Code of Federal Regulations requires U.S. airports to provide, without cost to the government, proper office and other space to federal officials working at airports. Effective 3/1/2017, the no rent lease will be for one year. It will renew automatically on a year-to-year basis through 2/28/2037. (6504/Consent Agenda C) Approved 3-0
17. Authorize the executive director to sign an agreement with Bellingham Aviation Services of Bellingham for management of aircraft tie-downs, transit/overnight parking fees and general aviation landing fees at the Bellingham airport? Both port-approved fixed-base operators submitted proposals; the proposal from Bellingham Aviation was determined to be most responsive. The port will compensate Bellingham Aviation with 10 percent of the total monthly fees collected for transit/overnight parking fees, and monthly and general aviation aircraft parking fees. The port will also compensate Bellingham Aviation with 5 percent of total collected general aviation landing fees at a rate set by the airport tariff schedule. The projected cost to the port for this management agreement is approximately $14,000 per year. The agreement is runs from 3/1/2017 through 2/28/2022. (6506/Consent Agenda E) Approved 3-0
18. Increase the base salary for the executive director by 2.5 percent? At the 1/19/2016 meeting, vote #23, the executive director’s base salary was raised by 3 percent to $163,061. A 2.5 percent raise brings the base salary to $167,137, effective 2/7/2017. (6507/Action Item 1) Approved 3-0
19. Approve a property agreement with Whatcom Transportation Authority? Bus service to the Bellingham airport will begin on March 19, 2017. The Whatcom Transportation Authority will construct a bus shelter on West Bakerview Road between the Wood Stone Building and the Economy B parking lot near the entrance to the airport. Costs to the port will be negligible. (6508/Action Item 2) Approved 3-0
20. Reaffirm the three existing Port Commission districts? (Public hearing held at Jan. 24 meeting.) At the 12/4/2001 meeting, vote #70, the commission voted to make port districts identical to Whatcom County Council districts. At the November 2015 general election voters increased the number of Whatcom County Council districts from three to five. As a result, the Port Commission must formally reaffirm its commission district boundaries. This resolution supersedes Resolutions 1003 and 1153. (6509/Action Item 3) (Resolution 1359) Approved 3-0
21. Authorize the executive director to sign a $24,080 contract (amendment #4) with Wilson Engineering of Bellingham for general and specific binding site plans at the Waterfront District? At the 3/1/2015 meeting, vote #39, the commission approved the initial contract with Wilson Engineering for surveying services. This amendment includes surveying services for new easements for parks and private utility providers within the general binding site plan and within certain streets pending vacation, and preparation of a draft specific binding site plan establishing up to six legal lots of record for sale or purchase. This amendment brings the total authorized contract amount to $115,994. (6510/Consent Agenda F) Approved 3-0
22. Authorize the executive director to sign a $108,750 contract (amendment #2) with Ashton Engineering Inc. of Bellingham for design and permitting assistance on the I&J Waterway pier and float project? The original contract was approved at the 3/1/2016 meeting, vote #54, it provided for 30 percent design of a float that will be used by All American Marine for newly-produced boats. This amendment will allow Ashton to proceed to the 60 percent design stage while Anchor QEA and port staff prepare and submit necessary permit applications. A contingency fee of $10,875 brings the amendment to $119,625 and the total contract to $248,625. (6511/Consent Agenda B) Approved 3-0