Compiled by Andrew S. McBride
Action Taken at December 6, 2016 Meeting
Shall the commission:
195. Authorize the executive director to accept a property insurance settlement payment for Bellingham Shipping Terminal pier damage? On 12/9/2014, during a windstorm, the Horizon Fairbanks broke free of moorings and damaged the shipping terminal pier. Total costs incurred were $84,677. Lexington Insurance Company, the port’s property insurance carrier, offered the port a $34,677 settlement. This settlement will reimburse a portion of repair costs. (6382/Consent Agenda B) Approved 3-0
196. Authorize the sale of one vessel for the nonpayment of moorage fees? An auction will be held at the Blaine Harbor on Jan 6, 2017 for a 26-foot sailboat with unpaid moorage fees of $4,407. (6383/Consent Agenda C) Approved 3-0
197. Authorize the executive director to approve payment of $51,547 to the state of Washington for two aquatic land leases? The state issued two aquatic land leases to Georgia-Pacific for operation of the treatment lagoon. Since 6/30/2008, the port has been using the treatment lagoon and pipeline system to manage stormwater and industrial process water.Leases are for the wastewater pipeline system crossing under the Whatcom Waterway to the treatment lagoon, for the outfall pipeline from the treatment lagoon to Bellingham Bay, and for the southern corner of the ASB breakwater. The leases run from 12/1/2015 through 11/30/2016 (6385/Consent Agenda E) Approved 3-0
198. Authorize the executive director to award the low bid of $423,114 to Ram Construction of Bellingham for multiple shoreline storm damage repairs? In March 2016, a storm damaged port-owned shoreline along Bellingham Bay. Repairs consist of removal of existing bank armoring, placement of filter rock, and placement of new and reused armor rock. Eleven bids were received; the high bid was $870,072. A contingency fee of $42,311 brings the total authorized contract to $465,425. (6386/Consent Agenda F) Approved 3-0
199. Authorize the executive director to sign a $3,840 contract (amendment #4) with Ashton Engineering of Bellingham to provide construction administration services for the Squalicum Harbor shoreline repairs? Squalicum Harbor shoreline repairs will be made as part of the multiple shoreline storm damage repairs project. This amendment brings the total authorized contract to $27,090. (6387/Consent Agenda G) Approved 3-0
200. Authorize the executive director to sign a $15,850 contract (amendment #8) with Moffatt & Nichol of Seattle for support services related to the Bellingham Shipping Terminal main pier repairs – phase II? Phase II improvements will reinforce, repair, and protect the existing pier structure. The amendment expands scope of work to include construction administration support. This amendment brings the total authorized contract to $434,520. (6388/Consent Agenda H) Approved 3-0
201. Authorize the executive director to sign a $294,096 contract extension with Five Star Service Systems of Fort Lee, New Jersey for janitorial services? Five Star will provide janitorial services at 28 port facilities except the airport. This extension is for the period 2/1/2017 through 1/31/2018. A $30,000 contingency fee brings the total authorized contract to $324,096. (6389/Consent Agenda I) Approved 3-0
202. Approve the renewal of a harbor land lease with Norman Walsh d/b/a Walsh Marine for property located in Blaine? The renewal for at 218 McMillan Avenue is for two years, from 4/1/2017 through 3/31/2019. Rent for the two-year period will be $80,511. This represents a $633 reduction in monthly rent. (6391/Consent Agenda K) Approved 3-0
203. Modify the equipment lease agreement with The Landing at Colony Wharf? At the 10/18/2016 meeting, vote #172, the commission authorized the executive director to spend up to $700,000 to acquire a mobile crane. The cost of a new crane envisioned in the agreement far exceeds $700,000 so it is necessary to acquire a used crane. Colony Wharf will operate the crane and will have sole responsibility for its maintenance. The modification will clarify the agreement so that the casualty insurance policy covers the equipment for the stated amount of $700,000, instead of full replacement value. Rent of the equipment will remain the same. (6392/Consent Agenda L) Approved 3-0
204. Authorize the executive director to sign $1,819,592 in contracts to implement the 2017 employee benefit program? The medical plan increase 9.3 percent to $1,616,952; the dental and vision plan increased by 9.5 percent; life, accidental death and dismemberment increased 7.9 percent and the long term disability rate by 10 percent. Estimated total costs have increased 9.3 percent or $155,177 over 2016. (6393/Consent Agenda M) Approved 3-0
205. Lease 1.5 acres of undeveloped property north of Fairhaven Marine Industrial Park to Fairhaven Work Studios ? Fairhaven Studios proposes to develop office and live/work studios, subject to city of Bellingham approval. This agreement will give them time to conduct its due diligence work on the project’s feasibility. It will pay the port $1,000 a month for this option. The option may be extended for one year for $1,500 per month for the first six months, and for $2,000 per month for the final six months. (6378/Action Item 1) Approved 3-0
206. Approve a lease renewal with Seaview Boatyard North for its premises at Squalicum Harbor? This renewal will extend the lease until 4/30/2022, and increase the ground rent by 3 percent. The modification reduces the rate of return charged on Seaview’s haul-out pier from nine to four percent, and eliminates the lessee’s requirement to construct a new building. Seaview remains responsible for deconstructing the original three buildings on the property. Total rent to the port over 60 months will be $780,961. (6379/Action Item 2) Approved 3-0
207. Authorize the executive director to award the low bid of $586,165 to Razz Construction of Bellingham for the Squalicum Harbor boat launch modifications and the Bellingham Shipping Terminal repairs – phase II? Modifications will enlarge the launch to accommodate boats fabricated by All American Marine. Phase II repairs will reinforce, repair and protect the existing pier structure and will bolster existing mooring hardware to increase load capacity. The port received three bids; the high bid was $918,515. A contingency fee of $117,233 brings the total authorized contract to $703,398. (6397/Action Item 3) Approved 3-0
Action Taken at December 20, 2016 Meeting
Shall the commission:
208. Authorize the executive director to sign a $37,303 contract (amendment #2) with Anchor QEA of Seattle for the multiple shorelines storm damage repairs – 2016? Port-owned shoreline from Marine Park to Squalicum Creek was damaged during winds-storms on March 10 and 13, 2016. The work includes construction administration support services. This amendment brings the total authorized contract amount to $201,437. (6424/Consent Agenda A) Approved 3-0
209. Authorize the executive director to sign a $36,965 agreement with Puget Sound Energy of Bellevue to install a transformer and electrical service lines for the new All American Marine manufacturing facility? At the 11/15/2016 meeting, vote #191, the commission approved a $275,374 agreement with Puget Sound Energy for additional work at the manufacturing facility. (6425/Consent Agenda B) Approved 3-0
210. Authorize the executive director to sign a $25,000 agreement with the Bellingham-Whatcom County Visitors and Convention Bureau d/b/a Bellingham-Whatcom County Tourism for membership in 2017? The port has an annual membership, it runs from 1/1/2017 through 12/31/2017. (6429/Consent Agenda F) Approved 3-0
211. Approve liability insurance standards for port agreements for fiscal year 2017? It includes items like lease agreements, rental agreements, ground transportation, air taxi, fuel providers, moorage, meetings and events. Most general liability insurance coverage is $1 million and aggregate is $2 million. (6430/Consent Agenda G) Approved 3-0
212. Modify a harbor land lease and project development agreement for the All American Marine manufacturing facility on Hilton Avenue, increase the project budget, and increase the contingency for RAM Construction? At the 4/5/2016 meeting, vote #65, the commission approved the lease and project development agreement for the new manufacturing facility. At the 5/3/2016 meeting, vote #81, the construction contract for $8,873,713 was awarded to Ram Construction. Recently, American Marine requested that the spray area bay be enlarged to 125 feet for larger vessels. The additional cost is an estimated $142,000. American Marine will pay half of this amount up front and pay the second half over the lease term. Staff requests that the budget be increased by $200,000 to $10.5 million; this includes a contingency covering work on the haul route to Squalicum boat launch. Staff also requests that the contract contingency for RAM be increased by $100,000; this will allow RAM to complete construction by March 2017. (6431/Consent Agenda H) Approved 3-0
213. Approve shared legislative objectives? At the 1/22/2013 meeting, vote #22, the commission approved an agreement to work with the city of Bellingham and Whatcom County developing a shared legislative agenda and fund McBride Public Affairs of Olympia as consultant and lobbyist. The port’s share of the contract is $30,000. The port’s legislative priority for 2017 is preserving existing Model Control Toxics Act funding and obtaining additional funding for environmental cleanup. (6432/Consent Agenda I) Approved 3-0
214. Appoint Tamara Sobjack (director of finance) as Auditor and Valerie Schorr (senior accountant) as Deputy Auditor for fiscal year 2017? As part of the necessary check and balance system ensuring accountability of port funds, the state legislature has established an auditing process to monitor expenditures. (6433/Consent Agenda J) Approved 3-0
215. Authorize the executive director to sell property valued at $10,000 or less? At the 1/5/2016 meeting, vote #10, the commission adopted Resolution 1029-U. State law requires annual renewal of the authority to sell port surplus property. Resolution 1029-V will expire on 1/31/2018. 6434/Consent Agenda K (Resolution 1029-V) Approved 3-0
216. Designate the director of finance as the official responsible for informing the public of the port’s intent to issue tax-exempt bonds? The designation expires on 1/31/2018. 6435/Consent Agenda L (Resolution 1183-N) Approved 3-0
217. Elect officers for 2017? Commissioner Bobby Briscoe nominated Commissioner Michael McAuley for another term as president. Commissioner Dan Robbins nominated Commissioner Michael McAuley for secretary. The commission decided on the following: Commissioner Dan Robbins as president, Commissioner Bobby Briscoe as vice president, and Commissioner Michael McAuley as secretary. (6422/Action Item 1) Approved 2-1, Bobby Briscoe opposed.
218. Change the commission meeting time to 3 p.m.? Commissioner Dan Robbins proposed changing the meeting times back to 3 p.m. At the 1/5/2016 meeting, vote #7, the commission voted (2-1 with Commissioner Dan Robbins opposed) to change the meeting time from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. (6422/Action Item 2) Failed 2-1, Michael McAuley and Bobby Briscoe opposed.
219. Approve nominations for commissioners to serve on the following organizations and committees? See footnote (1) for details. (6423/Action Item 3) Approved 3-0
220. Appoint Industrial Development Corporation officers and establish the date, time and location of meetings for 2017? (Commission meeting as the Industrial Development Corporation.) Executive Director Fix informed commission members that IDC officers mirror the commission officers with the addition of Tamara Sobjack as treasurer. IDC meetings will be convened as needed, in conjunction with commission meetings. (6437/IDC Agenda Items 2/3) Approved 3-0
221. Approve the 2017 budget for the Industrial Development Corporation? The budget anticipates revenues of $29,220 and expenditures of $11,251. The motion authorizes the IDC treasurer to approve distribution and payment of IDC funds, and declares $10,000 of IDS funds surplus and transfers this amount to the 2017 port economic development outside services budget. (6438/IDC Agenda Item 4) Approved 3-0
(1). Whatcom Council of Governments:
Michael McAuley (primary), Bobby Briscoe (alternate)
Washington Public Ports Association:
Dan Robbins (trustee), Michael McAuley (alternate)
Whatcom County Economic Development Investment Program:
Bobby Briscoe (primary), Dan Robbins (secondary)
Western Crossing:
Dan Robbins (primary), Michael McAuley (secondary)