Forty-five local leaders representing the conservation, fishing, hunting and recreation communities are calling on the Washington State Legislature to fully fund Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife’s 2020 budget request through $26 million from the general fund.
From Conservation Northwest:
On January 13,2020, a set of diverse organizations representing hunters and anglers, wildlife advocates, and outdoor recreation interests called on the Washington State Legislature to appropriate all of the $26 million in operating funds requested for the coming fiscal year by the Department of Fish and Wildlife in the upcoming session. This is substantially more than what Governor Inslee included in his budget request, which contains just $15.6 million in general operating funds for Fish and Wildlife, though the governor’s budget also includes $8.2 million that would accrue in the unlikely event that a bill passed to increase certain hunting and fishing license fees.
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If the Legislature were to fund the entire $26 million requested, the total $50 million bump for this biennium would allow the agency to continue its existing level of service — providing recreational and commercial opportunities for Washingtonians while stewarding our state’s fish, wildlife and the habitat they depend on.