Bellingham City Council

Action Taken at December 11, 2017 Meeting

Shall the council:

212. Authorize the mayor to sign an agreement for Advanced Life Support Services with Whatcom County? Upon the passing of a countywide Emergency Medical Services levy in November 2016, staff from the city and county have developed a new interlocal agreement for the provision of Advanced Life Support services. This new contract reflects changes in funding brought about by the EMS Levy and will replace the previous ALS contract, effective through December 2023. There is projected Advanced Life Support revenue of $6,161,019 for 2017 and $6,345,852 for 2018. (AB21816) Approved 7-0

213. Authorize the mayor to award the low bid of $432,400 to Western Refinery Services of Ferndale for street asphalt? The engineer’s estimate was $374,050. The annual repair contract is designed to provide a means and method for multiple city departments to repair asphalt pavement sidewalks, roads, alleys and structures as needed to maintain the city’s infrastructure. The bid for one year with the option of five renewals. The city received four bids, the high bid was $512,575. (AB21817) Approved 7-0

214. Authorize the mayor to award the low bid of $789,100 to Konnerup Construction of Stanwood for street cement? The engineer’s estimate was $579,117. The annual contract provides for multiple city departments to repair cement concrete sidewalks, roads, and structures as needed to maintain the city’s infrastructure. This contract is also used to remove and replace sidewalk sections that may become safety hazards or fall out of compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act standards. The bid for one year with the option of five renewals. Two bids were received, ther high bid was $816,690. (AB21818) Approved 7-0

215. Authorize the mayor to award the low bid of $1,778,640 to Faber Construction of Lynden for water quality improvements and storm drain maintenance in the Columbia Neighborhood? The engineer’s estimate was $2,081,785. This project involves installation of 10 bioinfiltration basins, rehabilitation of storm mains, catch basins and manholes, and installation of three stormwater filters to treat approximately 80 acres of runoff from the Columbia Neighborhood. The city received 13 bids, the high bid was $2,541,023. (AB21821) Approved 7-0

216. Authorize the mayor to award the low bid of $5,554,501 to Strider Construction of Bellingham for Mahogany Avenue improvements? The engineer’s estimate was 6,470,232. The improvements involves 3,200 linear feet of new roadway between Pacific Highway and Northwest Avenue. The project includes installation of municipal utilities, new signalized intersection of Arctic and Mahogany and new signalized intersection at Mahogany and Northwest Avenue. The city received six bids, the high bid was $7,408,392. A bid protest submitted by the next lowest bidder was received and rejected. (AB21822) Approved 7-0

217. The mayor appointed Ellie Price to her first term on the Transportation Commission? The commission advises the City Council on transportation planning and transit issues, ensures that transportation investments are consistent with Comprehensive Plan goals and advises the council on parking fees, fines and collection methods, off-street parking contracts and possible expansion of residential parking zones. Ms. Price is an AmeriCorps college access coordinator at the North Cascades Insitute. She has been a resident in Bellingham since June 2017 and volunteers with Max Higbee Institute and is an avid biker. Her first term will expire on 12/11/2020, at which time she may be reappointed. (AB21826) Approved 7-0

218. The mayor appointed Chris Soncarty to his first term on the Transportation Commission? He was raised in Bellingham and moved back in 2008. Mr. Soncarty is a fish biologist and regulatory specialist with a BS (1994) from Evergreen State College. His first term will expire on 12/11/2020, at which time he may be reappointed. (AB21826) Approved 7-0

219. Appropriate $3,196,283 for payroll checks issued from November 10 through November 22, 2017? (AB21829) Approved 7-0

220. Appropriate $4,832,932 for goods and services checks issued from November 18 through December 1, 2017? (AB21830) Approved 7-0

221. Authorize the mayor to award the low bid of $162,492 to Huizenga Enterprises of Bellingham for the 2018 crack seal program? The engineer’s estimate was $240,000. This annual project attempts to extend the life of city streets by sealing asphalt cracks and preventing surface water from entering the roadway subgrade. Four bids were received, the high bid was $300,000. (AB21831) Approved 7-0

222. Authorize the mayor and police chief to sign an agreement with the Whatcom Council of Governments for crosswalk enforcement? The Whatcom Council of Governments entered into an interagency agreement with Washington Traffic Safety Commission to implement a traffic safety project in Whatcom County. The city, through the Bellingham Police Department, shall administer the planning and implementation of the crosswalk enforcement events. This agreement includes a $9,000 federal grant from the U.S. Department of Tranportation and the National Highay Traffic Safety Administration. (AB21832) Approved 7-0

223. Declare a set of guiding principles for justice and justice related decisions? This resolution commits the council to promote public safety, the protection of individuals from unfair treatment in a variety of ways, free from discriminatory practices based on racial, socioeconomic, religious, cultural, ethnic, mental and physical disabilities, national origin, language spoken, immigrant status, political backgrounds, sexual orientation, gender identity or age. AB21788 (Resolution 2017-41) Approved 7-0

224. Initiate the annexation petition review process for the Mt. Baker Highway/Britton Road northern Urban Growth Area? Property owners submitted a petition for annexation of approximately 65-acres, it has a total assessed valuation of approximately $25,109,012 and the petition and no-protest annexation properties represents over 90 percent of the total taxable value of approximately $24,956,813. The annexation area contains 92 dwelling units and has an estimated population of 208 people. On 5/19/2017, the City Council directed staff to work with the property owners on annexation options; approximately 27.3-acres of the annexation area is currently owned by the Gunderson family. AB21561 (Resolution # 2017-42) Approved 7-0

225. Amend the Lake Padden Golf Course budget for 2018? At the 1/14/2008 meeting, vote #6, the council authorized the mayor to signed a 10-year lease with Lake Padden Golf, LLC. The company decided not to renew the lease so the city has entered into a management agreement with Premier Golf Centers, LLC, for the operation and maintenance of Lake Padden Golf Course. Under this agreement, the city will receive all revenues and pay direct costs plus a management fee to Premier. The budget amendment is necessary to reflect the change in revenue and expenses for 2018. At the 10/9/2017 meeting, vote #174, the council approved an exemption to the city’s living wage requirements for the management of the Lake Padden Golf Course. AB21801 (Ordinance #2017-12-028) Approved 7-0

226. Adopt mid-biennium adjustments to the 2017-2018 biennial budget? The mid-biennium adjustment ordinance adds appropriation authority, recognizes new revenues, and authorizes new positions and changes to existing positions. Council received a presentation on the proposed mid-biennium adjustment on 10/9/2017; three work sessions and a public hearing 11/13/2017. The proposed adjustment authorizes $2,278,125 of general fund expenditures and $15,570,856 of expenditures in all other funds for a total increase of $17,848,980. It includes revenue increases totaling $7,620,353 across all funds. AB21787 (Ordinance #2017-12-029) Approved 7-0


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