Action Taken at April 10, 2017 Meeting
Shall the council:
63. Send letters to Senator Patty Murray, Senator Maria Cantwell and Representative Rick Larsen regarding the federal budget? The letter addresses a proposal to zero out Housing and Urban Development funds. From the letter: “The city currently receives nearly $1.1 million in HUD funding that is matched by nearly $7 million of local dollars, primarily from our voter-approved housing levy that supports affordable housing goals, from the city’s general fund, and from the housing trust fund. Those federal dollars are not the dominant part of the budget for most projects, but they are critical, and projects simply couldn’t happen to the degree they do now without that funding.” (AB21576) Approved 7-0
64. Approve the mayor’s appointment of Staci May to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board? The board advises the City Council, mayor, director of Parks and Recreation, as well as other city departments concerning the formulations of policy and implementation, plans and programs calculated to carry out the duties of maintaining city parks and providing a program for the general welfare of the people of the city. A local resident for the past 19 years and the owner of Earl’s Bike Shop, she is a member of Sustainable Connections and has a BA in biology. This is her first term, it will end on 4/4/2020. (AB21580) Approved 7-0
65. Approve the mayor’s appointment of Anna Blick to the Greenway Advisory Committee? The committee provides recommendations to the City Council and the Parks and Recreation Department about Greenway levy expenditures, parkland acquisitions and parks/trails/open space development projects. Anna Blick has been a local resident for the past 11 years, she is college registrar and curriculum manager at WWU, co-founder of 100+ Women of Whatcom, and an organizer of Bellingham support network Giving Tree. This will be her first term, it will expire on 4/10/2020 at which time she may be reappointed. (AB21581) Approved 7-0
66. Authorize the mayor to sign a financial assistance agreement with Whatcom County for the Crisis Triage Facility? The facility is owned by the Whatcom County Health Department, it provides programs and services that address alcoholism and other drug addictions. The city’s share will be $22,000, it comes from liquor taxes and profits and the total amount of the agreement shall not exceed $59,000. The agreement expires on 12/31/2017. (AB21582) Approved 7-0
67. Appropriate $3,123,137 for payroll checks issued from March 11 through March 24, 2017? (AB21583) Approved 7-0
68. Appropriate $2,004,049 for goods and services checks issued from March 18 through March 24, 2017? (AB21584) Approved 7-0
Action Taken at April 24, 2017 Meeting
Shall the council:
69. Authorize the mayor to send a letter to the Port of Bellingham offering the below terms in exchange for the port’s relinquishment of its option to purchase the property at 801/807 Roeder Avenue? The following terms have been offered to facilitate the construction of a low barrier shelter:1. Contribute $300,000 to the port to assist the investment in infrastructure to support maritime businesses; 2. Use of unused portion of Chestnut right of way for working waterfront businesses at no cost to the Port; 3. Security fencing to be installed around the perimeter of the site; 4. Increased financial support to the Lighthouse Mission to increase staffing for their Safe Neighborhood program; 5. Port participation in site planning; 6. Port right of first negotiation to purchase the property. (Discussed in Executive Session) Approved 5-1, Gene Knutson opposed, Dan Hammill excused.
70. Remove on-street parking from the west side of Orleans Street? (Public hearing held on 3/13.) The 2014 Bicycle Master Plan recommends removing parking from one side of Orleans Street, from Alabama Street north to Barkley Boulevard, for the purpose of installing marked bike lanes. Public Works conducted a parking survey November-December 2016 and documented an extremely low parking utilization rate on the west side of the street. A public notice was mailed to all properties abutting each street. On 2/14/2017, the Transportation Commission reviewed this proposal and voted 7-0 to recommend approval to City Council. On 3/13/2017, the City Council directed staff to re-notify property owners that council would like to consider removing parking from the east side, rather than the west side of the street. A motion to approve removal of parking on the east side of the street failed 3-3 with April Barker, Pinky Vargas and Michael Lilliquist opposed, Dan Hammill excused. (AB21517) Approved 4-2, Terry Bornemann and Gene Knutson opposed; Dan Hammill excused.
71. Authorize the mayor to award the low bid of $1,254,630 to Ram Construction of Bellingham for Woodstock Intersection improvements? The project involves realigning the intersection at James Street and Woodstock Way so that Woodstock becomes the through street and the intersection is brought up to full arterial standards with sidewalks and bicycle lanes. The engineer’s estimate was $1,692,802. Three bids were received, the high bid was $1,671,010. This project is funded by federal funds and city street funds. (AB21590) Approved 6-0, Dan Hammill excused.
72. Authorize the mayor to award the low bid of $218,120 to Dirt Works Bellingham for Cornwall Park trail improvements? The project includes pedestrian and parking improvements in Cornwall Park, between Meridian Street and Birchwood Dr. The former park administration building will be demolished and removed to make way for the new trail connection, access improvements, and native habitat planting. The trail will connect to the recently completed Squalicum Creek segment of the Bay-to-Baker trail. The engineers estimate was $257,632. Eight bids were received the high bid was $349,290. (AB21591) Approved 6-0, Dan Hammill excused.
73. Appropriate $3,259,487 for payroll checks issued from March 25, 2017 through April 10, 2017? (AB21599) Approved 6-0, Dan Hammill excused.
74. Appropriate $4,980,338 for city goods and services checks issued from March 25, 2017 through April 14, 2017? (AB21600/21601/21602) Approved 6-0, Dan Hammill excused.
75. Adopt an official city of Bellingham flag? A flag design contest was hosted by the Downtown Bellingham Partnership in September 2015. The designer of the winning flag, Brad Lockhart of Lariat Creative, has dedicated the design to the public domain. There has been increasing popular support for the flag. A flag raising ceremony will be held at the City Hall on Flag Day, 6/14/2017 at noon. AB21592 (Resolution 2017-17) Approved 6-0, Dan Hammill excused.
76. Amend and restate City Council rules of procedure? The amended rules include a section for large public audiences and revisions to the guidelines for public comment, public hearings, and public participation. Changes include the condition that public comments be addressed directly to Council and not individual members or the public; the assignation to Staff of responsibility for a memorandum addressing such items as overflow rooms, BTV-10 broadcast arrangements, and extra staff needed to assist with the meeting; and the proscription of view-blocking signs or banners. City Council adopted rules of procedure (Resolution 2014-25) on 6/23/2014 meeting, vote #128; council added a code of conduct/conflict of interest section (Resolution 2015-12) at the 8/10 2015 meeting, vote #159; Council voted to schedule public comment periods after any public hearings and presentations. AB21596 (Resolution 2017-18) Approved 6-0, Dan Hammill excused.
77. Grant final plat approval for the Briarwood Plat alteration and a lot line adjustment? The adjustment allows the removal of the single-family use restriction from Lot 2 Blueberry short plat and transfer of two density units from Tract B to newly created Lot C-7. The Bellingham Hearing Examiner issued preliminary plat approval for the Briarwood Plat alteration and lot line adjustment on 11/29/2016. Final plat approval of the Briarwood Plat was first granted on 11/12/1991. AB21598 (Resolution 2017-19) Approved 6-0, Dan Hammill excused.