Whatcom County Council

Compiled by Barry MacHale

Action Taken at March 8, 2022 Meeting

Shall the council:
69. Fill a vacancy on the Climate Impact Advisory Committee? At the 12/7/2017 meeting, vote #259, the council established the advisory committee. It provides review and recommendations to the council and executive on issues related to the prevention and mitigation of the impacts of climate change. Applicants: Ray Kamada, Ted Clifton and Charles Bailey. Ray Kamada was appointed with five votes — he is a retired meteorological consultant to the Department of Defense and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; he holds a Ph.D. in Atmospheric Science from UC Davis. (AB2022-113)

70. Confirm the executive’s appointment of Walter Hudsick to the Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee? The committee assists the county in the planning, funding, development and implementation of facilities and programs that increase the safety and use of bicycle and pedestrian travel for transportation and recreation. Mr. Hudsick currently serves as the interim President of the Bellingham Technical College; he is a bicycle commuter and recreationist. (AB2022-140) Confirmed 7-0

71. Update the appendix of the 2022 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy? State law requires grant applicants seeking public works funding from the Economic Development Administration to develop and update an economic development plan. At the 8/13/2002 meeting, vote #154, the council adopted the first Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy and updated it every five years. The 2015 strategy was approved at the 3/31/2015 meeting, vote #49, and updated at the 4/23/2019 meeting, vote #88, and the 10/12/2021 meeting, vote #257. This update adds the Lottie Street remodel project to the list. AB2022-155 (Resolution 2022-010) Approved 7-0

72. Docket1 comprehensive plan and development regulation amendments? State and local laws require that the county council review proposed amendments. Six new amendments were proposed and 15 amendments with incomplete reviews were carried over from previous years. The proposals will be submitted for state environmental policy review, planning department review, and public hearing before they are given final approval by the council. AB2022-145 (Resolution 2022-011) Substitute approved 7-0.

73. Amend Whatcom County Code related to standing committees? The amendment will change the name of the Natural Resources Committee to the Climate Action and Natural Resources Committee. The committee provides review and recommendations to the council and executive on issues related to the prevention and mitigation of the impacts of climate change. A Whatcom County Climate Action Plan was adopted by the council at the 11/9/2021 meeting, vote # 266. AB2022-087 (Ordinance 2022-020) Adopted 6-0, Ben Elenbaas opposed.

74. Amend Whatcom County Code related to the Climate Impact Advisory Committee? At the 12/7/2017 meeting, vote #259, the council established the advisory committee. At the 11/9/2021 meeting, vote #266, the council approved the Climate Action Plan, produced by the advisory committee. The committee provides review and recommendations to the council and executive on issues related to the prevention and mitigation of the impacts of climate change. This amendment will add a nonvoting County Councilmember position and clarify the role of the Office of Climate Action. AB2022-131 (Ordinance 2022-021) Substitute adopted 7-0

Action Taken at March 22, 2022 Meeting

Shall the council:
75. Fill the small forest landowner vacancy on the Forestry Advisory Committee? The committee provides review and recommendations to the County Council on issues that affect the forestry industry. Tracy Petroske was appointed with seven votes. Tracy Petroske, the owner of 20 acres of forest and a scientific consulting business, is currently working on a master’s degree at Western Washington University with an emphasis on forest certifications on public trust lands. (AB2022-146)

76. Authorize the executive to sign a $189,560 contract with SpectraSite Communications of Woburn, Mass.? The seven-year contract will provide the company with access to a communications tower at the Blaine-Harvey Road water tower site. The access is part of phase two of an integrated public safety radio system and will include the configuration and installation of a point-to-point microwave network connecting Point Roberts and Blaine. The contract is expires on 3/1/2029. (AB2022-161) Approved 7-0

77. Authorize the executive to accept a $2,640,000 state grant (amendment #7) to provide for continued implementation of the Swift Creek sediment management action plan? This grant is from the state building construction account. At the 7/23/2013 meeting, vote #133, the council adopted the sediment management action plan. Swift Creek transports naturally occurring asbestos and heavy metals eroding from Sumas Mountain into the Sumas River where it is deposited in channel banks and floodplains within Whatcom County, creating health risks for residents. The state Legislature has appropriated $6.4 million for the Sumas Mountain/Swift Creek project. This grant funding amendment will provide continued project design services and phase one capital construction of several project components, including three sediment traps, an upper deflection berm, and associated improvements located east of Goodwin Road. The total amended amount is $8,268,400: the grant expires on 6/30/2023. (AB2022-170) Approved 7-0

78. Authorize the executive to award the only bid of $462,515 to Lake Union Drydock Company for the annual drydocking, repair, and maintenance of the Lummi Island ferry? The engineer’s estimate was $405,365. The U.S. Coast Guard mandated repairs be completed by 6/1/2022. Representatives from three shipyards attended a pre-bid meeting, one shipyard submitted a bid. The drydocking is anticipated to take up to 16 days, from May 6 through May 21. (AB2022-174) Approved 7-0

79. Confirm the executive’s appointment of Sean Hopps to the Food System Committee? The committee is charged with drafting, implementing, and providing oversight and updates for a countywide food system plan. Mr. Hopps is the current executive director of a nonprofit community development organization. (AB2022-175) Confirmed 7-0

80. Fill a vacancy on the Climate Impact Advisory Committee? The committee provides review and recommendations to the County Council and executive on issues related to the preparation and adaption, and the prevention and mitigation of, impacts of climate change. Applicants: Charles Bailey and Ted Clifton. Charles Bailey was appointed with five votes. Mr. Bailey holds a Ph.D. in agricultural economics from Cornell University and has extensive experience in global and local resource management. (AB2022-179)

81. Authorize the executive to amend a collective bargaining agreement with the Teamsters’ Local 231 for the period ending 12/31/2022? The council approved the original agreement at the 12/3/2019 meeting, vote #276, and amended it at the 6/15/2021 meeting, vote #142, and the 12/2/2021 meeting, vote #303, respectively. The amendment: adds a 3 percent increase with each wage step starting 1/1/2022; establishes a county monthly contribution of $1,313 to the Teamster’s Welfare Trust; adds a one-time $2,000 lump sum payment; and modifies the holiday schedule to include up to 96 hours of pay in lieu of holidays. (AB2022-186) Approved 7-0

82. Amend the salary schedule for unrepresented Whatcom County employees? At the 11/9/2021 meeting, vote #265, the council adopted the salary schedule and policies for unrepresented Whatcom County employees. The amendment will add a $1,000 lump sum payment in order to create parity between represented and unrepresented county employees. The salary schedule expires on 12/31/2022. AB2022-185 (Resolution 2022-012) Approved 7-0

83. Authorize Whatcom County Executive Satpal Sidhu to act as the authorized representative on behalf of Whatcom County for the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office’s Farmland Preservation project grant? The grant would provide 50 percent matching funds to purchase the Jacoby agricultural conservation easement (100 acres). AB2022-178 (Resolution 2022-013) Approved 7-0

84. Amend the 2022 Flood Control Zone District and Subzones budget (request #1) in the amount of $1,421,000?(Council acting as the flood control district board of supervisors.) Appropriated: $1,400,000 to fund an emergency bank stabilization project on the North Fork Nooksack River, where flood damage threatens Truck Road, an emergency bypass on the Mt. Baker Highway; $21,000 to fund a cost-share of agricultural pollution control program activities that focus on restoring local shellfish growing areas. AB2022-152 (Resolution 2022-014) Approved 7-0

85. Affirm the County Council and executive expectations for boards, commissions and advisory committee members? This vote will officially establish the practice of re-signing the list of expectations each time a new council chair or executive is seated. Appointed members are not allowed to designate proxies to serve in their place. AB2022-188 (Resolution 2022-015) Substitute approved 7-0

86. Change the name of Bear Trap Road to Bear Spirit Road? (Public hearing held.) The road was originally named in 1970. A citizen residing on the road asked that it be renamed. All 14 property owners on the approximately half-mile road were asked their opinion and they agreed with the name change. The county engineer will install two updated signs at a cost of $202.58. AB2022-136 (Ordinance 2022-022) Adopted 7-0

87. Authorize the installation of temporary stop sign on Drayton Harbor Road? (Public hearing held.) Severe winter weather and tidal action have resulted in a slope failure above the road from 320 feet west of Shintaffer Road to the intersection of Shintaffer Road. The stop sign will be installed for a single-lane configuration and removed when repairs are completed. AB2022-137 (Ordinance 2022-023) Adopted 7-0

88. Install temporary stop signs on South Pass Road? (Public hearing held.) Sever winter weather has resulted in a slope failure on South Pass Road from 707 feet east of North Pass Road to 1010 feet east of North Pass Road. The stop signs will be installed for a single-lane configuration and removed when repairs are completed. AB2022-138 (Ordinance 2022-024) Adopted 7-0

89. Repeal the closure of a portion of the Gulf Road to vehicle traffic? (Public hearing held.) Pacific International Holdings of Las Vegas, Nevada, submitted a request to close a portion of Gulf Road. At the 2/8/2022 meeting, vote #46, the council voted unanimously to close the Gulf Road, south of Henry Road. After receiving substantial public comment related to the closure, a majority of the council voted to reconsider the action and explore options for ensuring the public access to the Cherry Point coastline, while protecting private property rights. AB2022-156 (Ordinance 2022-025) Amended and adopted 4-3, Tyler Byrd, Ben Elenbaas, and Kathy Kershner opposed.

90. Amend the 2022 budget (request #6) in the amount of $1,393,462? Appropriated: $250,000 to fund an Opportunity Council microenterprise assistance program; $32,565 to fund What-Comm E911 operations; $11,697 to fund plant materials, supplies, and contracted maintenance at Hovander Homestead Park; $345,686 to fund repairs at the Hovander Homestead Park and Fragrance Garden; $12,000 to fund theft-related vehicle maintenance expenses at Planning & Development Services; $100,000 to fund an offsite buffer mitigation program feasibility study by Planning & Development Services; $13,700 to fund a Loki Mk2 drone system at the sheriff’s department; $26,983 to fund the purchase of less-than-lethal launcher components at the sheriff’s department; $13,979 to fund a recreational boating safety program at the sheriff’s department; $175,000 to fund an emergency bank stabilization project on Truck Road; $101,352 to fund a contracted veteran service officer; $170,500 to fund Birch Bay Beach Park improvements; $30,000 to fund a PSE terminal electrification study; $110,000 to fund the Lottie Street remodel project. AB2022-153 (Ordinance 2022-026) Adopted 7-0

91. Define an absence and temporary disability for the executive? If the executive is absent due to temporary disability, the County Council, by majority vote, may designate a member of that body or another qualified person to serve as executive pro tempore during the executive’s absence. This amendment to the Whatcom County Code will address the effect of advances in remote-meeting technology upon the meaning of “absence.” A standard will be established for medication-related impairment of the executive to the degree that operating a motor vehicle would be unsafe under Washington state law. AB2021-594 (Ordinance 2022-027) Adopted 7-0


1Proposed amendments docketed

PLN2022-00001: Amend the capital facilities element of the Whatcom County Comprehensive Plan, including updating the list of special district plans;

PLN2022-00002: Amend the Countywide Planning Policies; 

PLN2022-00003: Review and revise the Whatcom County Zoning Code and other sections of the County Code; 

PLN2022-00004: Amend the capital facilities element of the Whatcom County Comprehensive Plan by revising the existing six-year capital improvement program;

PLN2022-00005: Review and, if necessary, revise county code and the Comprehensive Plan to protect, enhance, and expand public access to shorelines of Cherry Point;

PLN2022-00006: Amend the Whatcom County Code to allow for an exemption to seasonal clearing activity closures in the Lake Whatcom watershed for trail maintenance; 

From past years

PLN2021-00001: Add a definition of battery energy storage system to the zoning code;

PLN2021-00002: Designate a transfer of development rights receiving area;

PLN2021-00005: Update the zoning code relating to wireless communication facilities;

PLN2021-00007: Expand the Bellingham Urban Growth Area; 

PLN2021-00008: Amend the Lake Whatcom Watershed Overlay District; 

PLN2021-00014: Transfer certain forest practices from the state to the county;

PLN2019-00002: Mineral resource lands expansion – Breckenridge Road;

PLN2017-00004: Mineral resource lands countywide designation;

PLN2016-00009: Wireless communications facilities;

PLN2016-00011/PLN2014-00020: Vacation rental regulations;

PLN2015-00003: Code enforcement amendments;

PLN2014-00016: Weddings and special events;

PLN2012-00007: Agricultural strategic plan implementation;

PLN2012-00009: Mineral resource lands expansion – North Star Road.



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