Compiled by Barry MacHale
Action Taken at June 4, 2019 Meeting
Shall the council:
119. Authorize the executive to sign a $288,916 contract between with Catholic Community Services of Bellingham for resident support services at Francis Place? The 42-unit apartment building provides housing to individuals facing mental illness, substance abuse disorders, and/or other disabling or chronic conditions. The contract expires on 6/30/2020. (AB2019-300) Approved 7-0
120. Authorize the executive to sign a $105,156 two-year contact with West Publishing for subscriptions to online database and online software subscriptions? They will be used in the Whatcom County Law Library. The total contact expires on 3/28/2021. (AB2019-330) Approved 7-0
121. Provide space for the Whatcom County Search and Rescue for operations? The lease agreement makes available 0.63 acres of property at the intersection of Smith Road and Northwest Roads for a period of 35 years. The annual cost is $1.00, to be paid on 3/1/2024 and every five years thereafter, expiring on 2/28/2054. (AB 2019-310) Approved 7-0
122. Authorize the executive to award low bid of $75,000 to Herron Valley, Inc. (dba Bayside Services) of Bellingham for street sweeping and cleaning services in the Lake Whatcom and Lake Samish watersheds? The work includes twice a month cleaning of certain roads in the Lake Whatcom watershed during October and November. The bid allows for three renewals for a total of four years at the same annual amount. The work was advertised and two bids were received. Previous street sweeping expenditures, 2016: $71,250; 2017: $71,250; 2018: $66,483. (AB2019-311) Approved 7-0
123. Ratify the executive’s appointment of Sonja Max to the Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee? Ms. Max is a local building owner and manager and holds a master’s in science of nutrition from Bastyr University and a bachelor’s in fine arts from University of Washington. (AB2019-329) Confirmed 7-0
124. Authorize the sale of surplus property? (Public hearing held.) The surplus property is comprised of 21 trucks; 11 cars; 2 vans; 2 motorcycles; 2 tractors; and 17 miscellaneous equipment items and equipment that have either been replaced or have been deemed damaged or obsolete. AB2019-277 (Resolution 2019-029) Approved 6-1, Barbara Brenner1 opposed.
125. Reduce the incarceration of young adults? (Council acting as the Health Board.) The Incarceration Prevention and Reduction Task Force, acting as the county Law and Justice Council, has identified a priority focus of young adults: identify interventions that reduce youth contact with the criminal justice system; create a system for data collection, analysis, reporting, and policy development, including prevention and early intervention programs. AB2019-307 (Resolution 2019-030) Approved 7-0
126. Establish a speed limit for several roads in the Bennett Drive area? (Public hearing held.) Speed limits for roads around the perimeter of Alderwood Elementary School, including McLeod Road, Redwood Avenue, Hollywood Avenue, Willow Wood Avenue, and all roads within the plat of Birchwood Height’s Division 2, will be established at 25 miles per hour. AB2019-278 (Ordinance 2019-043) Adopted 7-0
127. Establish a speed limit for Delta Line Road? (Public hearing held.) A speed limit of 25 miles per hour will be established on Delta line Road from Vista Drive to Mile Post 0.62. AB2019-288 (Ordinance 2019-044) Adopted 7-0
128. Establish a speed limit for several roads in the Northwest Drive area? (Public hearing held.) Residents have submitted a petition to establish a speed limit of 25 miles per hour on Clarkson Lane. A speed limit of 25 miles per hour will also be established on all local access roads on Northwest Drive from West Smith Road to West Wiser Lake Road. AB2019-289 (Ordinance 2019-045) Adopted 7-0
129. Amend the Whatcom County Code relating to water quality and shoreline protection? (Public hearing held.) The amendments apply to Lake Samish and will: establish a six mile per hour speed limit from the shore; prohibit water skiing and wake surfing within 300 feet of the shore; and phase in a prohibition on operation of watercraft equipped with a two-stroke engine. AB2019-306 (Ordinance 2019-046) Amended and adopted 7-0.
Action Taken at June 18, 2019 Meeting
Shall the council:
130. Authorize the executive to sign a $145,252 contract with Transpo Group USA of Kirkland? The contract will support the Whatcom County Americans with Disabilities Act transition plan for public right-of-way requirements, project management and coordination, evaluation of existing barrier removal practices, data collection, and production of draft and final plans. The contract expires on 6/30/2020. (AB2019-319) Approved 6-0, Barry Buchanan absent.
131. Authorize the executive to sign a $118,260 commercial lease agreement with the Cornwall Center of Bellingham? The lease will allot the use of 60 parking spaces in the Bellingham Senior Activity Center parking lot. The lease in the amount of with start at $1,855 monthly and increase to $2,090 monthly, sharing the costs are the city of Bellingham and the Whatcom Council on Aging. The contract expires on 6/30/2024. (AB2019-334) Approved 6-0, Barry Buchanan absent.
132. Authorize the executive to sign three contracts (amendment #3) — estimated total $2,547,525 — to provide pathways to employment and community access services to adults with developmental disabilities? Total compensation under the contracts will vary depending on the number of clients and types of services. The contract with Work Opportunties of Lynnwood is estimated at $478,800 (AB2019-342). The contract with Kulshan Supported Employment of Bellingham is estimated at $923,125 (AB2019-344). The contract with Cascade Connections of Bellingham is estimated at $1,145,600 (AB2019-330). All three contracts run from 7/1/2019 through 6/30/2020. On average, 335 adults received services monthly through the five county qualified providers in 2018. The federal government through Medicaid and the state of Washington fund these contracts. The service has an individualized plan for each client for support services and sends progress updates. Approved 6-0, Barry Buchanan absent.
133. Authorize the executive to sign a $128,400 contract (estimated amount) with the Whatcom Center for Early Learning to provide child development services? Funding will be provided for services that support children (birth to age three) with developmental disabilities and their families. In 2018, two contracted Development Disabilities Program service providers supported an average of 295 children and families. The contract amount will depend on the number of program participants and expires on 6/30/2020. (AB2019-342) Approved 6-0, Barry Buchanan absent.
134. Authorize the executive to sign a $191,225 contract with Washington Vocational Services of Everett? Employment and community inclusion support services will be provided to individuals with developmental disabilities, in an estimated amount, depending on the number of people accessing services, expiring on 6/30/2020. (AB2019-345) Approved 6-0, Barry Buchanan absent.
135. Authorize the executive to sign a $136,000 contract with Communities In Schools of Bellingham? Support services will be furnished to students in the Bellingham, Blaine, and Ferndale School Districts who are experiencing a variety of challenges affecting their overall academic success, including behavioral health concerns, substance use, and lack of basic needs. The contract expires on 6/30/2020. (AB2019-357) Approved 6-0, Barry Buchanan absent.
136. Amend the 2019 Flood Control Zone District and subzones budget (request #3) in the amount of $1,560,000? (Council acting as the flood control district board of supervisors.) The amendment will provide the expenditure authority to use grant funding to purchase land for flood hazard reduction projects along the lower Nooksack River and Jones Creek, including levee construction and reconfiguration, and to fund a senior flood engineer position. AB2019-320 (Resolution 2019-031) Approved 5-1, Tyler Byrd opposed, Barry Buchanan absent.
137. Update the correctional facilities operational standards? (Public hearing held.) State law requires counties to establish standards for operating correctional facilities. Up to 12 months of obsolete state laws governing correctional facility operating standards will be suspended to permit the County Council and the Law and Justice Committee to review code and propose replacement standards as necessary. AB2019-308 (Ordinance 2019-047) Amended and adopted 6-0, Barry Buchanan absent.
138. Amend the 2019 budget (request #8) in the amount of $508,163? Appropriated for the Purchase of Development Rights program: $236,200 to fund the completion of a forestry conservation easement for the Seed Orchard application; $271,963 to fund the completion of a forestry conservation easement for the Broad Leaf Farm application. AB2019-321 (Ordinance 2019-048) Adopted 6-0, Barry Buchanan absent.
1. From Barbara Brenner: I was opposed the sale of surplus property because some items did not list mileage or how much usage. I asked to have it held to get that information but the council majority voted no and approved it at the public hearing.