Compiled by Barry MacHale
Action Taken at November 10, 2015 Meeting
Shall the council:
205. Authorize the executive to sign a $53,751 contract (amendment #1) with RH2 Engineering of Bothel? (Council acting as the flood control district board of supervisors) Washington State law requires the county to update its Coordinated Water System Plan. The plan was originally adopted in 2000. At the 9/30/2014 meeting, vote #168, the council authorized the executive to enter into a contract with RH2 Engineering of Bothell to update the Coordinated Water System Plan. This update addresses coordination of the acquisition, treatment and delivery of water as part of an integrated regional water supply plan. Due to unanticipated requirements in the update process, the project budget identified in the original contract is insufficient. This amendment brings the total contract to $228,527. The contract expires on 6/30/2016. (AB2015-327) Amended and approved 7-0
206. Authorize the executive to sign a joint funding agreement with the federal government for the annual operation and maintenance of six stream gages on the Nooksack River? (Council acting as the flood control district board of supervisors) At the 9/30/2014 meeting, vote #170, Whatcom County entered into a joint funding agreement with the United States Geological Survey, the Acme/Van Zandt Subzone, and the City of Abbotsford, BC to operate and maintain a system of stream gages on the Nooksack River and a tributary for the purposes of early flood warning and response. This agreement continues operation and maintenance of the county s six stream gauges on the Nooksack River, a gage at the Everson overflow, and one on Jones Creek, in Acme. The county s share will be $68,550, the federal government $16,660, the Acme VanZandt Subzone $3,640, and the city of Abbotsford $3,900, for a total of $92,750. The agreement expires on 9/30/2016. (AB2015-328) Approved 7-0
207. Approve the 2016 annual road construction program? (Public hearing held) The road construction program is identical to the first year of the six-year transportation plan which was approved at the at the 9/29/2015 meeting, vote #177. Expenditures of county funds are estimated at $9,713,000 and the grand total is estimated at $12,767,000 for 46 projects. AB2015-305 (Resolution 2015-044) Approved 6-0-1, Rud Browne abstained.
208. Adopt the six-year ( 2016–2021) water resources improvement program? (Public hearing held – council acting as the flood control district board of supervisors.) Washington State law requires that counties update their six-year program annually. The program addresses flood management, salmon recovery, sediment/debris flow issues, and stormwater issues in Whatcom County. AB2015-318 (Resolution 2015-045) Approved 7-0
209. Amend the Whatcom County Flood Control Zone District Board of Directors bylaws? (Public hearing held council acting as the flood control district board of supervisors.) The amendment establishes annual budgeting for the flood control district, in accordance with Washington State law. AB2015-319 (Resolution 2015-046) Approved 7-0
210. Establish Stormwater Fund 123? In accordance with state and federal law, Whatcom County manages stormwater pollution issues for Lake Whatcom, Birch Bay, and other bodies of water in the county. This ordinance will create a separate Stormwater Fund 123 for the purposes of tracking committed and restricted revenues related to stormwater mitigation. AB2015-317 (Ordinance 2015-043) Adopted 7-0
Action Taken at November 24, 2015 Meeting
Shall the council:
211. Accept the Lake Whatcom Total Maximum Daily Load dispute with the state of Washington to be resolved? The state Department of Ecology submitted a clarification document. (AB2015-018) Approved 7-0
212. Approve a one-year extension of the general binding site plan for the Birch Bay Square (North) development? On 8/23/2010, the Whatcom County Hearing Examiner issued preliminary approval to Far North Ventures, LLC to develop 12 commercial lots (formerly the Peace Arch Factory Outlets). The approval was contingent on the submission of a binding site plan prior to 8/23/2015. The applicant (now listed as North America 3333 Investment, LLP) is seeking a one-year extension for the submission of the binding site plan for the proposed Birch Bay Square II. (AB2015-252) Approved 7-0
213. Authorize the executive to sign an agreement between Whatcom County and Whatcom County Flood Control Zone District regarding $1,167,956 in stormwater funding? (Council acting as the flood control district board of supervisors.) In accordance with state and federal law, Whatcom County manages stormwater pollution issues for Lake Whatcom, Birch Bay, and other bodies of water in the county. At the 11/10/2015 meeting, vote #210, the council established the separate Stormwater Fund 123. This agreement dedicates funding from the flood control district for Stormwater Fund 123. (AB2015-343) Approved 7-0
214. Authorize the executive to accept a $132,163 state grant for 2015-17 solid waste enforcement? The Coordinated Prevention Grant Enforcement Program has funded solid waste compliance management and illegal dumping enforcement since 1996, involving facilities inspections, investigation of waste handling complaints, and technical assistance on waste-related issues. The state grant requires $44,054 local matching funds. Local funding will be provided by the Solid Waste Disposal Tax. The grant runs from 7/10/2015 through 6/30/2017. (AB2015-345) Approved 7-0
215. Authorize the executive to accept a $341,320 state grant for 2015-17 solid waste enforcement? The Coordinated Prevention Grant Enforcement Program has funded operation of a fixed toxics facility used for proper disposal and recycling of moderate risk wastes and three rural waste oil and antifreeze collection stations since 1996. The state grant requires $113,773 in local matching funds. It will be provided by the Solid Waste Disposal Tax. The grant runs from 7/10/2015 through 6/30/2017. (AB2015-346) Approved 7-0
216. Authorize the executive to accept a $424,310 state grant for a stormwater retrofit projects? The grant provides funding to the county for a joint project with the City of Bellingham to undertake stormwater retrofit projects in the Academy sub-basin of Lake Whatcom. The projects will treat stormwater runoff to reduce phosphorous loading in the lake. It is part of the Lake Whatcom Comprehensive Stormwater Plan. The state grant requires local matching funds in the amount of $141,437. The grant runs from 7/1/2015 through 6/30/2016. (AB2015-347) Approved 7-0
217. Authorize the executive to accept a $73,000 state grant to fund the Marine Resource Committee? The grant will fund administrative and project needs of the committee, including community education and outreach, biological surveys, and water quality monitoring. The grant runs from 10/1/2015 to 9/30/2016. (AB2015-348) Approved 7-0
218. Authorize the executive to sign an an amended easement to the Stimpson Family Nature Reserve? In 2015, the Whatcom Land Trust acquired an additional 20 acres from the Stimpson family. This amendment grants and conveys to the county a trail easement over the Beaver Pond parcels and 20 acres of land acquired in 2015. (AB2015-351) Approved 7-0
219. Authorize the executive to sign a $398,328 contract with Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada to protect the county’s financial assets in the self-insured medical plan? The county is required by law to protect its financial assets using reserves and excess insurance coverage to support the self-insured medical plan. To continue coverage at the 2015 deductible level — $275,000 — the cost will increase $36,320 or 10 percent over the current year. (AB2015-354) Approved 7-0
220. Authorize the executive to approve the spending of $477,183 to purchase 14 vehicles for the sheriff’s office? One bid was received from Corwin Ford of Pasco; it was rejected because it was higher than the Washington State Contract. The state contract will be used to acquire two unmarked ($68,238) and twelve marked ($408,945) patrol 2016 Ford Police Interceptor PUVs from Columbia Ford of Longview. The new unmarked vehicles will replace ones with 138,804 and 101,962 miles. The new marked vehicles will replace ones with between 149,425 and 101,953 miles. The contract expires 1/01/2016. (AB2015-356/AB2015-357) Approved 7-0
221. Adopt the 2016 budget for the Whatcom County Flood Control Zone District and Subzones? (Public hearing held. Council acting as the flood control district board of supervisors) The subzones are Acme/Van Zandt, Lynden/Everson, Sumas/Nooksack/Everson, Birch Bay, and Samish watersheds. The budget funds administration, construction, maintenance, operation, and payments on bonds related to flood control projects. AB2015-335 (Resolution 2015-047) Approved 7-0
222. Authorize the levy of taxes for the Whatcom County Flood Control Zone District for 2016? (Public hearing held. Council acting as the flood control district board of supervisors) The levy will remain the same, at .50 cents per $3,000 of assessed valuation on real property. AB2015-336 (Resolution 2015-048) Approved 7-0
223. Adopt the 2016 budget for the Point Roberts Transportation Benefit District? (Public hearing held. Council acting as the Point Roberts Transportation Benefit District board) The resolution establishes a budget of $150,000 for the Transportation District. AB2015-337 (Resolution 2015-049) Approved 7-0
224. Approve 2016 and 2017 salaries and benefits for elected officials? At the 2011 general election, voters passed an amendment to the Whatcom County Charter that created a citizens’ commission to set salaries for elected county officials. At the 2/28/2012 meeting, vote #39, the council approved the creation of the Whatcom County Commission on Salaries for Elected Officials. The ten-member commission serves two-year terms and prepares salary schedules for the Whatcom County Assessor, Auditor, Council members, Executive, Prosecuting Attorney, Sheriff, and Treasurer. The salary for the council is increasing from $24,705 in 2015 to $30,000 in 2016 and $30,660 in 2017. AB2015-349 (Resolution 2015-050) Approved 7-0
225. Allocate $612,980 for tourism-related facilities and activities in Whatcom County? On 10/20/2015, the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee held a public meeting to review applications to further the promotion and servicing of tourism in Whatcom County. The committee recommended 14 applications for funding; the money comes from the Lodging Tax Fund. AB2015-355 (Resolution 2015-051) Approved 7-0
226. Order the cancellation of uncashed checks issued prior to 7/1/2014? There are 182 uncashed checks (warrants) totaling $6,320. Whatcom County has 146 uncashed checks totaling $4,068 and the cemetery, drainage, fire, and water districts have 36 uncashed checks totaling $2,253. The uncashed checks were written by the county to various businesses, groups, or individuals. The money will be held for one year and then transferred to the state of Washington as abandoned property where it will be available to the payee indefinitely. AB2015-359 (Resolution 2015-052) Approved 7-0
227. Grant a six month extension for payment of vacated county property? At the 7/21/2015 meeting, vote #143, the council approved the vacation of a portion of Delta Line Road. The vacation was subject to payment of $39,157 in fees. The petitioners, Scott and Iris Loomer requested an extension. AB2015-115B (Resolution 2015-053) Approved 7-0
228. Authorize the levy of taxes for county and state purposes in 2016? (Public hearing held) To fund essential county services, there will be no increase in taxes from 2015. AB2015-329 (Ordinance 2015-044) Adopted 7-0
229. Limit the 2016 general fund property tax levy? (Public hearing held) The 2016 general fund property tax levy will not change from the 2015 level, except for new construction and improvements. AB2015-330 (Ordinance 2015-045) Adopted 7-0
230. Authorize the levy of 2016 property taxes for county road purposes? (Public hearing held) The road fund tax levy will not be increased from 2015. AB2015-331 (Ordinance 2015-046) Adopted 7-0
231. Adopt the Conservation Futures Fund tax levy for 2016? (Public hearing held) The levy will remain the same, at 6.25 cents per $1,000 of assessed valuation on real property. The fund’s use is limited to acquisition of land or development rights for conservation purposes. AB2015-332 (Ordinance 2015-047) Adopted 7-0
232. Amend Whatcom County Zoning Code and the Comprehensive Plan? (Public hearing held) The amendments involve non-compliance issues settled in the Growth Management Hearings Board Case, Futurewise v Whatcom County. The issues relate to development regulations in “limited areas of more intensive rural development” (LAMIRDS), specifically those rules covering physical building sizes and the expansion of pre-existing commercial operations. AB2015-085B (Ordinance 2015-048) Adopted 7-0
233. Establish the South Pass Road/Saar Creek Bridge No. 212 fund and a $1,310,000 project based replacement budget? The project is #29 on the 2016 Annual Construction Program. The project involves the replacement of a structurally deficient 31-foot bridge with a new 50-foot bridge. AB2015-333 (Ordinance 2015-049) Adopted 7-0
234. Amend the 2015 budget (request #12) in the amount of $979,633? Appropriate: $1,940 for increased utility costs in road improvement districts 1, 2, and 7; $400,000 to fund the Lummi Island Heritage Trust easement; $40,149 to fund wage and benefit settlement and additional out of class premiums; $30,022 to fund the return of equity transfer to the auditor’s office. Transfer: $507,522 from non-departmental reserves to all general fund departments to cover wage settlements and benefit adjustments. AB2015-334 (Ordinance 2015-050) Adopted 7-0
235. Amend the 2016 budget (request #1) in the amount of $9,961,250? Appropriate: $519,374 to fund new health positions, mental health services, and developmental disability services; $433,794 to fund investigations overtime for the sheriff’s office, the 2016 Operation Stonegarden border security program, and communications technical analysis; $750,059 to fund wage and benefit settlements, NPDES costs, and a Public Works Administrative Coordinator position; $4,198,043 to fund un-budgeted items in the annual road program; $1,310,000 to fund the South Pass Road/Saar Creek Bridge; $160,230 to fund services to individuals qualifying as low income or homeless; $172,816 to fund increased staff time, recycling program adjustments, and an administration allocation increase for the health department; $290,000 to fund HVAC upgrades at the Plantation Rifle Range. Re-appropriate $416,663 to fund the completion of the assessor-treasurer System Phase II Project. Transfer: $1,710,271 from non-departmental wage and benefit reserves to all general fund departments in accordance with 2016 wage settlements and benefit adjustments. AB2015-326A (Ordinance 2015-051) Amended and adopted 7-0