Compiled by Barry MacHale
Action Taken at September 13, 2016
Shall the council:
153. Authorize the executive to sign a $51,085 contract with CH2M Hill Engineers of Englewood, Colo., for the Gateway Pacific Terminal environmental impact statement? In order for the county to close down its contractual agreement with the proponent, there are some steps necessary to avoid liability and obtain all related documents. At the 6/5/2012 meeting, vote #90, the council approved $961,703 for a scoping report. All money is pass-through from the proponent. The environmental scoping report was for the proposed Gateway Pacific Terminal and BNSF Custer Spur modification projects.The scoping phase ended up costing $1,851,209. The initial cost of the environmental impact statement was $7,238,701 and was signed by the executive in February 2014; the final scoping/EIS amount is $11,207,307. On 4/1/2016, work on the EIS was suspended awaiting a decision by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers if the project interfered with the Lummi Nation fishing rights. The corps denied the permit on 5/1/2016. These two amendments make minor changes to the contractual description of the consultant’s work, provide reimbursement of all costs and fees and grant a one-time extension of the deadline by 180 days or to 3/13/2017 for the preparation, indexing and archiving of the final documentation related to environmental impact report for the projects. The $51,085 is money held by the county in escrow for the project applicant, Pacific International Terminals, during the permitting process. (AB2016-260/2016-261) Amended and approved 7-0
154. Authorize the executive to sign a $120,000 three-year contract with the Ferndale School District to provide emergency management services, including planning, training and related materials? The contract is for $40,000 per year; it runs from 1/1/16 through 12/31/2018. (AB2016-262) Approved 7-0
155. Authorize the executive to sign a $95,000 agreement with the city of Bellingham to finance the 2016 aquatic invasive species boat inspection program? At the 10/24/2011 meeting, vote #210, the Bellingham City Council directed staff to develop an aquatic invasive species prevention program after Asian clams were discovered in Lake Whatcom. The city of Bellingham provides boat inspections and related services on behalf of the Lake Whatcom Management Program, paid for by the county, the city and the Lake Whatcom Water and Sewer District. In 2016 the costs for the three jurisdictions together are expected to be approximately $382,000. The agreement runs from 4/1/2016 through 12/31/2016. (AB2016-263) Approved 7-0
156. Authorize the executive to sign a $20,475 contact with Geneva Consulting Services of Bellingham for implementation and modification of the WRIA1 watershed management plan? Geneva will review the plan and report on the recommendations. The contract begins on 9/15/2016 and terminates on 12/30/2016. (AB2016-264) Approved 7-0
157. Authorize the executive to sign a $131,803 contract with TranTech Engineering of Bellevue for preliminary engineering work on the North Lake Samish Road bridge? TranTech will produce a report on the type, size and location of a replacement bridge. A recent inspection of the current bridge found areas of wood rot, determined it is structurally deficient, and requires replacement to safely convey heavier traffic such as fire engines and school buses. The contract expires on 12/31/2018 and is listed as item 30 on the 2016 annual construction program. (AB2016-265) Approved 7-0
158. Authorize the executive to award the low bid of $119,119 to Hytech Roofing of Lynden to replace the Ferndale Senior Activity Center roof? The engineer’s estimate was unavailable. Two bids were received; the high bid was $199,111. (AB2016-268) Approved 7-0
159. Accept the draft Public Participation Plan? The Growth Management Act requires that counties create public participation programs for comprehensive plan and development regulation amendments. Some changes include the deletion of amendments that have been completed in the review process, the removal of language pertaining to the 2016 update, and ranking of the Cherry Point amendments for the purposes of determining the level of public input required for those amendments. (AB2016-271) Substitute amended and approved 7-0
160. Confirm the executive’s appointment of Amy Ellsworth to the Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee? The committee advises the county on planning, funding, development and implementation of infrastructure and programs that promote bicycling and walking for both recreation and transportation. Amy Ellsworth is currently employed as a registered nurse in Bellingham and volunteers with the Crisis Clinic Hotline, the Washington Alpine Club and the Public Health Reserve Corps. (AB2016-273) Confirmed 7-0
161. Approve the six-year (2017-2022) transportation improvement program? (Public hearing held.) State law requires counties to update their six-year transportation plans yearly. The program establishes a list of needed capital improvements and eligibility for state and federal funds, and sets the rate for impact fees. This vote also includes the first six years of the 14-year ferry capital improvement program. Amendments to the transportation improvement program include the removal of seven projects that were completed or withdrawn and the addition of six projects. AB2016-251 (Resolution 2016-031) Amended and approved 7-0
162. Amend the the vacation of a portion of Delta Line Road? At the 7/21/2015 meeting, vote #143, the council approved the vacation of a portion of Delta Line Road, and at the 11/24/2015 meeting, vote #227, the council approved an extension for the payment of associated fees by petitioners Iris and Scott Loomer. This amendment recognizes an error in the legal description of the area to be vacated and accepts a corrected legal description submitted by the petitioners. AB2015-115A (Resolution 2016-032) Approved 7-0
163. Amend the 2016 budget (request #14) in the amount of $295,000? Appropriated: $295,000 to fund administrative assistance and support, criminal justice consultation and contracted services for the Incarceration Prevention and Reduction Task Force. At the 6/9/2015 meeting, vote #108, the council created the task force to make specific recommendations for safely reducing the incarceration of individuals experiencing mental illness and chemical dependency, as well as those pre trial defendants who can be safely released. AB2016-252 (Ordinance 2016-037) Adopted 7-0
164. Increase the number of County Council districts? At the 2015 general election, voters amended the Whatcom County Charter to expand the number of county council districts from three to five. This vote will add language to the county code pertaining to district residency requirements for the county council and various county boards and commissions. AB2016-220 (Ordinance 2016-038) Adopted 7-0