Compiled by Bill McCallum
Action Taken at February 18, 2021 Meeting
Shall the commission:
19. Authorize the executive director to implement the Air Service Incentive Program at the Bellingham airport? The incentive program was first passed at the 6/19/2018 meeting, vote #92, and it expired on 12/31/2020. In recent years, airlines expected underserved airport owners to provide financial incentives and inducements to keep their services through waivers of landing fees and office space rental, minimum revenue guarantees, and matching advertising expenses for new daily service. In 2020, the pandemic resulted in a 71 percent decline in passenger travel. The program provides for waivers of fees and charges, negotiated revenue guarantees, and advertising funds, and authorizes the executive director to implement and administer the program in accordance with the Federal Aviation Administration’s guidelines. The estimated cost to the port is $810 per flight or $295,716 annually. The renewal runs from 1/1/2021 through 12/31/2023. (9918/Consent Agenda B) Approved 3-0
Action Taken at March 2, 2021 Meeting
Shall the commission:
20. Authorize the executive director to sign a license and operation agreement (modification #2) with Sound Internet Service d/b/a PogoZone? The agreement will assist in design and implementation of telecommunications infrastructure in the waterfront development site, and within all other Port of Bellingham property. This amendment allows the installation of additional fiber cables on port property, specifically at 1225 Roeder Avenue. (9958/Consent Agenda C) Approved 3-0
21. Appoint Faith Worthley to the Marina Advisory Committee? The committee was created in 1991, with a minimum of 10 members. Nine members were appointed at the 12/8/2020 meeting, vote #121. Faith is a 15-year resident of Whatcom County. As co-owner of America’s Cup Coffee Shop, she is a moorage tenant at Gate 3 in Squalicum Harbor. She is appointed to a three-year term. (9959/Consent Agenda D) Approved 3-0
22. Authorize the executive director to extend a letter of intent with Dominion Sustainable Development Corporation of Bellingham for 60 days? At the 11/17/2020 meeting, vote #112, the commission authorized the executive director to send a nonbinding letter of intent to Dominion Sustainable Development Corporation of Bellingham for the acquisition of property at 1000 C Street in exchange for port property in Fairhaven. Dominion (owned by David Ebendal) is planning a development in Fairhaven that includes an underground parking structure, which requires the acquisition of 24,500 square feet of property at the port’s Fairhaven Marine Industrial Park. David Ebendal owns property at 1000 C Street that the port would like to acquire: it abuts port holdings on C Street. In exchange for the C Street property, the port will convey to Dominion the Fairhaven Marine Industrial Park property and $350,000. (9960/Consent Agenda E) Approved 3-0
23. Renew a five-year lease with the Bellingham Yacht Club? The Bellingham Yacht Club has been a port tenant at 2625 Harbor Loop since 1962. The lease is for approximately 16,515 square feet of exclusive space and 14,554 square feet of parking space. The monthly rent will increase from $2,408 to $2,555. The lease will expire on 2/28/2026. (9962/Consent Agenda G) Approved 3-0
24. Authorize the executive director to sign four petitions to, vacate platted Whatcom County rights-of-way near Port of Bellingham property in the vicinity of Pacific Highway and Northwest Drive? Since 2012, the city of Bellingham has been working to develop a wetland mitigation bank along Northwest Drive just north of the Urban Growth Boundary. The city properties are called the “Bear Creek Corridor” with adjacent rights-of-way held by Whatcom County. The port owns adjacent properties for airport runway protection and noise abatement purposes. The port was asked to sign the petitions as a landowner located within one mile of the proposed vacations. (9963/Consent Agenda H) Approved 3-0
25. Authorize the executive director to sign a $930,272 contract (amendment #3) with Anchor QEA of Seattle for ongoing consulting support? This phase 2 cleanup project will define how marine structures affected by the cleanup will be addressed, including the Bellingham Shipping Terminal dock, rail span structure, Georgia-Pacific West chemical dock, ASB pipelines and outfall structures. A stormwater transition plan will be developed. A contingency fee of $244,405 brings this amendment to $1,174,677 and the total amended contract to $2,688,449. The work is expected to be completed in February 2022. (9964/Action Item 1) Approved 3-0
26. Send a letter to the Washington State Legislature opposing fund shifts or transfers from the Model Toxics Control Act? The act was on the 1988 general election ballot as Initiative 97; it passed with 85.4 percent of the vote. In 1989, it became the Model Toxics Control Act, the state’s environmental cleanup law. Polluters pay a tax that goes into the fund. In the past, lawmakers have shifted money from the account for expenses unrelated to cleanup causing the account to be underfunded. (9966/Consent Agenda B) Approved 3-0
Action Taken at the March 16, 2021 Meeting
Shall the commission:
27. Authorize the sale of four vessels for the nonpayment of moorage fees? Two auctions were held on March 31: one at the Blaine Harbor office for a 28-foot fiberglass sailboat with unpaid moorage fees of $3,434. The other auction was held at the Squalicum Harbor office for a 33-foot Bayliner cruiser with unpaid moorage fees of $3,432; a 31-foot Tiara convertible cruiser with unpaid moorage fees of $3,122; and a 27-foot Ericson fiberglass with unpaid moorage fees of $2,537. (9985/Consent Agenda B) Approved 3-0
28. Modify a ground lease with Alpha Distributors? At the 4/23/2019 meeting, vote #50, the commissioners approved a ground lease with Alpha Distributor for the former Washington Air National Guard site at the Bellingham airport. The 25-year lease was for the development and construction of aircraft hangars for corporate business, general aviation, governmental aircraft and aircraft maintenance. The lease can be terminated if the results of environmental testing are not acceptable or substances are identified in unacceptable amounts or locations. On 1/21/2020, the FAA approved an environmental review of the site, allowing for finalization of design. Minor contamination weas discovered in two locations resulting in reconfiguration of the hangers’ design, and reducing the total area by 57 percent. The leased area will be reduced from 355,450 square feet to 201,667 square feet. (9986/Consent Agenda C) Approved 3-0
29. Adopt rules, regulations and rates’ handbook for Blaine Harbor, Squalicum Harbor and the Bellingham Cruise Terminal? The handbook (Resolution 1354) was approved at the 10/4/2016 meeting, vote #168. This update adds clarifying language and housekeeping changes. The vote also authorizes the executive director to enter into modification of leases with merchant leaseholder tenants for standard lease terms and conditions for merchant leaseholders. 9987/Consent Agenda D (Resolution 1354-F) Approved 3-0
30. Renew a lease with Captain’s Locker (d/b/a Web Locker) in Marina Square at Squalicum Harbor? The Web Locker Restaurant, established in the winter of 1985, has been assigned to various operators. At the 11/1/2005 meeting, vote #102, the lease was assigned to Captain’s Locker. The lease is for 2,000 square feet at 734 Coho Way in the Marina Square building. The operation is for fast food and grill services, grocery and the sale of to-go and the premises sale of beer and wine. The lease begins 4/1/2021 and end on 3/31/2026. The rent will be $159,000 less waived pandemic restaurant rent relief. (9988/Consent Agenda E) Approved 3-0
31. Authorize the executive director to sign a $773,734 two-year contract (amendment #2) with Pacific Security (Parker Corporate Services) of Bellingham to extend security services? At the 5/1/2018 meeting, vote #70, the commission authorized the executive director to award the low bid for security services to Pacific Security. The extended contract will expire on 5/31/2022. The hourly billing rate in the amendment will be $23.77 for security patrol officers and $21.22 for security guards. The amended contract will increase by 9 percent or $95,347. (9321/Consent Agenda A) Approved 3-0
32. Approve 2021 moorage rates? At the 5/20/2014 meeting, vote # 72, the commission passed Resolution 1330, updating the marina model for moorage rates at Squalicum and Blaine harbors. The moorage rates were last increased at the 3/3/2020 meeting, vote #25. Effective 4/1/2021, this vote increases the Squalicum Harbor recreational moorage rates by 3 percent; the rates for Blaine Harbor and active commercial fishing remain the same. (9982/Action Item 1) Approved 3-0
33. Approve a lease with Pacific Cruises Northwest (d/b/a Port Fairhaven) to operate a fish and chips restaurant? Pacific Cruises Northwest (d/b/a San Juan Cruises) has been a port tenant since 1991. The restaurant will operate in the 400 square feet of space currently occupied in the Bellingham Cruise Terminal by Street Food. (9983/Action Item 2) Approved 3-0