Compiled by Bill McCallum
Action Taken at the January 7, 2020 Meeting
Shall the commission:
1. Approve liability insurance standards for port agreements for fiscal year 2020? It includes items like lease agreements, rental agreements, boat rental agreements, ground transportation, airline lease, air taxi, fuel providers, moorage, meetings and events. Most general liability insurance coverage is $1 million and aggregate is $2 million. (9114/Consent Agenda C) Approved 3-0
2. Authorize the executive director to sign a $351,305 contract (amendment #2) with SP Plus Corp. of Chicago, Ill., for janitorial services at the Bellingham airport? At the 11/20/2018 meeting, vote #165, a one-year contract for $331,478 was approved. This one-year extension runs from 2/1/2020 to 1/31/2021 and brings the total amendment amount to $1,299,528. (9115/Consent Agenda D) Approved 3-0
3. Authorize the port’s legal counsel to sign contracts up to a total of $159,590 with Anchor QEA and other consultants to provide technical expertise in support of legal work related to the environmental department? Since 1996, legal counsel, in conjunction with the port’s environmental department, manages the claims process with AIG for the port’s cost cap insurance policy, cost recovery efforts involving former tenants and historical insurance, grant funding programs, and negotiations with the state of Washington concerning agreed orders and consent decrees for the port’s 20 state-listed Model Toxics Control Act sites. Anchor QEA has provided the bulk of technical-legal support for these legal efforts. The period covered is from January through December 2020. (9116/Consent Agenda E) Approved 3-0
4. Authorize the executive director to sign a $662,380 two-year contract extension with 5 Star Services of Sedro Woolley for janitorial services? Five Star will provide janitorial services at all port facilities, except the airport. A contingency fee of $60,000 brings the total contract to $722,380. The contract runs from 2/1/2020 through 1/31/2022. (9117/Consent Agenda F) Approved 3-0
Action Taken at January 22, 2020 Meeting
Shall the commission:
5. Delegate certain administrative powers and duties to the executive director? The administrative powers will run from 2/1/2020 to 1/31/2021. 9123/Action Item 1 (Resolution 1106-W) Approved 3-0
6. Authorize the executive director to sign an agreed order (amendment #3) with the state of Washington for the Central Waterfront site? The Port of Bellingham is managing the cleanup project under an agreement with the city of Bellingham. The Central Waterfront site is being managed under the Model Toxics Control Act. The agreed order provides for the investigation, study and cleanup of the 55-acre site west of Roeder Avenue between the I&J Waterway and Whatcom Waterway.The original agreed order was approved by the commission in 2006, amendment #1 was approved at the 8/21/2012 meeting, vote #141. Amendment #1 allowed an interim action to be performed to stop the release of petroleum-saturated soil and sediment from a failing bulkhead at the south end of C Street. Amendment #2 was approved at the 9/4/2018 meeting, vote #127: it develops a draft cleanup action plan. This amendment is for the next step in the process: it will develop a draft cleanup action plan. The scope of work includes a design investigation, development of an engineering design report, construction plan and specifications. (9125/Action Item 2) Approved 3-0
7. Authorize the executive director to sign a $499,700 contract with Landau Associates of Edmonds to perform the remedial design and permitting of the Central Waterfront site? In March 2018, the state approved a remedial investigation/feasibility study of the site. The state is finalizing a cleanup action plan to address contamination at the site. The project tasks under this contract are: project management, pre-remedial design investigation work plan, pre-medial design investigation and an engineering design report. A contingency fee of $49,970 brings the total contract to $549,670 (9126/Action item 3) Approved 3-0
8. Authorize the executive director to sign an agreement with the Lexington Insurance Company for cost incurred to repair property damaged by water at the Bellingham airport? Two waterline failures occurred in the terminal building on February 5/6, 2019. Freezing temperatures resulted in the freezing and breaking of a primary fire suppression system and a hose bib supply line. Flooding occurred inside the terminal from the ticketing counters to the security screening area, and also in several offices as well as in the basement, including the port’s records archive room and tenant office spaces. At the 2/19/2019 meeting, vote #30, the commission authorized $334,457 for cleanup; at the 4/9/2019 meeting, vote #43 the commission authorized another $90,000; at the 12/10/2019 meeting, vote #159, the commission authorized a final $41,2020 for cleanup. Total repair costs were $454,960. The port has a $50,000 insurance deductible. (9128/Consent Agenda B) Approved 3-0
9. Authorize the executive director to sign a $44,996 contract (amendment #3) with DH Environmental of Seattle to manage the Environmental Compliance Assessment Program? The port began the program in 1992, when it started looking more closely at the impact of tenant operations on port properties. This contract was initially approved at the 7/10/2018 meeting, vote #97. Approximately 125 port tenants are the subject of some form of environmental regulations. Through the environmental compliance assessment program, the port provides stormwater education to tenants as well as illicit dischage detection and stormwater catch basin labeling. The program addresses stormwater regulations related to the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System phase II municipal stormwater permit. The amended contract total is $134,989: it expires on 12/31/2020. (9130/Consent Agenda D) Approved 3-0
10. Authorize the executive director to sign a memorandum for a one-year agreement with the city of Blaine for maintenance of a water main along Milhollin Avenue? The port-owned road provides access to a boat launch, restrooms, wash-down facility and webhouse. At the 11/6/2018 meeting, vote #152, the commission approved an agreement with the city of Blaine to allow the port to replace approximately 400 feet of asbestos cement pipe and construct a waterfront trail in lieu of a new road surface, landscaping, sidewalk, curbs and gutters. The city to be the owner of the new pipeline. Construction of the pipeline was completed in July of 2019. (7940/Consent Agenda E) Approved 3-0