Sustainable Connections along with local business partners Ecotech Solar, Western Solar and Itek Energy announce a new community solar purchasing program titled “Solarize Whatcom.” The program encourages homeowners and businesses to install solar panels on their homes, businesses or multifamily units and in return, solar panels will be donated to the Bellingham Food Bank.
The first step in the program is attending a free community solar workshop where local experts answer questions about solar power (see dates at the end of article). The program also provides free site assessments, competitive pricing and options for low rate interest loans through Puget Sound Cooperative Credit Union. Projects are eligible for all state and federal tax credits and incentives.
For every solar installation contract signed during the Solarize Whatcom campaign, a solar panel will be donated and installed on the Bellingham Food Bank’s building. This donation will help reduce operational costs for the Bellingham Food Bank and provide more funding for food to feed families.
FREE Solarize Whatcom Workshops will be held at the Sustainable Connections Office, located at 1701 Ellis St, Suite 221 in Bellingham on:
Thurs., Feb. 4: 11:30 to 1 p.m.
Sun., Feb. 21: 10:30 to 12 p.m.
Register online at: