Action Taken at July 10, 2017 Meeting
Shall the council:
115. Conditionally approve the Jail Facility Financing and Use Agreement? Council will approve the interlocal agreement if the JFFUA is approved by the City Council with the mayor’s signature dependent upon the County Council’s approval of vote #119, the memorandum of agreement. This is a cost-sharing arrangement. Whatcom County Council has authorized and approved the County Executive to enter into a long-term agreement in the form of the Financing and Use Agreement with cities to share in the costs of the construction and ongoing operating costs of a new jail and related facilities from the proceeds of a sales and use tax. If approved, the city will use at least 25 percent annually (projected at $255,632 in 2019) of the city’s net public safety sales tax revenue, in excess of the city’s obligation for the capital cost of the new jail, to fund these new or expanded incarceration prevention and reduction programs; Whatcom County will use public safety sales tax revenue or other legitimate funding sources on a dollar for dollar match up to an annual amount of 25 percent of the county’s net sales tax revenue or $300,000, whichever is greater. (AB21266) Approved 5-2, April Barker and Dan Hammill opposed.
116. Authorize the mayor to award the low bid of $2,465,053 to Ram Construction of Bellingham for the West Maplewood Avenue multimodal improvements? The engineer’s estimate was $2,838,233. The project involves roadway resurfacing, bicycle lanes, sidewalk improvements, streetlight upgrades, 1 Percent for Art elements, and stormwater infrastructure on West Maplewood Avenue between Northwest Avenue and Alderwood Avenue. The city received six bids, the high bid was $3,268,884. (AB21656) Approved 7-0
117. Accept and spend a $63,360 grant for the distracted driving program? According to a Washington State Patrol analysis, distracted drivers contributed to 796 crashes in 2016 or 58 percent of the crashes in Bellingham. The police department request went throught the Washington Traffic Safety Commission and is provided by the U.S. Department of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The grant will fund overtime, printing, and media spots. (AB21657) Approved 6-0, Terry Bornemann excused.
118. Reject the low bid of $445,849 from Granite Construction of Bellingham for the Whatcom Falls Park Woburn trail and parking improvements? The city received two bids, the lowest responsive bid was $104,438 over the engineer’s estimate of $341,411. The project includes pedestrian and parking improvements in Whatcom Falls Park off Woburn Street, south of the Whatcom Creek Bridge, construction of 1,555 lineal feet of crushed limestone gravel trail and an 11-car parking area, wetland buffer mitigation, fence, grading, drainage and signage. Council will re-bid the project December 2017/January 2018. (AB21659) Approved 6-0, Terry Bornemann excused.
119. Approve a memorandum of agreement with Whatcom County regarding a commitment to incarceration reduction and prevention? The Whatcom County Council has proposed that the city of Bellingham and Whatcom County dedicate funding for incarceration alternatives. The agreement assumes that the city of Bellingham agrees with the Jail Facility Financing and Use Agreement that will appear on the November 2017 ballot and it passes. Council has asked that the GRACE program and the adoption of the pre-trial assessment tool be added to the list including programs such as alternative jail programs, electronic home monitoring detention, work release and work crew programs, mental health court, drug court, the establishment of a county pretrial supervision program, and the expansion of the Crisis Triage Facility. (AB21662) Approved 7-0
120. The mayor reappointed Edmund Sullivan to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. The board advises the City Council, mayor, director of Parks and Recreation, as well as other city departments concerning the formulations of policy and implementation, plans and programs calculated to carry out the duties of maintaining city parks and providing a program for the general welfare of the people of the city. This is his first full term, it on will expire on 7/8/2020 at which time he may be reappointed. (AB21664) This position does not require council confirmation.
121. Appropriate $6,556,324 for payroll checks issued from May 26 through June 23, 2017? (AB21665/21666) Approved 7-0
122. Appropriate $4.199.313 for goods and services checks issued from June 10 through June 30, 2017? (AB21667/21668/21669) Approved 7-0
Action Taken at July 24, 2017 Meeting
Shall the council:
123. Spend $27,000 to purchase 6/10 of an acre from the estate of Rosemary Bandell? Located on the west side of Boulevard Street directly across from the “Welcome to Bellingham” mural, the property will be preserved as open space adjacent to the south bay trail and overlooking the future waterfront park at the foot of Cornwall Ave. Park impact fees will be used to purchase the property. (Discussed in Executive Session) Approved 7-0
124. Approve a residential solid waste disposal contract with Republic Services? In Bellingham, residential solid waste and recyclables are sorted by customers. By contract, Sanitary Service Company collects all sorted residential recyclable commodities, organics and solid waste. In June 2016, the city issued a request for proposals for the disposal of curb sorted residential solid waste collected and hauled by SSC. The city’s intent is to contract with the final disposal site best able to meet the city’s interests for a low risk, stable location and to minimize climate impacts and greenhouse gas emissions. Proposals were received from Republic Services and RDS/Waste Management. The city chose Republic because it sends the solid waste by rail — rather than truck — to its landfill operation in Roosevelt, Washington. Republic has a greater capacity for energy production and a lower price. (AB21674) Approved 6-1, April Barker opposed.
125. Remove two parking stalls on W. Champion Street? The owner of the restaurant at 100 N. Commercial Street has been working with the city to establish an outside dining area. The restaurant is located at the corner of W. Champion and N. Commercial in the Mt. Baker Theatre building. In order to maintain a pedestrian accessible route around the dining area, the sidewalk needs to be widened, which will result in the loss of two on-street parking stalls together with two street trees. The tenant will be responsible for maintenance of the newly created landscape area. (AB21675) Approved 7-0
126. Adopt a City Council communications plan? At the City Council retreat on March 25, councilmembers expressed a desire for a communications plan. This plan facilitates effective and efficient communications with various internal and external audiences that have a major stake in the work of the council, including members of the public, city officials and employees, the media, and elected officials of other jurisdictions. The purpose of the communication plan is to ensure that the council offices, as well as individual councilmembers, provide relevant, accurate and consistent information to disparate audiences, focusing on different messaging as appropriate. (AB21678) Approved 7-0
127. Appoint April Barker, Pinky Vargas and Terry Bornemann to the Criminal Justice Committee? At the 7/10/2017 meeting, the council in the afternoon committee of the whole meeting voted 4-3, Gene Knutson, Terry Bornemann and Roxanne Murphy opposed, to create a Criminal Justice Committee. The committee will work on various social issues which might otherwise go to Community and Economic Development or Public Works/Public Safety committees. It will focus on issues currently in the judicial system and/or broader social justice issues; the committee will have no new powers, but help divide the workload. It may or may not become a standing committee, and may or may not have lasting existence. (AB21679) Approved 7-0
128. Approve a revised agreement with Whatcom County for the coordinated design of the West Horton Road extension project? The city and the county are planning to extend West Horton Road westward from its current terminus near Cordata Parkway to Northwest Drive. The extension is located partially within city limits and partially within unincorporated Whatcom County. The City Council previously authorized an agreement with the county that provides for the city to be the lead public agency in procuring design services for the project, subject to reimbursement from the county. The previously-approved interlocal provided for the county to assign a surface transportation program grant to the city, which had been awarded to the county for the project. The Federal Highway Administration has since indicated that, in lieu of assignment, it would prefer to rescind the county’s grant and award it directly to the city. The interlocal has been revised to reflect this change. (AB21682) Approved 7-0
129. Appropriate $3,902,230 for goods and services checks issued from July 1 through July 14, 2017? (AB21683/21684) Approved 7-0
130. Rezone approximately .25 acres of land (including .5 acres in the right-of-way) within area 1 of the Barkley neighborhood plan from residential, single to commercial, planned? (Public hearing held at June 5 meeting.) Currently, the applicant’s property (1.7 acres) is bisected by a zoning boundary, which was formerly the city limit boundary that was established in the early 1900s. This action created two zoning designations on the property. Property located in two different land use designations creates zoning inconsistencies as each subarea is governed by specific, differing development standards and uses. The Bellingham Planning Commission held a public hearing and voted to recommend approval of this amendment. At the 11/7/2016 meeting, vote #188, the council held a public hearing and voted to place the comprehensive plan amendment on the 2016-2017 docket. AB21634 (Ordinance 2017-07-018) Approved 7-0
131. Rezone approximately 9.7 acres of land within Area 20 of the Cordata neighborhood plan from residential, single to industrial, planned? (Public hearing held at June 5 meeting.) Prior to annexation in 2013, the subject property contained two Whatcom County zoning designations: the eastern portion of the property was zoned urban residential mixed use and the western portion of the property was zoned light impact industrial. Property under common ownership and located in two different land use designations creates zoning inconsistencies. Rezoning the east half of the applicant’s property (9.7 acres) to a IP land use designation would place the entire property holding into a single land use designation and neighborhood sub-area, improve development options, correct an inconsistent zoning boundary, and provide opportunities for economic and employment growth. AB21635 (Ordinance 2017-07-019) Approved 7-0
132. Rezone portions of areas 10 and 11 in the Cordata neighborhood for a new city park? (Public hearing held at July 10 meeting.) The proposed revisions to the Bellingham Municipal Code and the Cordata neighborhood plan changes the zoning for portions of areas 10 and 11 in the Cordata neighborhood from industrial, light/planned and commercial/industrial/residential multi, mixed/planned to public to allow a 20.6-acre park. At the 8/13/2007 meeting, vote #160, the council authorized up to $1 million to be spent to purchase the property. At the 7/21/2008 meeting, vote #218, the council initiated the annexation process and at the 7/27/2009 meeting, vote #166, voted to annex approximately 20 acres to be known as the “Cordata Community Park.” At the 1/23/2017 meeting, vote #18, the council voted to revise the 2016-2017 comprehensive plan amendment, adding the subject request to the docket. Passage of the Greenways 4 levy at the November 2016 general election makes the feasibility of park development earlier than anticipated. AB21654 (Ordinance 2017-07-020) Approved 7-0
133. Authorize the vacation of the southerly 20 feet of Cody Avenue between 20th and 22nd Streets? (Closed record hearing held.) The vacation abuts lot a of the Arps-Hoyer lot line adjustment and is generally located between 20th and 22nd Streets in area 5 of the South neighborhood. The Bellingham Hearing Examiner conducted a public hearing and issued her findings of fact, conclusions of law, and recommendation to approve the vacation on 4/26/2017. The land assessment was valued at $23,836; this petition eliminates an encroachment and legitimizes an ADU that is attached to the existing single-family home. AB21655 (Ordinance 2017-07-021) Approved 7-0