Compiled by Boris Schleinkofer
Action Taken at January 9, 2017 Meeting
Shall the council:
1. Relinquish a portion of a utility easement located within vacated “G” Street? (Public hearing held.) Sanitary Service Company, the site’s current owner, has requested the partial relinquishment to develop the property commonly known as 1001 Roeder Avenue, Bellingham. The easement area is surplus to the city’s needs and is not required for providing continued public utility services. Surplus utility easements are typically relinquished at no cost to the property owner. AB21463 (Resolution 2017-01) Approved 6-1, Terry Bornemann excused.
2. Relinquish a utility easement located within vacated South Street? (Public hearing held.) The easement is surplus to the city’s needs and is not required for providing continued public utility services The site is located in vacated South Street lying east from 30th Street to the westerly boundary of Interstate 5 right-of-way. AB21464 (Resolution 2017-02) Approved 6-1, Terry Bornemann excused.
3. Authorize the mayor and police chief to sign an agreement with the Bellingham Housing Authority for police services? A drug and crime prevention program has been in place since 2000; the housing authority will pay 95 percent of the detectives wages, for a total of $107,598 and provide office space for a officer to work directly with staff and residents of housing authority properties and surrounding neighborhoods. The officer will provide both law enforcement and crime prevention services such as setting up block watch meetings, working to locate drug dealers and providing counseling to juveniles at risk of drug involvement. The officer will be available to residents and staff Monday-Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. This agreement runs from 1/14/2017 through 1/13/2018. (AB21468) Approved 6-1, Terry Bornemann excused.
4. Grant final plat approval for division 2, phase 1 of the Village at King Mountain preliminary plat? Division 2 consists of 43 single-family, detached lots served by the extension of James Street and newly dedicated rights of way, Blackstone Way and Blackstone Court. The Bellingham Hearing Examiner issued preliminary plat approval for phase 1 of the Village at King Mountain on 8/7/2013. AB21469 (Resolution 2017-03) Approved 6-1, Terry Bornemann excused.
5. Appropriate $3,099,228 for payroll checks issued from November 24, 2016 through December 9, 2016? (AB21470) Approved 6-1, Terry Bornemann excused.
6. Appropriate $6,546,841 for goods and services checks issued from December 3, 2016 through December 30, 2016? (AB21471/21472/21473/21474) Approved 6-1, Terry Bornemann excused.
7. Adopt Transportation Impact Fees for 2017? Fees are charged to new development proposals seeking building permits in order for the city to recover the costs of new transportation infrastructure, (i.e. streets, lighting, signage, maintenance, etc). The base rate is charged per p.m. peak hour vehicle trip, and is calculated by combining the city’s actual expenditures of local transportation funding over the last six years with the anticipated funding needs for transportation during the next six years, and dividing the resulting total by the amount of traffic projected for new development and by the number of p.m. peak hour vehicle trips projected for the entire 12 years. The base rate of $2,138 for 2017 is a 5.9 percent ($121) increase over 2016. AB21453 (Ordinance 2017-01-001) Approved 6-1, Terry Bornemann excused.
Action Taken at January 23, 2017 Meeting
Shall the council:
8. Authorize the mayor to engage outside legal services to assist the city attorney’s office in the case of Curtis Parrott v. city of Bellingham et al? The following is from the claim for damages filed by Curtis Parrott. On Feb. 11, 2015, Curtis Parrott was arrested by two Bellingham police officers. When his arms were put behind his back to be handcuffed the officers twisted his arm causing a rotator cuff tear in his left shoulder. There was also a tear in the meniscus of his left knee. He claims damages in the sum of $500,000. (Discussed in Executive Session) Approved 6-1, Terry Bornemann excused.
9. Establish a salary commission to review and determine the salaries for elected city officials? Starting in 2017, the salary commission will be appointed every four years and will consist of seven members appointed by the mayor and approved by council, with terms for commission members not to exceed one year. Salary increases would be effective as to the elected officials, regardless of their term of office. Salary decreases will be effective as to incumbent officials at the commencement of their next subsequent term of office. Action by the salary commission will supersede any other provision in the Bellingham Municipal Code related to fixing of salaries of elected officials. (AB21284) Failed 2-4, April Barker, Gene Knutson, Roxanne Murphy and Pinky Vargas opposed; Terry Bornemann excused.
10. Authorize the mayor to award the lowest responsible bid of $1,295,813 to Faber Construction of Lynden for phase 3 of the Federal Building renovation project? The engineer’s estimate was $917,428. The total estimated cost is $18-20 million. The council approved acquiring the building from the federal government for $1 at the 3/15/2004 meeting, vote #51. A low bid of $1,489,000 for Phase 1 of the renovation project was approved at the 4/14/2008 meeting, vote #89. and a low bid of $2,457,265 for phase 2 was approved at the 1/12/2015 meeting, vote #1. Phase 3 consists of renovation and historic restoration of the lobby, including demolition, abatement, construction, interior finishes, and mechanical, plumbing, and electrical upgrades. The city received two bids, the low bid of $911,036 by Jensen Lee Construction of Lynden did not meet the experience-based qualifications established for the project. The high bid is reflective of current local construction market conditions, specialty nature of the work and limited number of qualified bidders. A grant of $940,000 came from the Washington State Historic Society and was approved by the legislature in fall of 2015. The city will fund $355,813, the balance of this phase. (AB21475) Approved 6-1, Terry Bornemann excused.
11. Authorize the mayor to award the low bid of $1,398,541 to Artison Pacific of Bellingham for the Holly Street asphalt overlay project? (Public hearing held at January 9 meeting.) The engineers estimate was $1,844,641. The project consists of a new sidewalk, curb reconstruction, treewell expansion, sidewalk repair, hydrant replacements and water main crossing improvements along Holly Street at Railroad, Cornwall, Commercial and Bay Streets followed by paving from Railroad Avenue to Bay Street. The project will result in the net loss of up to six parking spots along the corridor due to curb geometry limitations. The city received seven bids, the highest bid was $1,778,849. (AB21462) Approved 6-1, Terry Bornemann excused.
12. Approve a request for sewer service at 1283 Mount Baker Highway? Gundie’s Auto Recyclers at 1283 Mount Baker Highway is within the city’s Urban Growth Area and has been informed by the Whatcom County Health Department that the septic system serving the property has failed. Likely due to its use as an automobile recycling yard and the expansion to over 50 employees. At the 5/23/2011 meeting, vote #94, the council repealed all water and sewer service zones located outside of city limits. The Growth Management Act prohibits the expansion of city services into rural areas unless it is necessary to protect public health and safety. (AB21476) Approved 6-1, Terry Bornemann excused.
13. Authorize the mayor to sign an agreement with Whatcom County for the Homeowner Incentive Program? At the 7/9/2013 meeting, vote #111, the Whatcom County Council voted to collaborate with the city of Bellingham to reduce stormwater runoff and associated phosphorous pollution entering Lake Whatcom by introducing the Homeowner Incentive Program. Since the program is no longer funded via a grant, this agreement serves as the implementation framework for the revised program and was developed collaboratively by both city and county staff. (AB21479) Approved 6-1, Terry Bornemann excused.
14. The mayor reappointed Caitlin Upshall to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. Her appointment as WWU/student representative to the board was first announced at the 2/22/2016 meeting. Last year, when Caitlin Upshall applied for the position she had lived in Bellingham for three years and was working toward degrees in Spanish and creative writing. (AB21483) This term will expire on 2/11/2018 and doesn’t need council approval.
15. Appropriate $6,222,243 for payroll checks issued from December 10 through January 10, 2017? (AB21487/21488) Approved 6-1, Terry Bornemann excused.
16. Appropriate $3,614,134 for goods and services checks issued from December 31, 2016 through January 13, 2017? (AB21489/21490) Approved 6-1, Terry Bornemann excused.
17. Authorize the mayor to sign an agreement with the Port of Bellingham for mutual use of facilities? The city and the port have had a long-standing agreement for the mutual use of their facilities at no charge. The agreement allows up to three uses per agency, per year at the Bellingham Cruise Terminal, Squalicum Boathouse, Blaine Boating Center and the Technology Development Center located at 1000 F Street. The agreement will remain in effect unless terminated by either party upon 30 days written notice. (AB21491) Approved 6-1, Terry Bornemann excused.
18. Add a Comprehensive Plan amendment to the docket for review? The city’s Parks and Recreation Department submitted a request to add an amendment that would revise the comprehensive plan and zoning designations for the new “Cordata Community Park” property located near W. Horton Road. The city council voted to annex approximately 20 acres to be known as the Cordata Park site at the 7/27/2009 meeting, vote #166. The park is a priority in the recently adopted 2017-2018 budget but current zoning of the property does not allow for development of a public park. Passage of the Greenways 4 levy at the November 2016 general election makes the feasibility of park development earlier than anticipated. AB21477 (Resolution 2017-04) Approved 6-1, Terry Bornemann excused.
19. Grant final plat approval for phase 4 of the Birch Street preliminary plat? At the 11/15/1999 meeting, vote #45, the council approved the preliminary plat for Birch Street. The 172 lot development is located in the Whatcom Falls Neighborhood. Phase 1 consisting of 36 single family lots was approved at the 6/27/2005 meeting, vote #133. Phase 1A consisting of seven single family lots was approved at the 2/25/2008 meeting, vote #43. Phase 2A consisting of nine single family lots was approved at the 12/14/2009 meeting, vote #278. Phase 2B consisting of 14 single family lots was approved at the 7/23/2012 meeting, vote #153. Phase 3 consisting of 11 single family lots was approved at the 12/15/2014 meeting, vote #256. Phase 4 consists of 23 single-family detached lots and reserve tracts for future phases, open space and a stormwater facility served by Birch Falls Way and Brookstone Drive. A total of 100 lots have been approved. AB21492 (Resolution 2017-05) Approved 6-1, Terry Bornemann excused.
20. Amend the budget for the purchase of a fire engine? The council appropriated $750,000 for the replacement of one aging fire engine. AB21465 (Ordinance 2017-01-002) Approved 6-1, Terry Bornemann excused.