Cecilia DeLeon with her children and her National 2020 Adult Learner of the Year award.
courtesy photo: Whatcom Community College
During the pandemic, one of WCC’s students was named the National 2020 Adult Learner of the Year by the Coalition On Adult Basic Education (COABE). Cecelia DeLeon, in the face of numerous hardships and setbacks, persisted until she passed the requirements for her GED. The single mother of two teens is a cancer survivor and has previously received an award for her work as an effective advocate and interpreter for immigrant farm workers’ rights.
After receiving her GED, Cecelia is continuing her education at WCC and is currently studying sociology. Cecilia also helped to establish the WCC Foundation’s “Empathy and Equity Fund” for students. “No one should be left alone in times of struggle, no matter who we are or where we come from! We all deserve an equal chance to succeed in life,” said Cecilia. You can support students in their pursuit of their goals through donating to the Empathy and Equity Fund at Whatcom.edu/give.